
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

He Loved Them to the Very End

Whenever I read the part of Jesus washing his disciples feet, I recall my childhood and how this stood out for me; more so than the many miracles he had performed. (Not that those weren't amazing.)
I think it was it's simplicity, it's quiet yet powerful message, it's beauty. Jesus was setting an example of how to love but also that no one is above another.

John 13:16
"I tell you truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. "
Jesus had to get down on His hands and knees and wash the feet of His disciples, a menial task set for slaves, to etch into their consciousness that He had called them to serve, not to rule.
We forget this point in the daily moments of living our lives. We strive for power, money, respect, control, and justify the destruction our ambition brings; without connecting to the true cost to our souls.

We Christians are called to serve Christ, to obey the Father, to Spread His message of love and service to the world. We need not consume, hoard, crush others, or damage our planet, relationships, and well being, to satisfy. This is fear based thinking driving us when we give into these impulses, we are human and we will fall and stumble but Jesus' love is eternal, God's mercy is great, He is unchanging and full of Grace. We can take the weight of the world and all it's transient demands off our shoulders.
Release the tension residing in the center of your body, let it go, breathe out the negativity and give way to God. We all deserve the chance He is more than willing to give, apologizing for our sins and walking a healing, righteous path that stops serving us and serves God is not a price to be paid. It is a lamp unto our feet, the guide we constantly ask for, from THE most amazing and reliable source.
Love is not perfection, love is complete and total acceptance of all that one is and all that one is not. It's seeing beyond the behavior to the root cause of the negative expression and holding a hand out to help. It's a simple and natural act of service that we can all achieve in a myriad of ways. Not all giving has monetary/quantitative value, the way one gives in small ways is not seen as less worthy, nor is giving in the largest ways greater. God sees the heart of giving, the essence of intention,  the love, the pure love and genuine service in every act. Just as God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son, and that son shone a light in this world for all to be seen, we must understand that the acts of love from both have been for our benefit because we are children of the most high. Remember how loved and blessed you all are and pass it on to as many as possible, in any good way that you can.

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