
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Seeking Fruit & Adventures in Lilac Jelly Making

Helloodles Loverlies!

I am on a strawberry and rhubarb hunt, as I need to make compote and some healthy paleo pie. Canning and homesteading kick continue and I am getting calls from family and friends for ripe, ready to pick, perfect timing, come and get em' blooms and fresh food stuffs! 
Be excited! Be, be excited! 
We picked a huge amount of lilac and I have just been told that there is more for me to grab out in the country. It is cooler out there so the lilacs are blooming a bit later-whoohoooooooo! This means more jelly making fun in my future.
I came up with my own recipe and it is fabulous, if I do say so myself. The steeping liquid requires quite a goodly amount of lilac petals but it is well worth the effort. Plus, lilac petals are way easier to remove than dandelion petals.
My first test batch has become very popular and I am now adding this special mélange to my Etsy store roster.
I played with some different flavours and got something truly delicious and an absolute delight for the senses. Lilac and pineapple, such a wonder!
There were two attempts at steeping, I wasn't happy with the first so I created my own recipe and it gave a much more vibrant colour than the yucky pic above and the one below , top right. The bottom pics show the difference.
Rocky slept most of the time, except when he heard the fridge door opening and thought chicken cold cuts were coming his way.
He was so cute while the flowers were steeping because he was super sniffing at the very fragrant air. This was my first batch, for some reason I was very messy when making this as opposed to when I made the dandelion jelly. I had forgotten to line a tray with parchment paper and instead made a globby spill-fest, on a cloth instead of the tray; which was rather sticky by the time I reached the finish line.
It jelled beautifully and everyone who has tasted it has been enchanted by its subtle fruity and floral notes.
I thoroughly enjoyed it on my waffles and will be having some more tomorrow, that's if there is any left. The next batch will need to be bigger mason jars, as it seems to be rather popular. I won't be giving the recipe for this because it will be for sale in my soon-to-come Etsy shop but it will be part of my launch giveaway along with the dandelion jelly. For now, just enjoy the prettiness and smile.
And remember:

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