
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gluten-free, Honey Graham cereal Recipe, Excalibur Dehydrator Christened (raw food)

As you may know, I have been praying for access to a Vitamix and a raw food dehydrator for months. God answered my prayers, and I am overjoyed. I have already begun to play, first thing I have been wanting/craving is cereal. Not just any cereal, honey graham cereal. I made a small batch because it was a tester recipe, feel free to double and quadruple the recipe. Just make sure to spread it properly on the teflex lined dehydrator sheets. As always, pics follow. I apologize for not doing the usual visual breakdown of steps, I forgot in my excitement and rushed because I am still unpacking from the move. This is the delicious outcome, here's to our health and a contended heart.

Gluten free, Raw Honey'd
Graham Cereal:

-11/2 Cup Organic almonds soaked overnight and rinsed thoroughly
-3 Tbsp Organic ground tiger nuts
-1 Tbsp Organic ground flax (mine has cranberries or blueberries ground in, it's up to you.)
-3Tbsp Organic date sugar or coconut sugar
-4 Tbsp Organic raw honey (always use a wood or porcelain spoon not metal in your honey when measuring to keep the enzymes and honey from degrading)
-3 tsp Organic ground cinnamon
-11/2-2 Cups filtered water
-1 tsp Organic orange zest (optional)

-In Vitamix blend all ingredients adding 11/2 Cup water to begin and adding the rest and a bit more if you need, blend on high speed until you have a nice thick paste. As I said, add more or less water as you need.
-Spread over a teflex sheet and place in dehydrator
-On Raw food (live food) setting (105 degrees) and dehydrate
for 7 hours then take out, using a pizza cutter, cut into small squares.
-Place back in dehydrator for 15-17 hours, you want a crisp, thin, small, well dried square.
-Keep in an airtight jar and serve for breakfast as is with milk of your choice and fresh fruit.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Raw Zing Soup with Greens and Avocado (raw food)

Whoa la!
This move is never ending, good thing is my roomie has a Vitamix, and we just ordered an Excalibur dehydrator with 9 trays!!!!
God answered my prayers just in time for Spring cleanse, giving thanks and praises in Jesus name for the wealth of blessings come my way. I am truly thankful and not wasting these golden opportunities. So, things are hectic and it's really been a toss and blend kind of week with simple salads but everyone raved about the soup so I thought I should post the recipe. It's really refreshing and you can pound it back as a green smoothie on the go if you are in a rush. I used all organic ingredients because we are in cleanse mode and in the warmer seasons I eat organic as much as possible but I understand if people are on a budget. Do your best and love yourself in these moments, no matter what.

Raw Zing Soup with Greens & Avocado:

-2 Tomatoes
-1 bunch of Arugala (about 11/2 Cup)
-1/2 Cup of Parsley
-2 Stalks Celery, peeled and chopped
-1 Avocado
-Zest of 1/2 a Lemon
-Juice of 1 Lemon
-2 Tbsp Miso
-1 Tbsp Herbamare or your fav herb mix with or without salt
-1/4 Cube Harvest Sun Fine Herbs Organic Stock Cube
-3-4 Cups Water (Brought to a boil and allowed to cool down to warm but not "cook" your precious, enzyme rich ingredients. A bit Warner then your body temperature will do.)
-1 Tbsp Gluten-free Tamari (optional)
-2 Tsp Nutritional Yeast

-Throw all ingredients in your blender and blend until all incorporated, I like to keep a few specks of greens showing but that's for my own personal aesthetic. Blend into submission as you like.
Enjoy, freezes beautifully, this served 4 easily. Makes a great first course before your meal.