
Monday, March 23, 2015

Maple Blueberry Muffin Raw Cereal

Awwww yeah!
I am gearing up for spring and that means stocking up on all things raw, vegan, whole food, and uber healthy. I like to do a major cleanse between April and May which involves, raw vegan, juice fasting, colonic irrigation, and yoga with plenty of fresh air and tea. It's pretty intense but I notice a huge difference from before & after. So, I start making my raw vegan cereals, crackers, protein snacks, and anything else that needs dehydration in March. Being prepared makes the whole experience much less stressful and enjoyable. I had loads of blueberries, almonds, and maple syrup, and I wanted a Muffin. This cereal was born out of craving & it was amazing! We really enjoyed the flavour and I am amazed by that blueberry muffin taste, minus the fake and unhealthy ingredients. So many people eat store bought or fast food muffins in the morning, not realizing they're eating glorified cake with tons of sugar and bad fats. It's not fuel, it's fumes that leave your tank running on empty. This recipe is gluten free as always, satisfies the craving, is chock full of good fats with fiber and protein, and because it's raw vegan, there are enzymes waiting to help you digest. I also made sure to keep it soy free, corn free, refined sugar free, & dairy free.
You will need an Excalibur dehydrator set on 105 degrees, raw food setting, for this recipe and it takes a full 24 hours to dehydrate but it's well worth the effort.
Hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

MAPLE BLUEBERRY MUFFIN RAW CEREAL: (vegan, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, refined sugar free)
Ingredients :
2 Cups Almonds, raw and soaked overnight then rinsed well.
2 Cups Almond milk
1/4 Cup Maple syrup
1/4 tsp pink sea salt
2 Tbsp Golden flax ground
3 Tbsp Tiger nuts ground
1 Cup frozen blueberries or fresh

-Soak raw almonds overnight and then drain and rinse thoroughly before using.

-In a good blender, blend almonds & milk until smooth. Put in large bowl.
-Add maple syrup, flax, tiger nuts, and salt. Mix well.
-Add blueberries last, mix in quickly but do not over stir.
-Spread out on parchment or liners for Excalibur telex sheets, this recipe makes 2 trays.
-Dehydrate the spread for 10 hours, check the cereal, should be dry enough to peel the paper off and flip. If not, wait another hour or two then try again.
-Once flipped, (Do not be concerned if some parchment paper sticks, it is easily removed when the cereal is completely dry.) place back in dehydrator for 14 hours more.
-Gently break up the cereal into bite sized pieces, it should break and be crisp, if not the cereal needs to dry a bit longer. - Store in an airtight container, will keep for several months.
-Serve with almond milk or crumbled over yogurt.

Remember to share with someone you love & let me know how this recipe turned out. I love to hear from you.

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