
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Juice Fast, Recipes, and Information. Day 21 of The 30 Days Self-Love Detox Challenge

We have arrived!    
So, this week will be a touch different as I am including your juices, loads of recipes and your juicing guidelines on Thursday instead of Friday. The reason for all this is because I want you to be prepared mentally, grocery list and purchase wise, as well as familiarizing yourself with what you will be making for the juice fast days. It's not stressful, it's empowering and fun. Plus, you get to choose your juices based on what you like, what your budget allows, what works with any fruits/vegetables you already have, and be able to avoid any allergies or intolerance's to certain fruits/veg.
I know you are wondering what happens with the days after the three days of juicing are done, well, there is an info-graphic below that explains how to come off your juice fast, what to eat, along with a link to a previous post I did on coming off a fast & the dangers of doing it wrong. I will be doing a post with some menu options for you so you can guide yourself back to eating normally but that's not today. For now, just focus on the juice fast & keep checking back here, as we do have this challenge for 30 days lovies!

First thing's first.

I am by no means a medical professional or nutritionist, nor do I specialize in being a fitness trainer. The Kinky Coconut Website and I cannot be held responsible or liable for any injury, discomfort, and or damage in connection with this blog and the information provided on it and that an individual chooses to use from this site. This includes, but is not limited to, any liability, loss or damage resulting in connection with the use of this site, exercise, health and nutritional information provided/given within. The information being provided is based on my personal experience(s), researched methods, years of experience in the health food industry, my professional training in Polarity/Craniosacral therapy, colonic irrigation therapy courses, and as a professionally trained Chef. YOU are responsible for what and how you choose to use the information provided.  
It is always recommended to consult with a doctor before making any changes to your diet/health routine/lifestyle; especially if you suffer from any minor or serious health issues, are taking medications, are already being followed by any health/nutrition/holistic professional.
I highly suggest you research, tailor to your specific needs, and implement what YOU feel will work best for you. 
**We all have different bodies, different health requirements based on needs, level of physical exertion, health concerns, family history, and day-to-day activities. This blog series is my journey that I have chosen to share and include others in, you are not required to do anything that you know will not work for you, goes against recommendations you have received, or that you deem is not safe.

Moving forward...

I need you to stick to the juicing rules:
-Sweeter juices first thing in the morning & as a snack in the earlier part of the afternoon. 

-Juices for juice fasts are usually 6-10/ juices per day.

-You MUST drink green and more savoury juices to help your cells be nourished, detox, and regenerate. You are also making sure not to over feed bad bacteria by sticking to more green based drink's. It is alright to have an apple or a pear in a more vegetable based juice to cut some strong or bitter taste. 

-Drink when hungry and do not drink less because you want to lose weight. These juices are your sustenance, do not be left shaky, irritable, or starved because of foolishness. Drink up!

-Enjoy water and tea.

-Wrap up in a warm blanket when you need, as your body temperature will drop; it is normal. Do not worry, just rest and bundle.  

-Go to the bathroom as often as you need, don't force just flow.

-DO NOT watch shows with food or read books or magazines laden with food images. Torturing yourself is cruel, be kind and remember that food cravings=drink juice and water as needed.
-Cravings even after drinking juice are normal, breathe, wait ten minutes, keep yourself busy with simple pleasant things and it shall pass.

-Remind any loved one's that are home with you of what you are undertaking, how important their support is, not to sabotage your efforts, and apologize in advance with warnings about potential crankiness and even crying jags. Yes, juicing detox can get very emotional, remember to be kind to yourself.

-If doing colonic irrigation or enema's, you MUST take probiotic's within an hour of having one because these remove all bacteria, good & bad. You need to put plenty of good bacteria back in.

-If you are on medication's that your health provider/Naturopath says you need, keep taking them. You are responsible for speaking with a health provider before embarking on this journey. I continued taking my thyroid natural meds and supplements during my juice fasts, it is important.

Good to know:
          Are You Making These Common Juicing Mistakes:  

Now the fun begins!
               The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss:

                The 5 Best Healthy Juice Recipes (And Why You Should Drink Them):

                                   New to green smoothies? Get my FREE 12 week e-course to help you make green smoothies, feel better and lose weight! Get free access here:

The recipe links for the above juices can be found in the juicing labels posts, just look down below in the labels section.

