
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gluten-Free, Warm Apple Crisp (paleo and vegan)

The move is coming fast, just a few days away now and still so much to do. Stress has taken its toll and I am back on antibiotics. I am being careful to eat simply, cleanly, and use up my remaining ingredients. So today called for something new but familiar and comforting. I hope you like it, here's to your health! As always, pictures follow.

Paleo Morning Apple Crumble


Apple base-
-4 cooking apples like McIintosh
-1/2 C cranberry juice (not cocktail)
-3 Tbsp grade B maple syrup
-1 tsp ground cinnamon
-1 tsp real vanilla extract
-1 Tbsp kuzu, dissolved in 2 Tbsp cranberry juice. (Kuzu is organic Japanese arrowroot, I used this a lot in Macrobiotic cooking. It's great for thickening and is very soothing)
-Peel and slice apples and place in pan with all ingredients EXCEPT the dissolved kuzu.
-Cook in a medium flame for 5 mins, stirring every now and then.
-Add kuzu and stir while cooking for one more minute, remove from heat and pour into square or other shape heat proof dish. Reserve (keep aside)


-1 C ground almonds
-3 tsp whole hemp seeds
-3 Tbsp ground tiger nuts
-1/3 C potato starch (not flour)
-1/4 tsp vanilla powder
-pinch pink sea salt
- zest of 1 orange
-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
-1/4 tsp ground cardamom
-1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
-1/4 C grade B maple syrup
-1/2 Cup melted organic cold pressed coconut oil
-3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil cold pressed
-Mix all dry in a bowl, add oils and maple syrup.
-Mix well and sprinkle over the top of the apples evenly.
-Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for
30 minutes until golden.
-Serve fresh and warm out of the oven, remember, it tastes better if you share it with those you love.
Bonne Appetit!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Gluten-free, Peach Cinna Sweet Smoothie (raw food)

Peach Cinna Sweet Smoothie

11/2 C frozen peaches
1/4 tsp vanilla powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cardamom
1 scoop vegan raw protein
2 Tbsp coconut oil
11/2 C almond milk
-Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Cool

Look what I found on IG, soon to be with me.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kale Smoothie

In the process of moving so recipes are few and far between for the next little while, but this is a really tasty treat that is easy and quick. Enjoy!

Kale Smoothie
-1 Cup frozen mango
-1/2 Cup frozen peach
-1/2 Banana fresh or frozen
-2 Cups Almond milk
-2 Full kale leaves removed from stalks
(I use black kale cuz it's amazing!)

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
(You may add a scoop of protein if you like)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Smoothie Recipe Cherry Almondillo (raw food)

Frozen sour cherries add a delightful tart tang that balances the dates used to sweeten this smoothie. We had it as a late afternoon snack but feel free to drink it down first thing in the morn. It's great after an intense hot yoga class too.
This recipe was an afternoon delight of exploring and having fun with ingredients on hand, the results were approved by those who shared happy faces and nods of bliss.
Here's to health and good food!

Cherry Almondillo Smoothie:
-10 pitted dates soaked for 1 hour (I used Algerian, if you use Medjool dates use 5-6 of them because they are much larger)
-2 Tbsp Raw almond butter
-1 Cup frozen cherries
-1 frozen banana
-1/8 tsp vanilla powder (This is ground vanilla beans)
-1 scoop Raw hemp powder
-2 Tbsp ground flax seed
-1 Tbsp coconut oil cold pressed
-2 Cups water
-a small pinch of sea salt

-Place all ingredients in a blender, blend on low speed to start going up to highest speed until all ingredients are liquefied.

Makes 2 servings

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Shopping for Frozen Fruit

Frozen fruits finally came in at the store, sour cherries, mangoes, peaches, and strawbs! Will be playing and posting some recipes very soon.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oooooh I Like it!

One of these is definitely in Mama Bear and Poppa Bear's future!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Vegan Cashew Kream (raw food)

This is one of those recipes I keep coming back to, it's one of my alternatives for whipped cream, a more healthy version and super easy to make, it's chock full of good fats and is so healthy you can eat it for breakfast with fruits of your choice. The kids love it too, just make extra if you plan on sharing because people have a hard time controlling themselves once they taste it.
As always, pics follow. You will notice that I show a pic of a cashew that has not been soaked on the left side of my hand and one after it has been soaked and rinsed. Here's to your health!

Vegan/Raw Cashew Kream:
-11/2 C Raw Cashews, soaked in water to cover.
- 3Tbsp to 1/3 C raw agave( this depends on how sweet you like it, I prefer less)
-1 tsp vanilla powder
-2 Tbsp virgin coconut oil
-1 tsp lecithin(can omit)
-1 C almond milk
-1 Tbsp real vanilla extract

-Soak cashews for 2-4 hours, drain in a strainer and rinse thoroughly.
-Put soaked and rinsed cashews in a blender along with all ingredients, except coconut oil and lecithin. Blend until smooth, will always come out better in a blend-tec or vitamix blender.
-Taste and adjust sweetness if needed, add coconut oil and lecithin and blend until smooth and well incorporated.
-Pour into container, be sure to scrape container well with a spatula.
-Chill for 2-3 hours, serve with fresh fruit of choice. There will be a much more thick and solid texture to the kream once chilled so don't be concerned if it's still runny when you first pour it into the container before chilling.
The picture below shows it served with plump blueberries and banana but you can do any fruit combo you like.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Vegan Cheezie Sprinkles

Easy peasy condiment one can use to replace cheese on veg, noodles or just to add flavour to dips and sandwiches. This was given to me ages ago by a friend, however I tweaked the recipe as Chefs are wont to do. Enjoy, and here's to health and good eating!

Vegan Cheezie Sprinkles:
-1 C ground almonds
-1 1/2 C ground raw sesame seeds (use a coffee grinder to grind a few tablespoons at a time)
-1/4 C nutritional yeast
-3 Tbsp miso

-Combine all in a bowl, use a spatula to incorporate well and keep in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator.
-Lasts for months as it has a high salt content, just keep it refrigerated.

The picture of it finished is on the left and the pic on the right shows it being added for the vegetable slather recipe. The last picture is a serving suggestion on fish and asparagus. Bonne appetit!

Vegetable slather (raw food)

New recipe that I promised a while ago, easy, flavorful, can be used as a spaghetti sauce on raw noodle replacers, or on cooked noodles, spaghetti squash, on fish, or just as a dip. My son uses it on his sandwiches to replace mayo or other condiments, just don't heat it up or you lose all the valuable nutrients. As always pictures follow.
Here's to good and healthy eating!

Vegan Vegetable Slather:
-1 1/2 C raw almonds soaked overnight and drained then rinsed very well.
-1/2 C cheezie sprinkles (recipe follows)
-1 tomato, chopped
-1 red pepper, seeded and chopped
-1-2 stalks of celery with leaves if possible, use only one stalk if you don't like too strong a taste of celery. Throw out stringy peelings.
-2 cloves of garlic
-1 small bunch of scallion( 2-4 stalks)
-4-6 leaves fresh basil
-3/4- 1 C water
-1/4 C EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
-1 C ground almonds
-2 TBSP nutritional yeast
-2 TBSP Miso
-1 tsp lemon zest

-Peel celery, place all ingredients in a blender on high speed and liquefy. Refrigerate for at least 4-5 hours before using. Keeps 4-5 days in fridge.
Freezes very well, keeps up to 2 months in freezer.