
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Announcing April 30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge & Day 1 Prep

Hey! Hey! Good morning lovelies!

Spring is almost here and that means it is the time of the year for cleansing, detox and extra TLC!
I was going to go it alone but I thought, “Why not make this available to everyone who wants/needs a little guidance and a community of support?”
So this week leading up until April 1st, I will be posting a whole bunch of awesomeness, to explain the who what where when and why of it all, to get you geared up, aware, prepared, and excited for the 30 Day Self-Love Detox challenge. Right now I am busy reviewing information, pouring over books/recipes, and stocking up on all that I need while taking loads of pics and grabbing anything I want to share with you all. This is the first stack of books I dived into yesterday morning as well as running through loads of recipes and papers I had on juicing and rawfood or macrobiotic foods.


Before I get started I must post this:
I am by no means a medical professional or nutritionist, nor do I specialize in being a fitness trainer. The Kinky Coconut Website and I cannot be held responsible or liable for any injury, discomfort, and or damage in connection with this blog and the information provided on it and that an individual chooses to use from this site. This includes, but is not limited to, any liability, loss or damage resulting in connection with the use of this site, exercise, health and nutritional information provided/given within. The information being provided is based on my personal experience(s), researched methods, years of experience in the health food industry, my professional training in Polarity/Craniosacral therapy, colonic irrigation therapy courses, and as a professionally trained Chef. YOU are responsible for what and how you choose to use the information provided. It is always recommended to consult with a doctor before making any changes to your diet/health routine/lifestyle; especially if you suffer from any minor or serious health issues, are taking medications, are already being followed by any health/nutrition/holistic professional.
I highly suggest you research, tailor to your specific needs, and implement what YOU feel will work best for you. **We all have different bodies, different health requirements based on needs, level of physical exertion, health concerns, family history, and day-to-day activities. This blog series is my journey that I have chosen to share and include others in, you are not required to do anything that you know will not work for you, goes against recommendations you have received, or that you deem is not safe.

Moving forward,
Today is the 20th and that gives us exactly 12 days (including today) to get ourselves ready and all prepared for the upcoming challenge that I have chosen to begin on Friday April 1st for several reasons.

1-Spring will officially be here by that date. (I mean actual warm spring weather)
2-Easter/family celebrations will be done, so fewer temptations should be around and you will have gotten chocolate overload out of the way.
3-Summer is around the corner but beginning in April will give us a solid amount of time to get our bodies ready for healthier and lighter eating, as well as getting off some unwanted extra winter weight.
4-Devoting a whole month means we can do it at a slower pace, get adjusted in a way that is less intimidating, more likely to lead to success, and feel good about steady progress. This is not a fit madness/extreme weight-loss challenge, this is about making good choices, gaining balance, bringing joy to your heart, finding the faith to commit, and really loving yourself; through simple and attainable steps.
5-30 Days means that you are able to decide if this works, if it is something you can begin to incorporate in your daily life, if and where adjustments are required, or if it is totally NOT for you. There are no right or wrong answers, I am on the same journey as you are, just with a bit more experience.

So what kind of a cleanse/detox is this?
This is an elimination, wholefoods, Pescetarian leading to vegetarian, then vegan raw foods, and eventual 3-day liquid fast. It will include a spiritual/Godly approach with a focus on body kindness, establishing a routine, self-care, and accountability. The accountability part is to yourself, only you, God and your body know the whole truth. I am not here to judge, I am here to show you a way in a landscape of many ways. Personally, I know that with my health issues, age and present weight, I need a slow but steady wins-the-race approach. It’s not about overnight, drastic and dangerous/extreme methods, it is about lifestyle changes that work for you.
If you are looking to know more about more extreme juice fasts or things like the Master cleanse, (which I DO NOT recommend) then click on the link here, as I did a whole post on this previously.


To begin, we start with the real and a dose of kindness.

1- Grab a notebook that only you will be using, I went to the dollar store and got something that looked pretty which I would look forward to writing in.
2-In your notebook write Day 1 Prep, then write exactly how you are feeling, what you need, what is missing, what you are looking to change, where you are health-wise, and what you are hoping to accomplish.
3-Go weigh yourself and write it down (be honest), if you can, go and take your blood pressure and write that down too. Our local pharmacies have free machines, I also have a machine at home that I use. It’s not necessary but it’s great to have.
4-Grab a jar and a few sheets of blank paper with a pen or markers. Cut the paper into 30 medium sized strips or squares and on each one write one of the following:
*You are freaking amazing!               
 *You can do this!              
*This is only for you, no one else but you!
*Remember how awesome you are!     
*Even a lotus blooms in the mud!   
*You are blessed!
*God loves you!        
*It’s wonderful that you are taking good care of yourself, well done!
*In this moment you are perfect!       
*You are in God’s heart!      
*Life wants you
*You chose this journey, embrace the ups and the downs     
*You are marvellous!    
*Smile gorgeous!
*This is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it!   
*Get out there and grab the day   
*Jesus loves you!
*Close your eyes and breathe…         
*Goals are dreams with deadlines    
*God invites us to these beautiful places for a reason            
*Hope restores & revives our souls
* Success is liking who you are not what you own        
*You are beautiful!    
*Shine brightly!
*Your past does NOT disqualify you from a blessed present & a blessed future!
*Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail nor abandon you.
*I loved you at your darkest.   
*Remember why you chose this in the first place, choose not to go back!
*Decide to be done with the things that are diminishing & destroying your life.
*Be happy in this moment, this moment is your life.

Now fold all of these papers so you cannot see what is written on them, put them in the jar, shake it up and keep it where you will remember to take one. On the 1st day of the challenge you will take one and read it, you will do this every morning before you start your day. It may seem silly but positive reinforcement and positive self-talk are important and lead to a greater chance of success. 

5-Now, back to your journal. In that journal you got you are going to do 2 very important things. Firstly you are going to write down and keep track of everything you are eating/drinking. You are also going to get into the habit of writing 3 things you are grateful for every morning and then again every night before bed.
6-Start looking over exercise and meditation routines on Pinterest/Youtube/Your fav Blogs. I am providing some links here on future posts for things I like but do what works for you. I have serious spinal injuries and a whole host of other serious health concerns that require my being respectful of limitations and attentive to cues my body tells me about when it’s needing extra TLC.
7-Get mentally prepared, this is a serious undertaking. You want to be ready to succeed, while you are at it inform your friends and family of what you are doing and tell them you want no temptations.
8-Get ready, you will be purging junk food in 2 days, so enjoy now. Tomorrow comes the second list on our to do.

And just in case you thought this was a bit much, let me remind you that this is all part of the journey and I am on it with you, except I am working even harder because I have to move quickly to plan ahead, get recipes and pics taken, get all written and posted then share it. We are in it together!
This is one small part of my humble beginning yesterday:

Prep is important but in all of this do not forget what this is all about and who you are doing this for, here is the penguin to remind you & God bless you! Meet back here tomorrow and all this week for loads more great guidance and info.
                         Leave comments or questions down below, I love to hear from yah!

**For nutritional needs, consult a registered dietician!

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