
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Gearing up for February & A Party

Morning lovelies,
I am back from a much needed blog hiatus. I felt kind of burned out after Christmas and needed to step back to regain my blog focus, sometimes writing needs a vaycay to bring back the flow.
I am excited for the next few weeks, you really need to keep checking in. February is coming up and I have a bunch of blog posts for you full of fun DIY, recipes, and Valentine ideas, mingled in with grace and gratitude because God's love should always be the focus. 
I am doing a Valentines DIY love series to share some awesome ideas and because I am missing my Poppa Bear terribly so, blogging keeps him close to heart when I feel down and need ways to share and show love. 
This week, starting Tuesday, I will begin that Valentines series but for now I am doing loads to prepare for tomorrow.
I have two birthday celebrations to bake for, have already begun with gluten-free cupcakes and my black bottom pecan pie. 

I will be posting recipes for Valentines day for the cupcakes soon, not sure about the pie as I still am trying to perfect a great gf crust; the filling is deelish though.

So, I am wishing you all a lovely start to the weekend and sending loads of love and positive thoughts as I get geared up for what is to come. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year & Announcement that Changes are Coming to the Blog

Good morning lovely people and a very Happy & Prosperous New Year to one and all! 

This is a quick post just to usher in January 2016 and announce that there will be some big changes coming to this blog.
Firstly, there will be a blog name change along with a new look, and some tweaking to the site.
I may also be required to switch from Blogger to another blog hosting site but that will depend if blogger can fix an issue I have been struggling with thanks to blogger quirks.
Hopefully not because I have become accustomed to using blogger.
There are still some decisions to be made and kinks to work out but positive changes will definitely be happening.
The reason I have decided to change the name is two-fold, don't get me wrong because I like the name of this blog but I find people react strangely to it. Sexuality is fine for selling cars, toothpaste and burgers but as a fun name for a blog that is geared towards health and wholesome foods which positively impact one's system, well that's just crazy talk! (I digress.)
I am also looking to open an Etsy shop at some point in the near future, God willing, and would like to link the two as the names will match.
I have been told that in the world of blogging, one name change is quite usual and that informing reader's in advance is proper étiquette.
I am also seriously considering adding some adsense and a Patreon link, I understand that ads or request for financial help are not always appreciated but blogging costs money, and I need some form of revenue to be able to continue to create new recipes, test new products, and purchase some proper photography equipment. I do not want to be forced to shut down this blog because of mediocre recipe content. Ingredient costs have skyrocketted and will continue to do so, I also want to explore new things that will require some adventurous food choices for recipes, along with more DIY for all of you.
So, I will continue to give updates, figure out how this will effect pins and previous post links, etc.
If any of you have suggestions as to what you feel would help improve this site, make it easier for you to access things of interest, cool/fun/exciting ideas, I truly need to hear them. 
It is great to visit the Kinky Coconut but I need to know, honest thoughts you have when reading this blog.
I value your input, please be positive, and if you have links for me to check out, stuff I may have never even thought of, now is your time. Let me hear from you, comment down below and I give you my word that I will review and make an effort to incorporate all that I can.

Have a cheerful and blessed start to the year, and I leave you something sweet to brighten your day.