
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 5 Whole 30 Journey

Day 5 was delicious food wise but I was a bit of a cranky pants. My eczema is acting up, I am experiencing some abdominal pain, & my stools are very dark & I feel backed up, which is unusual for me. I know these are symptoms one can get when detoxing but the last 3 are not usual Detox symptoms for me. In the past I have noticed that they are symptoms of food that is too heavy on my system or meds that are hard for me. Coupled with eczema, I am worried my body is not coping well with all the poultry & meat intake.
I feel sluggish & I can tell you I am struggling with eating, I miss being a vegetarian so much.
The whole 30 may be wonderful for people who genuinely like to eat meat & it definitely has its health merits for some but as I research more, I am discovering that it is not ideal for all.
A dietitian was explaining that for people like me with serious thyroid issues coupled with major allergies that may be something even more serious, (tests are in the works) paleo is hard on the body, often slows down the metabolism, & leads to weight gain and other negative symptoms.
As I write this post, my eczema is really flaring, I am having welts & severe itching on my face, particularly all along the jaw line. This area is an allergy response for me & a strong signal that something I have put in my body is not good for me. Because of this & some other symptoms, I have decided that for my day 6 I will need to lay off the meat, maybe have a small amount of fish, and I am going to use my juicer a lot more for the next few days with even more water. I am hoping that this is a toxin flush that is happening but I am concerned that it isn't & as much as I feel that whole 30 is very positive, I want to present an unbiased entry. Also, I have the addition of serious hormones coursing through my body as my monthly cycle will begin shortly. These are a lot of factors that can effect one's journey, for now I will continue on it but if I see that my health is eroding I will be forced to stop, go back to more plant, fish, and poultry based diet. Consulting with a doctor will be in the near future as well.
The positive side is that I developed a new recipe & I will post it asap. More to come another day. God bless you & have a wonderful weekend with your loved one's.

Leave any experiences, questions, comments below. I love to hear from you.

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