
Thursday, October 1, 2015

2015 Federal Elections in Canada and Fall Sleep

Happy and blessed morning my lovelies.
So, I am directing this post to all my fellow Canucks today, the Federal elections are right around the corner and it's imperative that you make sure you are on the voter's list!
I really understand the frustration with voting, feeling that there is no point, choosing not to vote as a means of protest, (something I have done) not being sure who to chose or who the candidate's are and what the issues are about.
Understanding the privilege of voting is your first step, being happy that it is now your right is a gift, going out there and being part of affecting change is a responsibility that we as citizens should not ignore.
There is a wonderful set of articles on the subject here in the links below, for now I am putting a bit of information you may not have right here.
In Canada's early days, only a select group of privileged men could vote. Now it's a fundamental right for all Canadians over 18. Women, Asians, native people and prisoners were among those who gained the right to vote in Canadian elections over the past century -- often amid controversy.
A History of the Vote in Canada:

Women's Suffrage

Women in Canada obtained the right to vote in a sporadic fashion. Federal authorities granted them the franchise in 1918, more than two years after the women of Manitoba became the first to vote at the provincial level.

In 2015, with many of the modern comforts we enjoy, simple things we are able to do, and distractions being readily available, it is easy to forget what came before. All that it took for us to gain access to what too many of us take for granted, especially women.

The above picture is of Alice Paul, who went on a hunger strike where she was force fed raw eggs (down her nose) until she vomited blood. She was then put into a sanatorium with the hopes of being declared insane. Her doctor's reply was, “Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.” Suffrage passed 3 years later.

So many went through horrors, so we could vote. Gentlemen, I am not writing this post exclusively for women. I am writing it in the hopes that you will all go out together, in record numbers and express your need for change, your vote lets those in power know that you are not happy, that you want things to be different, that you are aware of how your life is being directly impacted by bad decisions, corrupt actions, and destructive policies. Most importantly, it is a right you must exercise, otherwise one day it may no longer be there at all.

If you still believe that these election thingy's are not about you, have never been, nor will they ever be, take a quick look at this:

Now, I will add the links to the site before the final pic where you can make sure you are on the electoral list. It's not hard, it takes less than 5 minutes, and you have no excuse to not get out there and exercise your right to vote. I look forward to seeing you at the polling station on October 19th, 2015.
Elections Canada:

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