
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ain't She Sweet plus Âllo Matin Juice & Day 4 Prep for #30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge

Good morning delightful people, we are cruising towards juice supremacy!!!!
Mwuah hahaha...
Day 4 on our prep journey and we are now purging the heavy, meat laden items and slowly using them up so we can replace them with lighter fare. Yes, you need to stop purchasing meat and start eating what you have so as to not be tempted for your 30 Day detox. 
This is what my lunch consisted of today, it was gluten-free toast, (no butters) that I added roasted onion hummus to, half an avocado with some spicy Herbamare and some all natural gluten-free roast turkey slices. I am cutting all meat out by the 1st of April because my thyroid is doing so much better and I feel it is time to safely switch back to a plant-based way of eating.
The bread I am using up is from a local QC bakery that specializes in gluten-free, it looks like this & the link to the blog post I did on their product follows.

Herbamare is an all natural plant based, herbal mix sea salt that is better than straight salt and has a kick. It comes in several flavours, we get it at out local grocer's & healthfood stores. There are 3 varieties, Original & Zesty (I use both) & sodium-free for those in need of zero salt but want some extra food flav. There are 3 new additions that are Organic Blends, pics follow.

We have no probs finding them in Canada, they are from a company I adore called Vogel, they have a whole line of amazing products that I have been using for more than 20 years; including a naturopathic line of supplements. I particularly like their allergy homeopathic item called Pollinosan.
If you have not heard of Vogel & would like to order some Herbamare here are some links I found:

Another fantastic place to get wonderful seasonings which are made by Chef Chris Wallace, all fresh, natural, and by hand, are Flavor God Seasonings:
Chef Wallace worked hard to develop a product that is not filled with additives, harmful chemicals, or cheap fillers; and it has paid off. I have watched his business grow from a small, one man show, to expansion with many more loving hands to allow him to meet the demand for his wonderful seasonings. He is a Chef who cares about his products and his customers, you need to check his on-line store and get you some yum scrum seasonings. Just be patient as he gets a lot of orders. You can also peep him on Instagram under Flavorgod, the pics and happy customer stories will convince you.

You can read the previous blog post to find out why you need to change your seasonings and snacks, MSG and Gluten are not your friends and with all natural products readily available, making the switch is a no brainer. Slowly transitioning from all the rich and unhealthy foods means that your plates will begin to become full of fresh fruits and vegetables, simple meat alternatives that look more like this:
And this:
The above is a recipe for a Macrobiotic soup that I will be posting in the days to come, it's part of what we have been eating to help our stomachs settle down, get adjusted to the very different flavours, and to lighten our waist-lines. I will be providing fish based dishes, vegetarian/vegan hot meals, Macrobiotic, and Rawfood vegan items that will give you a variety to enjoy/discover. One of my favorite's is this Curried Chana & Aloo with Spinach & Snap Peas, so you need to keep checking in at The Kinky Coconut to get these fab recipes & much more, subscribe so they will be delivered directly to your mail box if you haven't already.
Cooked vegetarian/vegan foods are a hugely comforting & inviting way to make our way to the culmination of all this work, which will be juicing and Rawfood vegan. Do not be overwhelmed, go with the flow, take your time, and enjoy the ride. This is why we are prepping our way during these 12 days so we can dive into the 30 days without stress. Don't forget that all the food change is mingled with self-care, self-love, & healthy happy feel-good changes.


So, we need to get on the juicing wagon, I began a few days ago and you need to start now.
The reason juicing is so important is three-fold.
1) You have probably been eating a simple carb, sugar, processed foods, and meat laden diet for a while now. Believe it or not, you may be deficient in nutrients for a variety of reasons; juicing will put into your body what is missing in a way that is easy to incorporate.

2) Your digestion is out of wack and you probably feel very sluggish, not sure why? Read  reason #1. I am going to give you recipes that will help your digestion, give you some pep, and fuel your days while preparing you for what is to come in April.

3) Juicing is fun, tastes delicious and you will wonder why you did not do this earlier. Trust me, juicing has been an integral part of healing my thyroid and a myriad of other issues too many of us experience because of our S.A.D (Standard American Diet) ways.

