
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Mayan Chocolate Crunch Brazil Nut Spiced Truffles

Ahhhhh, lovely bites of spiced bliss for those days when you just want a little more decadence in your healthy food choices. I am a chocolate lover but it does not love me back, it aggravates my eczema to no end and on extra thyroid difficult/sensitive days, I have been known to get rashes and swelling. So, now it's a splurge food on rare occasions,or when PMS is really bad. I had once outgrown my allergy to chocolate and it looks like I may be allergic once more but until I am certain, it's enjoyed sparingly.
This recipe calls for raw cocoa nibs which are touted by almost every raw foodist out there as being the best thing you can put into your body. Funny thing about this is that the gentleman who was one of the first to get this information out to the raw and vegan community, never intended for it to be consumed on the regular, nor does he endorse it as a superfood that does more good than harm.
As a matter of fact, he has been featured in a YouTube video on the great vegan: OKraw channel, (link to the video is down below) and speaks about this. He gives a very solid, informed, and intelligent argument for why this food should be eaten VERY sparingly and really as a treat food. The health benefits are discussed and overall I was very pleased that it was put out there because it confirmed what I have suspected for a long time. Raw chocolate can be harsh on the body with some seriously negative side effects and is not appropriate to eat often. Before getting upset about what I just stated, relax, take a breath and hear me out.
I worked in the health food industry for almost 10 years, I also have been part of working at huge health expos, and have attended many training's for new and upcoming products on the market. I was around when raw food and super foods were beginning to creep into the world of health food, and was obligated to attend seminars and training's as well as meet many company reps about these new products. Believe me when I tell you that health food, Raw food, and Veganism is in its infancy; and every other month there is a new cure-all that comes out that. BTW, that last part was told directly to me by a company rep for a huge raw food/supplement company.
Truth is, some are good, some miss the mark, some are just about getting your money, while others can be the best thing ever and end up ignored-then go the way of the dinosaur.
Please, please, please, take it all with a grain of salt and if it sounds too good to be true, usually it is.
We need to be cautious, well informed and wary as consumers. Does this mean that we should not make healthier choices or embrace healthier alternatives?
Absolutely not!
All I am saying is that there is still so much we don't know, are constantly learning, rules and accepted theories are changing, science disproves and throws out studies as better technologies are applied, and some companies or individual's who claim to be raw food health guru's, well, their moral compasses are not always set to what is projected; no matter how charismatic they may be, a snake oil salesman is still a snake oil salesman.
That means that WE have to be responsible for our choices, researching, asking, looking into and making sure we don't blindly accept what we're being fed.
Personally, whenever I ate more than one bite of raw chocolate anything, my eczema flared within minutes. And I am not talking, a little bit, I mean full on swelling, uber itchies, red, scales beginning, cracked skin, and feeling like the affected area was on fire. Not pleasant, I also experienced super heart palpitations and headaches that forced me to sit and drink a ton of water. This was and is an intense response but not uncommon, if you have had similar things happen or a different variety of symptoms, you are not the only one. Trust what your body is telling you. Some people never have a problem, others do. Respecting our bodies modes of communication is an integral part of being involved and responsible for our health.
So raw cacao as a treat=yes, and that's exactly what this recipe is. I hope you enjoy making them and leave your comments and experiences with raw cacao in the comments section down below. Here's the OK raw video link and the recipe follows.

Raw Cacao Causes Mood Swings and is NOT a Health Food


1 Cup Brazil nuts ground
3 Tbsp Tiger nuts ground
1/4 Cup Cocoa nibs ground with a bit of chunk left-gives the crunch.
2 tsp Cinnamon ground
1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper (can omit)
1 tsp Chili ground (can omit)
1/2 tsp Pink sea salt
2 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
1/3-1/2 Cup Grade B Maple syrup (sweetness intensity is up to you)

For rolling finished truffles:
1/4 Cup sifted cocoa with 1 tsp sifted cinnamon

-In a bowl mix dry ingredients
-Add wet to dry and mix well
-Use a small scoop and former 12-15 small rounds, drop each one into rolling mixture, quickly coat and remove.
-Chill in airtight container for 2-3 hours before serving. I keep mine in the freezer because I prefer them really cold.
The kids can help make these but don't let them eat too many, Raw cacao is not to be eaten in large quantities by adults or children. One truffle will suffice for little one's.
These keep 4-5 days in the fridge and 1-2 months, we'll sealed in the freezer.
Enjoy and remember to share with someone you love.

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