
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Quiet Beginnings

Sunday seems like a perfect day to start something new, especially a blog. Especially a blog about gluten-free food, health, words, and l'amour. Ahhhh l'amour...
Why The Kinky Coconut?
Wouldn't you like to know?
It's not as pervy as your wonderful minds may have wandered off to, not to say that I never wander into pervy territory. As a matter of fact, I believe a gentle wander is in order right now. Pause...
(Enjoy the moment if you chose to have one as well.)
O.K. we're back!
I worked in the health food industry for years, was once an athlete, along with being a professionally trained Chef. I had private clients that suffered from serious health concerns, with specific dietary needs.
I learned A LOT, but more importantly was what I discovered.
Health is about more than one thing, it's comprised of many components.
They are as follows:
Love (from faith, self and others), Exercise, Healthy/Balanced eating according to one's body type and individual health concerns, Recovery and relaxation, Stress management, Schedule management (work, family, and play), Safety and security, Self-fulfillment and expression, Change and challenges.
I shall begin today with food.

Coconuts are a miracle food.
-They can sustain life through their young green water that is full of electrolytes- the same amounts as found in blood.
-They boost circulation.
-They are an integral part of assisting in healing many imbalances and diseases by balancing PH levels.
-They keep hair and skin beautiful thanks to healthy fats contained in them, supporting healing and repair of skin, protecting against free-radicals that promote aging.
-The shells can be recycled and reused in the most creative ways.
- They boosts energy levels, endurance,thyroid function and metabolic rates, thus helping with obesity and simple weight -loss.
-They reduces the health risk of diabetes by improving insulin and blood glucose levels.
-They protect against osteoporosis; by improving calcium and magnesium absorption, building strong bones and teeth.
-Protect the body against various forms of cancer.
-Coconuts are rich in nutrients, fiber, and minerals. They have naturally antiviral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and anti fungal properties,(they kill the bad stuff inside & outside your body.

It gets it's kinkiness from the fact that it has long been considered an aphrodisiac food because of it's healing and strengthening properties. The increase in metabolism, blood flow, assistance in keeping us slim and sexy, as well as keeping immune systems strong bode well for a healthy and robust sex life.

Hence the name, The Kinky Coconut.

(Check out: eat something sexy blog, coconut water the aphrodisiac power of coconut water-great stuff!)

This blog is a key ingredient,(pardon the pun, or don't) to keeping my creative juices flowing in the kitchen and when writing. Also to assist in remaining sane in places of distress, and most importantly, a positive, serene oasis, to share and garner knowledge, explore, learn, and just be.
I am a Chef in transition, meaning, there are many ups and I am moving past the downs while adjusting to the myriad of moments life throws at all of us.
Injury has forced me out of professional kitchens but I continue to have a love affair with food and health, this passion drives me. Over the past months I have been posting pics on other social media sites & I have been starting to see an interest in healthy recipes I have created, people leaving positive comments, along with requests for recipes or information about how to use healthy ingredients. This surprised me and pushed me out of my comfort zone to explore the world of blogging. I know I am way behind on this trend but I am okay with that.
To be honest, I have been floating in that sea of uncertainty that will come up when staring down the reality of recovery from severe injuries, a rather overwhelming and depressing host of allergies and intolerance's, along with doc's orders to change career path.
What has kept me sane these last months?
Faith in God, the love of Jesus, the support and encouragement of those near and dear to me, and an inspiring new found love, who has brought me back to health, fitness and has become my most beloved muse. Poppa bear!!!!!!! Je t'aime.

God has brought me exactly what I need to change, focus, and commit to what I have been so wonderful at procrastinating over.
Yes, I am a procrastinator, at University orientation (years ago), we were informed that perfectionist's are often procrastinators.
I like to pretend that's why I procrastinate but that's a load of crap that helps me procrastinate a little bit longer, and maybe a bit longer after that-I am sure I have perfected this as a perfectionist should. Say it three times fast.
I am not alone in playing the, I like to take my time to do a thing or two Mr. Rogers game, (you know who you are, my put it off friends). It can't last and this is why...
The truth that cannot be a lie because the lie cannot be the truth, slams into my avoiding reality bubble and it pops without apology.
Eventually the stories and recipes have to be written and measured out, the sharing must be embraced enthusiastically and seen through beyond the, I'm tired or just not in the mood today phase.
Also, the wallowing muck we humans have a tendency to mire ourselves down into has to be gotten out of, washed off, and forgiven for all the could of''s but will never be hopes we deserve to be free of.
Let it all go, embrace the challenge and change, you are so worth it and so am I.
On this quiet Sunday I begin this blog that I am a total newb at but am filled with the excitement that creative energy brings and am looking forward to sharing with you, all my lovelies, out in this beautiful world.
Let's play with all the excitement and enthusiasm we could muster when we were youngins' and didn't know what doing too much was, what being heart broken meant, or cared about the worries of money and the day.

Take care, love freely, be well...K

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