
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Vegan Coconut Whipped Cream

Helloodles lovelies!
I am sharing this amaze bombs recipe that answers my whipping cream daydreams. How I missed you strawberry shortcake...
Yup, it can be pretty tough for us dairy allergy sufferers and for the Veganites out in the land of dairy filled treats, but fear not, this is a scrumdidilyumptous replacement that is ridonkulously easy and has a marvelously short ingredients list. Just remember to keep things well chilled and to use coconut MILK not coconut cream, then all will turn out ripe peaches. (Topped with coconut whipped cream of course, mwuah hahahaha!


1 Can 398 ml of coconut milk, shaken and chilled in freezer for 1 hour
2 Tbsp Maple syrup (feel free to add a bit more but I prefer less sweet)
1/2 tsp Vanilla essence

-5 minutes before your hour of chilling your can of coconut milk in the freezer is up,(use a timer to chill it or you will forget it's in there, trust me I know from experience) place a medium size bowl and beaters from a hand mixer in the freezer, for said last 5 minutes.

-Working quickly because keeping all cold is super important for success, open can and pour contents in chilled bowl. Leave the beaters in the freezer until you are ready to whip, then put them in hand mixer.

-Quickly add maple syrup and vanilla essence, stir.

-Using hand mixer with chilled beaters, whip for 4-5 minutes until stiff peaks form and the cream holds it's shape.

-Serve over your favourite desserts or treats and enjoy!

-Makes about 2 cups, cover and chill the remaining amount. Lasts 3-4 days in fridge but mine disappears after 2 days, so good luck with that.

Remember to share with a loved one, don't forget to subscribe, and leave those loverly comments below if you try out this recipe cuz I do like to hear from you.

I actually made this recipe to smother my vegan apple crisp that I have been craving ever since I bought a bag of apples the other day. I will post the recipe for that bad boy but not aujourd'hui.
Bonne appetit!