
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Trout w/ Seasoning & Roast Vegetables, Day 29 of The 30 Day Self-LoveDetox Challenge

Morning health warriors,

It's day 29 and we are almost at the finish line for our 30 day challenge. Because we end tomorrow, today's post is a recipe for this scrumptious fish dish. I want you to have a few more healthy recipes to add to your roster, that are simple and taste great!
It uses a West Indian spice mix that I get from the specialty shop. These spices can also be found on amazon.
There are several brands you can choose from, ranging from fish seasoning's to jerk seasoning. Jerk seasoning is very spicy but the fish seasoning is not, it contains papaya and I find people find it tastes so good. I have gotten non-fish eater's to gobble up their serving and ask for seconds. The one I use is called Islander's Fish Seasoning, and it looks like this:
That's the packaging and this is what the spice looks like:
These are some of the other companies:

Preheated oven to 375 degrees F
1 Red pepper, seeded and sliced
1 Zuchinni sliced into sticks
1 Yellow onion sliced
1 Pkg Sliced Mushrooms
Herb seasoned salt like Herbamare
Black pepper
Dried thyme

-On a parchment lined tray lay each vegetable out in its own row. A line of peppers, a line of onions, a line of mushrooms, and a line of zucchini.
-Sprinkle seasonings over vegetable to taste, I use about 2 tsps combined, total.
-Sprinkle about 2-3  Tbsp over vegetables.
-Place tray in oven and roast for 1 hour until well cooked. 
-Serve with fish and salad

1 Filet of trout
1/2 tsp Fish seasoning
1/4 tsp Fresh black pepper
1/2 tsp Fresh thyme
1 Clove garlic crushed
1 tsp Extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
-Wipe down filet with a paper towel
-Sprinkle spices all over the fish
-Spread garlic over fish
-Sprinkle olive oil over fish
-Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until fish is flaky and cooked through.
-Serve with roasted vegetables and side salad.

The salad recipe is the avocado scallion salad from another post, you can find it in the labels section below.
Come back tomorrow and have fun making this recipe.

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