
Thursday, February 21, 2013

West Indian Cornmeal Breakfast Porridge

West Indian Cornmeal Porridge:
Serves 4-6 can be reheated, just add a bit of milk.

-1 C FINE cornmeal, not coarse!
- 3 C water + 1/2C for blooming cornmeal
-1/2-1C milk of your choice, I use almond
-Spice mix: 1stick cinnamon, 5-7 whole pimento berries(Jamaican allspice), 6 scrapes off of a whole nutmeg, 1-2 whole cloves, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon.
-1 Can of condensed milk
-1 Tbsp real vanilla

-Pour cornmeal into a heavy-bottomed pot, add 1/2 cup of water and stir through. Allow to sit and "bloom" for 5-10 mins.
-Add spices, 3C water, vanilla, & stir.
Now is the time to make sure you have ALL your ingredients at the ready, that means opened, measured, along with whisk and spoon. Everything must be right next to you because once you begin the cooking process you can't leave it or stop stirring. If you do not follow these instructions, it will lump and burn every time.
-Place pot on medium-low heat, no higher than 5. Stir often, it will start to thicken after 5-10 mins.
-When thickened add the condensed milk
and stir very well. Cook 1min then add milk.
-Continually stir, you may use the whisk if any lumps appear at anytime. Cook until it thickens to consistency you prefer, shorter cook time for a more runny porridge and longer cook time for a thicker porridge.
-Remove from heat and dip your wooden spoon in to coat the back of it (napper la cuillére, as Chef's refer to it), then run your finger through it. The line should stay, that means it's ready.

You are aiming for a thick sauce consistency but not as thick as oatmeal, although my son likes it pretty close to it. I prefer a more runny porridge, it's really up to you. Serve with fresh crusty bread for dipping, biscuits, hard dough buns from the West Indian market, or even buttered toast. This is very rich, nourishing, and filling so don't serve more than 11/2 C of it at a time. Remember to take a few deep breathes before eating, to give thanks for your lovingly prepared meal, & to share it with those you love.
Here are pics to help you on your culinary adventure, enjoy!

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