
Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 4 of the 30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge, Today We Talk Smiling

                           Google Image Result for,happy,words,smile,cute-127b9b2b0574295bb647faa8e89a07ef_h.jpg:
A very sunny, warm and loving day to you all!
We are talking about the delights and health benefits of smiling today on The Kinky Coconut.
You might be surprised by what you read and learn.
Smiling is an important part of Self-Love & a genuine, full of joy, happy smile is a good indicator of mental health.
Did you know? :
               The Power of Smiling Infographic - "Smiling — the purest expression of happiness — has the ability to regulate our blood pressure, strengthen our immune system, lower the risk of cancer, increase our life by seven years, and provide inner peace and satisfaction. The good news is that it doesn’t cost a thing." What's Getting in your Way:  

                   But wait, there's more and another one after that!
            How And Why Laughing Is Beneficial To Our Health #infographic #Health #Laughing:

             Greatist Laughter Infographic:  
What are you waiting for? Get your smile and laughter on, it will be worth it and you will feel great to boot! Here's some cuteness to help you along:
                           * * " Whens me wuz a kid, me wuz soes naive, me used to sneaks behind de barn ands do nuthin." HAR-CROAKA-HAH !":   

                                    Not Found

                                     I dont think its real but its cute (This image is bigger and has the whole animal):

                                        Jamaican Photographer's Series Shows What Kids Can Teach Us All About Life:
                          10 animais que queriam ser princesas da Disney:

              Cats models:

               Bible joke:  

                  Don't forget to pass a smile along, you never know who needs one the most.
                            The recipe must have been found on Pinterest.:

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