
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Canelle Bakery Bread Review

Morning lovelies!
I am all about this bread and I cannot wait to share with you. 
It's a new player on the gluten-free bread scene at my local grocers, it's from a Quebec based company called Cannelle Boulangerie; not to be confused with Maison Cannelle (QC has a thing for cinnamon), has a line of breads that I think, in the history of gluten-free bread from the freezer section, blows away any bread  I have had. Yes, it was and is that good. Allow me to break it down for you. I bought the Muesli Cheri bread which was whole-grain with walnuts & a touch of honey. 
First things first, this bread is a great value; it is priced at under $6.00! I paid $5.69 and the size is bigger than my usual gluten-free breads, like almost double the loaf! I was over the moon because of the selection of flavours, flours used, whole-grain, lactose-free, non-gmo, and locally made, it was amazing to behold. 
As you can see in the above picture, the slices are more on par with regular slices of gluten whole grain breads. You can see that it's still holding together-like no problem holding together! It DID NOT crumble at any point, not before toasting, not during, not after, not while being handled, (I divide my bread in half and use only half per week, the rest I refreeze)
and this was a loaf that had previously been frozen! For all you gluten bread eater's, I know this may seem like an extreme exaggeration but ask any gluten-free eater, it's a big deal.
Slices were a proper thickness, not ridiculously thick or too thin, and you will adore how you can actually see the walnuts and grains in the bread. 
This was the bread divided in half that I froze, the rest I refrigerated in a Ziploc bag because there are no preservative chemicals in this bread-double win!
Another huge selling point for me was that it was not a brick of death heaviness, that feels like it's twisting one's intestines for the sole purpose of further torturing the gluten challenged; but I digress...
Next, it toasted gloriously! See for yourself:
Most importantly, it tasted stupendously good! It was light but not empty fluff, it was crisp with good substance, a nice balanced bite, shorter toast time-including not needing to be flipped for a second side re-toast! I put butter on both, tried one with marmalade and kept one plain.
I had to test the marmalade one twice to be sure I had it right, hehheh. Okay, I just like marmalade. Anywhoodles, this bread is a smashing success! It tasted slightly nutty but very mild, had a very balanced texture/crunch/flavour profile, it didn't get horribly dry, held up to spreads, and in my opinion, tasted best on its own with butter and a delightful Earl Grey spot O' tea! I am highly recommending you go out and try this brand, it's the bread you have been looking for. Especially if you were a whole grain, healthier bread eater before you had to go gluten-free. There are other flavours such as: (I tried the quinoa & it was delicious!)
And it's this wonderful group of people who are bringing us such a fantastic product, thank you so much for helping me fall in love with gluten-free bread! 
This company also has a line of mixes, desserts and a myriad of other cool gluten-free baking stuff. You really need to get out there and grab some Cannelle Boulangerie goodness!
Leave any comments or questions down below, I love to hear from you.

Have a happy & blessed day everyone!

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