
Monday, November 30, 2015

Let's Get Inspired, Craftsy, & DIY This Holiday Season

Helloodles lovelies.
I am excited!!!!!! Welcome to the new D.I.Y section of The Kinky Coconut Blog, I have been toying with the idea of doing this for some time now and wanted you to have a wonderful holiday gift giving season, with things that did not always come from a store.
Christmas and gift giving go hand in hand during this time of the year but people end up struggling in January, feeling stressed by believing ads and societal pressures that spread false obligations to make high cost purchases, and many of us long for simpler things with a personal feel to them..
A lot of people forget that we are re-enacting the moment when three King's came to meet Jesus, bearing gifts in celebration, and to honour the moment we received this most precious gift from God.
Christmas is supposed to be a time of gathering, giving through acts of kindness, sharing with those less fortunate, and having a heart of gratitude for the myriad of blessings in our lives.
Unfortunately, because society has shifted gears from the simple, Christ based focus, to the sublime ridiculousness of consumerism, the message of the season becomes lost.
Well, this year will be different. All that is required is some effort and commitment on your part, some solid recipes, easy D.I.Y instructions, a price limit along with a pared down gift giving list, a positive attitude, and an approach that gets the whole family on board. Before we dive into what December will have in store for my dear readers, I want to share what we did last year.
Last Christmas was amazing at our house, we had a blast, loads of fun, laughter, great food, simple but appreciated gifts, and everyone followed the rules for gift giving. It eliminated a lot of pressure, kept the focus on the positives and important things in our lives, and gifted us all with fantastic memories. Our family and friends were talking about it long after the holiday's and winter were over.
We did this by setting some ground rules, sticking to a game plan for food, asking our friend's & family to pitch in financially towards food costs, delegating shopping, making our gifts by hand, and playing Dirty Santa with a $5, get creative, gender neutral, wrap it & don't tell anyone gift exchange/steal.
If you have never played Dirty Santa, I will tell you all about it this Friday, in an upcoming post. It will give you the time to inform your friends & family so the pressure is off for everyone.
You are all going to have fun!
But firstly, let us begin by sharing some of the how to's to come to make your holidays grande, a time to be remembered, gracious and grateful.
Here is what we will be covering: (Recipes will be coming earlier in the month of December to help you get on top of your holiday To Do List, so do not be worried. I gotcha!)

-Making your own cookie gift tins/boxes

-Crocheting a beautiful, I Heart It patterned crochet scarf; that looks like you knitted it.

-Simple D.I.Y upcycled items for decorating, filling with treats, or using as a simple holder.

-A pared down scrumptious Holiday Menu that can either be done as a pot luck, or an everybody
pitches in, if they want to partake kind-of-deal.

-How to get the kids involved and off the electronics. (Yes, it can be done)

-Ideas to give gifts that mean more but cost way less.

-Making gifts for the health nuts/gym rats in your life.

-Decorating on the cheap 101

-Gift exchanging on the cheap 101 (Dirty Santa, here we come!)

-Keeping Christ the focus of the Holiday's in your home.

-Creating simple holiday traditions with your precious loved one's.

-Coping with the stressor's & finding your joy again, during the hectic days.

-Planning to eat healthy, how to avoid over indulging, keeping track of what you are really eating, and how to get back on track should you overindulge.

-Goals not resolutions, how to hone in on want you really want to accomplish.

Isn't it looking like a super fun December? I want you to keep coming back because I know you are looking for some creative ways to get through the holidays without feeling overwhelmed and burdened. I am going to need you to commit to sticking to your guns, refusing to be swayed or guilted out of the plans that will get you through with minimal financial strain.
Here is a little Grumpy Cat to remind you what to say if people, don't want to get on board, are complaining, don't like the changes, or are trying to veer you off towards overspending. Feel free to print it out and flash it at any nay sayer's, and keep it posted all over the house, refer to it any time you become unsure or feel like you are going to waver.

I am leaving you with some sneak peak pics of what's in store. Here are some crochet items that are quick and look fabulous, they will actually want these gifts!

Do you have a Youtuber in your life? A young one that loves to dress up & take pics? Well, here comes some handmade fun that will have them seeing stars and wearing big smiles!

     More crochet fun with different types of wool, that you get to play with.

Here is a sample of how beautiful cookie gift giving can be & you get to say, "I made dis"!

But most importantly, let's keep this in mind no matter what. I am so looking forward to us meeting here and getting through all the holiday craziness and fun together. I need you to comment down below if you have any requests, questions, or need directions in the kitchen. Don't forget to subscribe.
Have a blessed day.

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