
Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Best Raw Vegan Banana Bread Sticks Day 5 Prep for 30 DaySelf-Love Detox Challenge

Nana bread lovey's, and she be rawfood vegan goodness! Wait, she be awesome with a cape on yo banana goodness! Teehee...
I came up with this recipe this week because I had so many bananas in the freezer that I had to do something with a few of em'. 
I need to cop to something, I usually dislike banana anything in rawfood except for eating a real banana alone or bananas that are dried in lime juice-will post that recipe another day. Yep, banana dehydrated stuff is not my cup of tea but like I said, there was an avalanche of bananas to contend with. These breadsticks are super deelish! It was a pleasant surprise that they came out so yummy and they were liked by all who tried them, double win!
It made a full tray, I didn't dare make more in case I did not likey. Now I know and will be "unbaking" them more often, you need to get the kids in on making these as they will enjoy smashing up the bananas; there is also no "cooking" involved so let them have fun. One of the things I appreciate about rawfood is that old and young alike can make this food.

This recipe is part of stocking up your pantry in prep for the 30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge, there will be some more lovely recipes this week so you need to come back and you should subscribe to get them sent directly to your inbox, in case you have not already.

Without further ado, banana bread crisped delightfulness.

makes 1 Excalibur tray
(I use organic, try to do the best you can with what you can afford. The coconut oil really does need to be cold-pressed though.)

2 Very ripe bananas mashed
3/4 Cup almond pulp leftover from making almond milk (recipe link below)
1/2 Cup Brown flax ground
1 tsp vanilla
1/8 Cup coconut flour
1/2 Cup date paste (recipe follows below milk recipe)
1/2 tsp Fresh scraped nutmeg
1 Tbsp coconut oil cold pressed unrefined
3 Tbsp Dark Maple syrup (grade B)
1/8 tsp Walnut oil (DO NOT use more!)
1 Cup Raw Sunflower seeds, soaked 2-3 hours, drained & rinsed well
2/3 Cup almond milk mixed with 1/4 Cup water (almond milk recipe below)


-In a blender mix sunflower seeds with almond milk & water mixture until a thick paste forms. Place in a bowl with mashed bananas, maple syrup and vanilla.
-Add date paste, nutmeg and coconut oil, mix together well.
-Add all dry ingredients to wet and mix until well combined, the flax seeds will give you a very thick dough.
-On a teflex or parchment lined Excalibur dehydrator tray, spread dough out to about 1-1 1/2 inch thickness, square off edges.
Place in dehydrator on rawfood 105 degree setting, for 2 1/2 hours, remove and score with a knife into rectangular "sticks". (See the pics down below) Put back in the dehydrator for 10 hours.
-Check to see if the sticks are getting to a medium pliable bread consistency, you need to make sure they are not too wet because they must be flipped onto a new Excalibur tray lined with the regular white tray sheet it comes with because you need the air to circulate over and around the sticks so they dry properly. 
-Place an Excalibur sheet lined tray (Do not use a teflex sheet, just the regular plastic white sheet the trays always come with) over the top of the sticks and quickly flip the tray over. You will be able to gently and slowly remove the teflex sheet or parchment paper. (Don't force it if they are not ready, place them back in if it is too hard to remove)
-The score marks will be evident, at this point you can take some of the pieces and use them as warm bread for breakfast with nut spread and fruit if you like. Otherwise the sticks go back in the dehydrator for another 8-12 hours depending how crisp you like them. I left my sticks in for a total of 24 hours.
-Once dry, remove from the tray and gently break the sticks where the score marks are. Store in an airtight glass jar. These will keep for several weeks, if they don't all get eaten first! 

As always, pics follow below to help guide you along. Leave any questions or comments down below, I love to hear about your kitchen adventures.


This is a thick mix, it spreads well though. The first 2 pics are before dehydrating and the last three in the pic are after the first few hours.
Take your time lifting, these are delicate, if they stick too much then they are not ready to be peeled off. Place them back in the dehydrator for another hour or two, then try peeling them again.
They come out dark & delicious, I tested one to be sure you would not have to. I know, I am nice like that. Pffffft.

                                                     Broke em' all up for storing.
                                                                 So good!
Notice the thickness, I like them like this but feel free to go thicker or thinner. I think these would also make a great cereal, feel free to score them into little bite sized squares and use them for breakfast or crumbled on coconut yogurt.

                                Have fun making these and God bless you and yours!

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