
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Day 2 of the 30-day Self-Love Detox Challenge Why I Chose to do This, Spice Chart & Nutritional Ingredient Info.

             Healthy Eating by tascohealthandwellbeing: See what a balanced diet can do for you. #Infographic #Nutrition #Health:

Good morning health warriors!
Day 2 of the 30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge is looking marvelous and the next few posts will be short and sweet but I want to keep giving you encouragement and healthy nutritional info.
I have actually had people ask me what the benefits or differences are to eating healthy, why should they switch if they have no problems with junk food and are skinny, or why do I put myself through all this because it doesn't seem fun; and life is just too short to deprive yourself.
Excuse you?
I am floored when I hear people question a balanced and sensible eating plan and healthy lifestyle; especially in this day and age. People give me the stink eye when I am drinking my green smoothies, give me the pity speech when they see my meals, or call me a granola hippie when I am enjoying my Rawfood snacks. Guess what? I am not here to reach them, I am here to reach you and improve MY life habits.
It's really simple.
I want the highest quality of life possible, this means I am committed to scientifically proven healthy methods of eating, as well as relying on my body's cues to know what is right for my body type.
This is another thing, I frequently am chided for eating so healthy and not having the body that others think such a healthy diet should equate to.
It's not done to be mean, I get that, it's done to tease and sometimes it's even in honest wonder.
Look, I am freaking CURVY and I like that about myself. I will NEVER be a size 2, with a creepy thigh gap that the world has decided is desirable all of a sudden, (Unless someone is naturally that way from genetics, then no worries.) with bones protruding and six pack abs; those have never been my goals. Even when I was very fit, unencumbered by the realities of injuries and thyroid issues, and was a size 6, (Which was too thin as I looked very gaunt.) I wasn't looking to only be thin. Yes I wanted my pre-baby body back but that was because I had never had the realities of extra weight on my frame to contend with before that. Curves yes, discomfort in my clothes, no.
I used to be an athlete and being skinny was never part of any conversations I had with my fellow athletes, you know why? Because we were too busy chowing down on healthy foods to have enough energy to kick the booties of those we were competing against. We wanted to win and we were more interested in improving our speed, times, strength, and beating our personal best. This is the athletic mind-set, strength and agility are valued over external physical attributes that society deems are important. I will choose healthy and kick-ass strong over weak and unhealthy any day. I want to be clear about something, I am not trying to body shame thin people, I disagree with body shaming of anyone, I believe you need to accept, love, appreciate, and strengthen what God has blessed you with. His standard is much kinder, accepting, and loving. Why would I chose societies unattainable supposed "norms" over that?
                           The solution, as many women are beginning to understand, is not to focus on what we are giving up, what we can't have, what we are missing out on, but to focus on the health; focus on what we are getting and gaining and how amazing that is.:

My main goals in doing this 30 day challenge are simple, concise, and very clear in my mind:

1) I want to stop having digestive & bloating issues.
2) I want to increase my energy levels and happy endorphins.
3) I want to gain strength in my body so I can get back to training in the types and styles of exercises I like so much. (A return to Hot Yoga is big on the to do list, for me.)
4) I need to lose weight to ease my injuries and alleviate my sciatica symptoms as per my doctor's recommendations. It was NEVER suggested to become sickly thin, it was suggested to lose 10-20 lbs to help with my pain. Pain that gets worse the more I weigh making it harder to exercise and as such becomes a vicious circle in a self-fulfilling prophesy.
5) I want to feel comfortable in my curvy womanly body and in my clothes. I don't measure by the scale, I measure by how at ease I am in what I wear and in my movements.
6) I want to improve my posture and core strength.
7) I want to minimize the clutter in my heart, body, soul, and mind. Food is wonderful as medecine and I really see it as such.
8) Loving myself has to be a priority, if I cannot give love to myself then how can I possibly have it to share with others?

                         I guess somes it up for me. Starting to work out. Not beause i need to loose weight but to get toned up and fit.:

                                           To really improve yourself physically and emotionally; eat right and exercise! A better life is something you give to yourself! #FitClub:
                         What are your reasons for making healthy choices in your life?

Before I go I wanted to drop some food knowledge on yah! I came across these on Pinterest and thought they were perfect for this 30 day challenge. I will keep posting them throughout the coming days as I think it is important to know what food can do besides going down your gullet. Be enlightened and keep sticking to your goals. I am proud of you.

        27 Diagrams That Make Cooking So Much Easier:

        Health Benefits of Warm Water with Lemon:

             Health benefits of Chinese Licorice Root:

                    May The Blessings Of Love, Peace and Joy Fill Your Life.:

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