I found these on Pinterest and also the next pics, these are to give you a variety of recipes to mix and match as you please, while allowing you to try new flavours. 



Remember the importance of green juices, especially in the evening to help regenerate and feed cells while assisting the detoxing process.

                                    Green Giant Juice   

The green giant juice was made with the goal of an active and physical life style. It packs a full 16g of protein that is much needed for maintaining or building muscle mass while juicing. It exceeds the daily value of vitamins A, C, and K. It also packs other vitamins such as E and B6. As far as minerals it is loaded with a majority of daily values for calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and copper. On top of all that it is a super anti-inflammatory juice! This is one juice that really packs a punch and will give you tons of energy! On to the recipe!

Green Giant Juice Recipe

  • 1  whole head of Romaine Lettuce
  • 3  big handfuls of Spinach
  • 1  Cucumber (ends cut off)
  • 2  stalks of Celery
  • ½  Granny Smith Apple (cored)
  • 1  whole Orange (peeled)
  • ½  Lemon (peeled)
  • 1  cup Pomegranate Seeds
Now you’re face is probably making that puckered up look after you realized there is a whole head of romaine lettuce along with 3 big handfuls of spinach. The fruits compliment these flavors and hide the flavors of the romaine and spinach really well. The trick is in the pomegranate seeds. These are amazing in the fact that you can add a small amount to give any juice a complete yet wonderful flavor makeover. I found whole food places like Fresh and Easy sell pomegranate seeds. The green giant juice can also be adapted if it’s a little too tangy by removing the ½ apple completely or by using ¼ lemon instead of a ½. I do hope you enjoy the Green Giant Juice recipe; I for one will be incorporating this into my daily routine for lunch or breakfast, or maybe even both! Enjoy, and happy juicing!

I recommend colonic irrigation to help eliminate more if you can. You can read more about that in the previous Day 20 post.

This blogger (sorry, I cannot find the link or name) has a great way of transporting her juices. I place mine in glass jars and one huge plastic jug with water. Do what works, just remember that you will be running to the bathroom more to urinate & for more bowel movements, so stick close to a bathroom.
I am including this recipe for an electrolyte energy drink in case you are exercising or going for walks in warmer weather. It also helps with some of the detox symptoms. Strenuous exercise and tasks are not permitted on a liquid fast. No exceptions. This is rest and recoup time. Walks are great and encouraged, so are stretching and gentle forms of yoga.
Coming off your fast is just as important as how you prep for one. Here is a link to a write-up I did in an older post:

      A-Z of Raw Indredients for Juicing Infographic:

                       There are many myths about juicing. Read more to find answers to common juicing myths... #juicing #justonjuice ( ):

Juicing Myths and Myths About Juicing

Juicing Myths? There are many myths surrounding the juicing industry that often confuses consumers.  There are those that say it’s a waste of time and money and others that claim it’s just another craze.  But yet, there is no denying that juicing is good for you.  There’s also no argument that it’s often difficult for most people to eat enough fruits and vegetables in a day that is needed for optimum health.
So let’s separate the juicing truths from the juicing myths:

1.  It tastes bad!

This is one of the top juicing myths. Many people assume that when they try a green colored juice, they will essentially be drinking something that takes like their backyard.  But this is not true!  Even the pickiest of eaters are surprised at how fresh and delicious a nutritious juice tastes!  Adding an apple, mint, ginger or a lemon can naturally sweeten a juice to make it taste even better.  Want the benefits of kale but don’t think you can stomach the taste?  Try this:
1/2-cup pineapple
4-cups chopped de-stemmed kale leaves
1 large cucumber
1/2 squeezed lemon
1/2 mint
Add to juicer and blend.  This recipe is rich in enzymes and tastes terrific.  Make sure your drink your juice right away, as vegetable juice is highly perishable.

2.  Juicing is a fad!

Once you give juicing a try, you will find that it will be a staple to your healthy diet.  Not only is it easy, but it’s an excellent way to lose weight safely while increasing your energy level and improving your overall mood.  It doesn’t take long to notice a huge difference in how you feel.

3.  I won’t get full!

This is one of the most inaccurate juicing myths! Juice fresh from your juicer is a natural supplement that can actually make you feel fuller longer.  When your body is getting exactly what it requires, it feels satisfied.