If you do not have a juicer, I cannot stress enough the importance of getting one. See if you can borrow one, there are some places that are renting them! 
 When I started I wanted a Breville juicer, I prayed and prayed and asked friends and family to keep on the lookout for me. I ended up receiving a Jack Lalan juicer for free because my auntie never used it and wanted the shelf space back. Score! Thank you God!
I also eventually moved to a place where friends had a homogenizing juicer and a Breville juice fountain plus, this was awesome! I was so grateful to God and felt utterly blessed for all I received. When I moved on my own, I used my Lalan juicer A LOT! It lasted me several years and was not as efficient as the Breville or Homogenizing juicer but it worked well, allowed me to do my, twice yearly juice fasts, and the juices were very tasty.
I later wanted a masticating juicer but could not afford one, I prayed to God for life to bring me a juicer, several months later, and none too soon as my Lalan juicer was on it's last legs, I inherited a Dr. Mercola masticating juicer. I was amazed, grateful once more, saddened as to the situation that led me to receiving this gift, but understood I was blessed. I knew that the person would have been very happy knowing how much use and appreciation would come of it.
I am so grateful to have this juicer and use it every day now; I have learned that as I age optimal health requires a variety of steps and juicing is great support for my entire system. 
It gives me so much energy and I truly notice a difference when I am not sticking to juicing. 
I even got Poppa Bear to watch a wonderful documentary on juicing with me, he then went out and got himself a Breville juicer and I was thrilled. You should really check this documentary if you have not already, it was done by a man who had health and weight problems, who wanted a simple but effective solution. I am telling you, this movie changes the lives of everyone I have shown it to.

It's called: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
You can pay the $4.99 on Youtube to watch it 
Or get it however you choose, there is a part 2 and a reboot by Joe but I recommend you start at the beginning and watch it with loved one's. 
My mother is a diabetic who was seriously worrying me with her bad eating habits. After watching this movie she committed to juicing and still likes it to this day. I want you to know that any of the information, links, shot-outs to people, companies, products, blogs, etc. None of them paid me, I am sharing what works for me, take what you like and leave the rest, just try something new at least once. I know you come to this blog because you are wanting better for yourself and your loved one's. I want better for you too and so does God, you can do this!
The juice recipes you will find below should be incorporated in the AM, first thing upon waking have a glass of water and make your juice. Drink this before eating and wait a good 15 minutes before eating after drinking it. I personally am so used to Rawfoods that I can start my day with juice after my hot lemon water, then after my juice I drink more water, about 2 hours after I will eat fruit with nuts or a Rawfood cereal or other Rawfood breakfast item. On days I am working out, a juice comes first, I will make myself a large smoothie packed with Spirulina, hemp protein, bee pollen, almond milk, fruit, flax & coconut oil. I will make it big because I have half 30 minutes before my workout & then the other half within 45 minutes of my workout. Poppa Bear is a personal trainer & warned me that protein before & after workouts is super important, to assure that muscles are being given what they need to repair themselves when recovering. For years I was in a protein deficit because I had not been aware of this, I was an athlete who ate well and I was still having difficulty recovering. Today we know so much more with regards to sports training & nutrition, I know that it has made a BIG difference in my life. I am no longer dragging myself through 3-5 days of muscle aches, pain, and exhaustion. 

Keep reading for your juice recipes & closing info. for this post.
Ain't She Sweet Juice Recipe
2 servings
3 Apples
1 Stalk Celery
2 Carrots
2 Swiss Chard leaves & stems
1/2 Lime
Small Knob of Ginger

-Run all through juicer, serve over ice immediately & enjoy!

Âllo Matin
2 servings
2 Apples
4 Carrots
1 English cucumber peeled
1 Knob ginger
-Run all through juicer, serve over ice immediately & enjoy!


I am including these recipes which are reposts because I want you to have juices that will help aid digestion. 
Serves 1 (Great for stomach flu or food poisoning recovery!)
1 stalk celery
1/4 fennel bulb
1/2 cup green cabbage
1 medium knob ginger
1 Romaine lettuce leaf
8-10 apples
1/4 cup coconut water (add after all is juiced, stir in)

-Run all through juicer except coconut water, add coconut water then stir, serve over ice immediately & enjoy!


3 Oranges, peeled
1/4 Lemon peeled
1 Apple
3 Carrots
1 Knob ginger, peeled
1 Piece turmeric, peeled

Run it all through the juicer and drink straight away. Serves 1

-handful parsley
-handful coriander
-handful watercress
-4 romaine lettuce leaves
-1 fennel stalk
-10 Basil leaves
-1 stalk celery
-1 carrot
-1 tomato
-1/2 lime
-1/2 cucumber
-1 love garlic
-1/2 an onion
-pinch of fresh ground pepper and salt to taste.
-All in the juicer and down the healthy hatch!
For the final part of today's post we are getting to some simple ways to incorporate exercise in your daily routine. Don't groan & moan, embrace & change!
Self love means movement!
I have found these wonderful info graphics that are perfect for us out of shape, recovering from injury, and want to start simple types. It's a great walking schedule that I started & it's had a major impact on my moods, outlook, and creativity. Studies have proven that walking 15-30 minutes a day increases creativity & productivity levels by up to 80%. Yeah, get up off your tushie and walk, you deserve to feel great and this is totally do-able.
Walking benefits"
Body breakdown of walking:
Come back because tomorrow recipes for Rawfood fruit treats are to be posted, like these Rawfood vegan banana bread sticks! Leave comments & questions down below, I love to hear from you.
God bless!

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