
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress Christmas DIY Continues

What a perfect day to discuss coping with holiday stress, finding your center, and keeping all aspects of your health on track, while holding on to what is truly important at this time of the year.

The holidays are a whirl of activity, a flurry of movement, an avalanche of stress that can overwhelm very quickly and soon you become the Christmas victim. I know you are super busy so I am going to keep this post short and sweet with some calming, healthy, and Godly direction to help us all get through.

One of the most important things is delegating and learning that you NEED to ask for help, stick to your guns about making people keep their commitment to help you, and ignore any guilt that tries to creep in over asking and getting the help you need. I am serious! It's about everyone celebrating, that includes you. This means everybody gets to pitch in. Now you know, so make simple clear lists, add pictures to them so no mistakes are made, write places to find what is needed, and tell them to get er did!

A very important aspect to getting on track is simple advanced meal prep, make breakfast porridge you can portion & eat through the week, sandwiches, soups, stews, bean salads, snacks, all ready for the week. Do this early on Sunday, I listen to a sermon while I prepare. This makes Monday through Friday a much more pleasant experience. Check Pinterest for recipes and ideas. Here are a few links to some easy recipes like cornmeal porridge, salads from this blog, meals & snacks, they taste yummy too and are quick to make.
Smoothie recipe is a perfect quick energy boost that tastes too good to be true!:
Here's fast & yummy fish:
I am giving you this link for an inexpensive, filling, and super easy soup from this blog.:

For meat eater's, this is such a wonder. Just throw this together, rub on and bake, then you are home free!

  This last recipe is for quick to make, no cook no bake, grab & go quick protein snack,:

Next, we go to uber important stuff. It's the fact that you need to rest.
Grab power naps everywhere and anywhere you need to.
Skip late nights for a while and get extra sleep by going to bed early. You can record your favourite shows or movies to catch up on later on, get a massage if you need, and you have my permission to take break and rest!!!!!

Okay, now onto what you may dread.
You do need to exercise but you have no time, no worries. I have that covered too.
This 2 minute workout coupled with a walk during the day (DO IT!!!!!), will be a huge help.
I also included a wake up and goodnight yoga sequence, and exercise ball stuff because it's yoga/exercise ball awesomness! You are welcome.

Lastly, but most importantly, make time for Jesus in your life. Here is a prayer to set you free from all this holiday worry and a reminder about the true meaning behind this season. Now get out there and tackle the week with a simple and effective plan!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.-Isaiah 9:6

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