
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Ode to Fall October is Awareness Month

Helloodles lovelies!
Today I am sharing more of how awesome fall is and particularly October.
This month there's a lot going on in the realm of awareness, I am going to list a few here and know that you wonderful people that are stopping by to read, will pass along some of what you see so we can spread the knowledge.
One of my first October favs for awareness, and it was difficult to choose the first because they are all very important to me, is the Autism awareness campaign/book launch that Newfoundland has begun. Check this out, I think it's brilliant!

I have worked with autistic children and adults in the past and have found it to be some of my favourite moments in life. There are challenges, tough times, and it's not all smooth sailing, however, there's joy, laughter, wonderful surprises and many kind heart's.
This brings us to the second awareness campaign which most of us are familiar with. October is breast cancer awareness month in Canada and this one is important because I am a woman, I have bubbies, and I had an auntie who passed away after an 8 year struggle with breast cancer, this past February. She was given less than a year to live, upon diagnosis but through her personal strength, faith, commitment to natural alternatives, and tenacity, she lived for 8 years longer than the medical establishment thought was possible.
Self checking is so important ladies, talk to your doctor and friends about breast health.

There is also Eczema awareness month this October and I struggle with eczema so I am putting this on here.

The national eczema association has loads of information and support networks for those of us suffering with this problem. I will be posting in the future about the do's and don'ts for eczema but not today.
I'll link it though, when I do.

This is a new project and I love it! Having worked in the health food industry for 8 years, I get the issue and damage that gmo franken foods have caused and continue to cause. I cannot stress enough the importance of looking for that butterfly on the label, making sure it's a gmo free product you are purchasing as often as possible, and demanding that our legal system incorporate and keep laws that force companies to declare and clearly label gmo foods.

This last one is your call to action as a Canadian citizen and you need to take it seriously, it is not an awareness campaign but you need to be reminded and made aware of the importance of voting. I am going to be obnoxious about this until the elections are over after this October 19th, 2015. Get up off your collective hiney's, make sure you're registered, and let your voice be heard. VOTE!!!

Have a wonderful day and a blessed start to the week everybody!

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