
Friday, October 16, 2015

Classic Gluten-free Pumpkin Pie and Ode to Fall comes to a Close

Yum indeed!
This is my classic pumpkin pie recipe that I have been using since I first learned how to bake. It has been in my family for years, I learned it from my mom and she learned it from hers. It's the most perfect, creamy, spice balanced, unctuous, and perfectly fall pumpkin pie filling.
I have tried many different pumpkin pies, vegetarian, paleo, raw vegan, carnation milk based, egg based, brown sugar laced, mixed with cream cheese, or on top of cheesecake, I always come back to this one.
I am going to be putting this one in my cookbook but figured it would be a perfect finish as Ode to Fall is brought to a close. The only difficulty I had for this pie was converting the crust to gluten-free, no matter what I tried I could not get the right texture that my family knows and loves. The usual crust I was using was too crisp and many of the others from different sources, were horribly gritty or just tasted bad because the flour was too beanie or acidic.
I like my crust recipe, for things like my pecan pie or banana cream pie or fruit filling pies but this required something that gave that slight under-cooked texture at the base of the pie which pumpkin or flan style pies are known for.
My son always insists I make an extra pie just for him, to which my brother chimes in, me too! Last time I made it, both requested that I find a crust that was more reminiscent of the old school, gluten-filled one, from back in my regular baking days.
I just have not had time to play and gluten-free ingredients are very expensive, so I went on a search to see what other bloggers had to offer.
Lo, and behold, the great Brianna on her: Flippin' Delicious blog, had the answer! I am posting the link down below, I was so happy because it gave the texture I wanted and it saved me much trial and annoying error. I like to make a double batch because as I said, 2-3 pie minimum in my house. I also used a few tablespoons of shortening to replace a bit of the butter, it bakes well this way. The pumpkin pie filling makes enough for 2 pies and they freeze wonderfully. I highly recommend making the crust dough in advance, (double her recipe) chilling it for about 30 minutes before rolling it out between parchment paper, and then placing it in the pie shell, docking it with a fork and baking it for 5 minutes in a 350degree F oven before filling. The reason I bake it for 5 minutes is because I don't want total crust mush.

Here is the link to the ever cute Flippin' Delicious blog, the recipe for her pie crust, is perfect for pumpkin pie I tell yah!

I made this pie filling the first Christmas I spent with Poppa Bear and his family, when I landed on the 24th of December. We rushed to the grocery store for a 45 minute dash to get everything we needed to make a delectable holiday spread before the store closed. Thanks to careful planning, we were great! When we were in the fresh baked goods aisle, Poppa Bear picked up a baked pumpkin pie, my, What the hey are you doing? radar went off.
I took them out of his hands and placed them back where he had gotten them. He was upset at first, thinking he was being denied pumpkin pie and that's when I said, "No Poppa, we make these ourselves. Don't be silly."
To which he responded, "But it would be faster to just buy them, it will be easier on us won't it?"
That's when I assured him that making them from scratch is actually super easy and a thousand times better on the delectable meter. He decided to trust me and boy was he glad he did!
I have a confession to make, when I am crunched for time and making for gluten mouths, I buy the crusts pre-made in the freezer aisle. Nope, I am not ashamed, I claim it loudly and proudly!!!!!!
1-It's way less time consuming
2-It's much less clean up
3-Requires fewer ingredients to purchase
4-Does not put me at risk for getting sick or an eczema flare from contact with the flour. Yes. it's that fast and that awful.
5-I can buy them with tops and bottoms, so I can make pumpkin pie and other fruit filled pies without rolling or worry. Super score! As for my pies, when not at home I have learned to go crustless or I make them in advance. What is really fun is that Pilsbury has begun to make prepared dough that is gluten-free. I have yet to try them but I will soon and do a review. I have a hankerin' for rustic tart and cherry pie.

The great thing about our baking the Christmas pies was that I had Poppa Bear help and he could not get over how fast and easy it was. He even said, "That's it?"
I answered cheekily, "Yup babe, now gimme smackas as we move on to delicious turkey."
So without further ado, here is my fav. pie with pictures to guide you; as always. If you are wondering why there is a pooch pic at the end, it's because we were dog sitting my sons little Rocky and I am missing him, kind of like I will miss my Ode to Fall; because this means fall will be leaving us soon. We still have a few more weeks but with my working to open the gluten-free business, it's not going to leave much time for blogging over the next few weeks. That's okay though because Christmas is in less than 70 days!!!!Whoooohooo!
Okay, pumpkin in all it's spiced glory folks.
Enjoy, let me know what you think in the comments down below, and don't forget to subscribe.

Makes 2 pies
Oven @ 350 degrees F
You will need a double recipe of the pie crust that is in the link provided above.

1 Whole Egg
1 Can Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
1/2 Can of water
1x 500g Pure Pumpkin puree, not pie filling, puree only!
1 1/2 Tbsp Pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp Cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt
2 Prepared pie crusts, no tops.


-Bake pie shells for 5 minutes, remove from oven and allow to cool.
-In a bowl add pumpkin and spices, salt, egg, and can of condensed milk, whisk together.
-Using the empty can of condensed milk, fill halfway with regular cool water.
-Whisk all ingredients together
-Divide and pour evenly into the prepared pie shells, place pies on large baking tray*.
-Bake in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, the filling must be set and not jiggle when taken out of oven.
-Allow to cool and then chill for at least 4 hours before serving.
Serve with whipped cream or if you prefer, here is my recipe for whipped coconut cream.

Yup, this dough behaves well and I particularly enjoyed cutting in the fats. I did a combo of butter and a bit of shortening.

Rolling it out was a bit tricky, as usual, one must use 2 pieces of parchment paper between the rolling pin and the dough or else it sticks to everything and disaster will be all you know.
Obey the between the parchment paper rolling it out rule or else, You shall not pass to pumpkin pie elven kingdoms!

Don't forget to dock your pies. For those not in the know, docking means using a fork or specialized tool to stick holes in the dough to allow steam to escape. This prevents bubbling and unsightly crooked mushy or cracked crusts.

I am an E.D. Smith Hokaido pumpkin pie puree girl. I like it so...sigh.
Use what you prefer or what's available, I am okay with it. Aren't you relieved? Hehheh!

*I like to place my pies on a tray when I bake them, this distributes the heat evenly, helps prevent burning and catches spills.

Puffed and baked beauty! She falls as she chills.

This was the deliciousness that we devoured.
We had the Rockstar for like, 4 days, here he was on his last night shoving his nose into the crook of my arm and only coming up for kisses and rub love. He was depressed because he missed his owner, what a tough life little Rockstar! Nothing Greenie's and nature walks couldn't fix.
I hope you enjoyed this Ode to Fall, have a delightful weekend and God bless you.

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