
Monday, April 27, 2015

Living for the Right Purpose & How to Find Your Purpose

I adore listening to sermons through the many apps that make them readily available, my Poppa Bear introduced them to me very early on in our relationship and they have been such a comfort. I couldn't get to church for the better part of a year when I was first injured and was wondering how I could get His word in my life more while feeling better connected to the Christian community. He told me about the apps, I searched them out and immediately stumbled onto one and never looked back. Some of my favourite memories as a couple are lying together early in the morning and quietly listening to God's word and praying, we do this whether we are physically together or separated by the miles  between us. It's kept our long distance relationship stronger and fills my heart with such gratitude because those moments do feel more special and deeply connecting. I listen to pastor Dale O'Shields from the Practical Living ministry the most because it really is practical advice that resonates and I am able to apply these teachings to my life. I like them very much but if it's not for you, that's fine too. This week I have been catching up on a series that is about Living for the Right Purpose. It was very moving and I  wanted to share it with you because it gives that guidance in such a clear and concise way that many of us are seeking, especially when your life seems to always be going wrong no matter how hard you try.

God says:

There are 7 pillars of wisdom to give meaning to your life. 7 being the number which is complete, whole.
For your life to function & to live it right you need to:

1) Discover your PURPOSE. One does this by connecting with their creator, you will never discover purpose without making a connection to your creator.

Understanding purpose answers:

-Why am I here?
-What am I here for or to do?
-Who am I living for?
Purpose is all about your reason for being, life only works well when your purpose is correct. Some people lose all sense of hope in life because they are unsure of their purpose.

2) The reason you were made was for a relationship with God. That is what Christ's coming is all about. But we must take the initiative to make the connection.
Matthew 4:18-20
 3) There are dimensions of connection one must understand:

-You must connect personally. You need to know God for yourself, not through someone else but yourself.

- It needs to be a regular connection. Continue to connect with Him, it's an ongoing dimension of life.
The Bible says:
"Apart from Him we can do nothing, that we abide in Him & remain in Him."

We need Him, not just occasionally but all the time.
Jesus, you're center to my life because I don't just need you from time to time but I need you every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Amen.
I need to maintain my relationship & fellowship with Christ. Why?
I have connected to Him, I have to be responsible for doing it regularly.

-Do it conscientiously. I'm aware of His presence, I'm aware of my need for His presence and because of that I am proactive. I keep my communication flowing with Him.
Make that connection with God & he will freshen & refresh your life. Do not run around trying to do what you already know, what is NOT working. Connect with Him and He will reset the pattern of your life. He will freshen and refresh what has been stale & stagnant, He will put back in order so that something can work in your life. He will reset & refresh.
Connect with your creator, it is the puzzle piece you need.
You are created to be a contributor not just a consumer. This is key to you understanding your PURPOSE. "I am not here to consume but to contribute."
You are unique, there is no other person like you, you are no accident, you are special to God. There is a unique reason for your being. You may think you don't have anything to give but that is not true. The adversary loves to tell you that you don't have anything to give because as long as he's told you you don't have anything to give, you'll never try to give anything.
It is only when you realize there must be some reason WHY GOD MADE ME & there is a reason, not just to consume but to contribute, to add value to His kingdom, then you will.
Don't ever let the adversary tell you otherwise.

God is a forgiver, a redeemer, He can turn the messes in your life into miracles in your life. You matter, every person matters to God, you are valuable to Him.

That sense of contribution. Wholeheartedness. The seriousness of your commitment will determine the level of your success.
Completely committed to God.

Mark 12:30 New International Version (NIV)

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
God began the 10 Commandments this way: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2-3).

You cannot serve God & yourself at the same time, you cannot serve 2 masters. God needs to hear you say, "I am staying with you, whatever comes my way, I am all in. Nothing will deter me from serving you."
Your life will never work with partial commitment, you must be wholeheartedly committed. Remember:

Dear Lord God, I know that I was created for a relationship with you.
Today, I give my life to Jesus Christ. I commit myself to serve your purpose with all my heart, with the help & power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name. Amen.

If you want to hear this sermon and the series that continues, follow this link:

or if you are interested in Pastor Dale O'Shield's ministry and The Church of the Redeemer:

Have a lovely and blessed day and positive start to the week. Leave your comments below, I love to hear from you and don't forget to subscribe!

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