
Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 23 of the 30 Day Self-Love Detox, What to do After Your Fast

A little humour always helps when juice fasting. On Thursday the juice fast info. was posted, today I want to leave you with some information that I think may help you along with how to come off your fast, replay and help to make your menu.

One of the things that I do when juicing that I forgot to mention, is write out the recipes I will make by day, on cue cards. I keep these by my juicer for two reason's. 
I choose juices that target specific difficulties I am experiencing, like skin, kidney or thyroid and low energy. 
Second card:

These are some of the 7 days worth of cards, another reason I make these is to protect my juicing books from damage. In the past I had not thought about this when I first started juicing, and juice spillage invariably got on one of my pristine recipes. I also don't need to root through a stack of books when I am pressed for time.
Doing this is my choice but it has been great when juicing.
The next pic is a recap of juicing and coming off of a juice fast, personally, I continue with juices my first day, I will add broth at lunch and unsweetened applesauce. For dinner I will continue with juices and add a banana if I feel my stomach is open to it, if not I hold off until the next morning. Day 2 is juice, a smoothie, and then lunch is broth & a banana. Dinner is juice and salad. Day 3 I eat more vegetarian food but still take my time. I always drink water and continue having 2-3 juices per day. 
By day 5 I start incorporating fish, if I am choosing to eat it. In the heat of summer I prefer eating rawfood and vegetarian, however, since my thyroid issues, I have had to change things. 
I listen carefully to the cues my body is giving me, I often crave shrimp and steak; when my thyroid levels are not on point. I used to feel very embarrassed and ashamed when I first started going through these cravings but when I was told the seriousness of my health issue, I began to realize that my health and staying alive were of upmost importance. Once you are finished your juice fast you are free to eat in whichever way works best for you. Your menu is exactly that, yours to decide what will go into it, yours to choose the recipes-from this blog or other places, and to adjust based on what your goals are for your health. Just remember to have fun with it, continue to incorporate fresh juice, use what you have learned here, and commit to making good choices that focus on quality of life.
These are some of the foods I have eaten several days after my juice fast, the recipes were from this blog like the salads and seasoned fish.
Olive oil and my favourite seasoning's on halibut with steamed vegetables and fattoush salad:
Carrot & arame salad, lime lentil & basil salad, half an avocado, and rawfood seaweed crackers:
I continue with juices and I incorporate my smoothies as well:

I also add healthy snacks that I make without refined sugars:
(I'll be posting this recipe for these yummy cookies later this coming week)
I like to add some interesting and new recipes from other blogs or that people give to me to try.
I will let you know how this one tastes when I give it whirl.
The last days of our 30 day Self-Love Detox Challenge will be about some other things that focus on the self-love aspect of detoxing. Keep checking in for more awesome posts, leave questions or comments down below and don't forget to subscribe.
God bless!

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