
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Panda Love & Coping with Life's Bumps

Did you know that I adore pandas? Well I do and there is nothing that puts a smile on my face when I am down, quite as fast as a fluffy panda bum.
I have been going through a lot of stuff lately and when I feel down I have about 5 things I do to turn my frown upside down and change the focus from negativity to positives.
Firstly, I start talking to God, asking what's going on and to please help me, I pray and hope. Then as I get in deeper I have a shut down or a melt down, cry quietly or rant and rave then calm down, apologize profusely to God and my loved one's and then become open and receptive to what is being shown/spoken/being done to try to soothe.
There are times I handle with grace and aplomb, then there are times I am wonderfully human and flawed and I fail miserably at coping.
That brings me to the second thing I do and that's reach out to my family and dearest friends who are such a comfort and understanding support network in my life. I do isolate for a bit but I always come back. Thank God for my Poppa Bear because he's so uplifting, gentle,funny, tenacious, supportive, kind, and loving that I have gotten through rough patches, which God knew I needed help with.
This is very new for me in certain respects, I am fiercely independent and find it hard to accept that I don't have to be strong all the time and go it alone.
My Poppa Bear introduced me to the ebb and flow of a healthy, Godly, and loving relationship, and I fall deeper into love with him because of this, along with many other reasons. He has shown me that when one is weak, the other can be strong. That prayer and faith can be the best way to push through-even when I am struggling to hear or not be angry. (Yes, I get angry with God sometimes. It's between us and we work it out, this means I learn to trust Him and His timing and apologize for being an impatient dunder paint.)
My third thing is to bake, make a meal, or do something nice for someone else by baking or making them a meal. The kitchen soothes me and food is a welcome guest at any table.
My fourth thing is to exercise and then shower before getting back into a discussion with my Poppa Bear. I usually have to calm down so I can be clear and receptive, then I apologize and we can continue with our fellowship and end with watching our fav movie or show. There's mucho apologizing in case you haven't already noticed because I am a hot head and when I'm wrong, I feel it's important to admit to it and make amends wherever you can.
My fifth and last thing I do is distract myself with things I adore, so that I can come back to handling life with a heart full of love and joy. It's much better than grumbling and being a grouch. The things I love to do that cheer me up are very simple, inexpensive to free, and are very much the same things that lifted my spirits when I was a child.
This works for me:

-Blowing bubbles

-Watching videos or all things puppy related or pic, of the same. Usually it's kids and dogs, cats, penguins, ducks and dolphins, OK all animals & cute kids, are acceptable alternatives.

-Pandas and all things panda related, awww yeah!

Who doesn't want a panda chopstick stacking game or panda light in their life?

My last are make-up, hair, flowers and water. I doll myself up to raise my spirits, I stop to smell the roses or I find water and feel good again. Walking in the rain is another pleasurable thing and it can be so lovely...

After all that I am recharged and able to face the world again, sometimes though, I let Poppa Bear be my strong hero and ask him hold me just a little bit longer.

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