4.  Juicers are too expensive:

There are several very high end juicers available on the market, however, if you are new to juicing, then start with a mid-price machine.  Because you will be saving on those expensive pre-made supermarket juices, as well as those packaged foods that aren’t always healthy anyway, it will pay for itself in no time.

5.  Juicing takes up too much time:

People are surprised at how easy juicing really is.  Many chop up their vegetables and fruits and keep in the refrigerator so that everything is ready to go when a juice craving hits.  Not only that, many parts from juicing machines are dishwasher friendly. A good quality juicer should produce a delicious, satisfying drink in less than five minutes from start to finish, often shorter than brewing a cup of coffee.
There seems to be plenty of Juicing Myths floating around but you’ll be surprised to find that juicing is healthy, it tastes great, it saves you time and money, and has a positive impact on you.  

Okay, I have left you with loads of info and recipes, review, choose the recipes you like/are not allergic to, and then pick and choose your menu. I recommend doing 6-10 juices the first day, with loads of water, detox water, and tea. I usually find that on Day 1 I have less of an appetite and drink around 6 juices, I think it is because my body is adjusting. (I wrote out a typical 3 day routine down below at the end of this post)
On Day 2 I need more juices, my body is making efficient use of the detox time, cells are dumping and regenerating, and I want to keep my engine well fueled with yummy and nutritious juices.
I also find that on Day 2 & Day 3, I need the warm almond milk at night. It's easy, I will put it here in a minute.
Day 3 resembles Day 2 drink-wise and I notice that a lot is coming out of my body. If you decide to continue going for 7 days, just stick to the juicing rules, and pack loads of juices and water if you are off to work. I have worked full-time while juice fasting and I have also stayed home on vacation while juice fasting, I find that I prefer to be home for the first 3 days.

So, this is what my typical Juicing days look like:

Day 1- 
I keep room temperature water by my bed and drink a full glass upon waking
Hot lemon and ginger water
A large glass of a more sweet fruit juice
More Savoury/Sweet Juice
Detox water
Savoury Juice Juice
Before lunch juice I have some tea, I like Three Tulsi tea (Holy Basil tea by Pukka tea)
Savoury juice
Savoury juice
Detox water
Usually 1-2 juices at night (Dinner/Evening juices are very green to assist the major detoxing and feeding of cells that happens while we sleep)
Detox tea

Day 2-
I keep room temperature water by my bed and drink a full glass upon waking
Hot lemon and ginger water
A large glass of a more sweet fruit juice
More Savoury/Sweet Juice
Detox water
Savoury Juice Juice
Before lunch juice I have some tea, I like Three Tulsi tea (Holy Basil tea by Pukka tea)
Savoury juice
Savoury juice
Savoury/slightly sweet juice for when I get afternoon sluggish (I like apple, carrot, ginger, beet with celery) 
Detox water
Usually 1-2 juices at night (Dinner/Evening juices are very green to assist the major detoxing and feeding of cells that happens while we sleep)
Hot almond milk: 1 Cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1.4 tsp nutmeg
Detox tea

Day 3-
I keep room temperature water by my bed and drink a full glass upon waking
Hot lemon and ginger water
A large glass of a more sweet fruit juice
More Savoury/Sweet Juice
Savoury Juice
Detox water
Savoury Juice
Before lunch juice I have some tea, I like Three Tulsi tea (Holy Basil tea by Pukka tea)
Savoury juice
Savoury juice
Savoury/slightly sweet juice for when I get afternoon sluggish (I like apple, carrot, ginger, beet with celery)
Detox water
Usually 1-2 juices at night (Dinner/Evening juices are very green to assist the major detoxing and feeding of cells that happens while we sleep)
Hot almond milk: 1 Cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1.4 tsp nutmeg
Detox tea
*If you have autoimmune/thyroid/IBS issues, feel free to add bone-broth in the afternoon, it helps heal the gut and is very beneficial. You can read more about that in the previous Day 20 post or here on an older post I did about bone broth:

All the best, I know you can do this, and remember to be kind, gentle, to make room for moments of faith, rest, and even some emotional/physical ups and downs. It is a journey, enjoy this gift you are giving to yourself!
God Bless You!

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