
Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Toy for my Kitchen

I finally replaced my no stick pan, my other one disappeared a ways back rather mysteriously. I have been making due with a slightly bubbled middle old pan from my mother but it was craptacular to say the least. I am not big on no stick equipment for various health reasons but if treated with great care I find them to be invaluable for pancakes, crepes, potato galettes, and eggs. Tomorrow we have a fish recipe going up that is SUPER easy, not expensive and best of all, really fast. Kitty requested it so I will be posting it along with the vegetable slather as promised. This post is labeled under things I hope for because I am tickled pink to learn that The Kinky Coconut has finally made it on google search, this was a feel good moment in a really rough week. I am giving thanks and am feeling very blessed. This calls for an ice cream cone, well at least a picture of one since dairy and I don't hang anymore. ;P
Have a delightful evening my lovelies!