
Friday, April 1, 2016

Full Days/Weeks Menu Plan with Juices & Smoothies.Official Launch Day 1 of the 30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge

And so it begins! DAY 1!
Welcome and may I say, Congratulations on this new beginning! 
Thanks so much for deciding to be a part of this and for choosing to take a steady approach to your health. Pat yourself on the back, look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I ROCK!"
For the next 30 days we will slowly but surely be eliminating things that don't belong in your diet and life, while replacing them with healthy, delicious, life enhancing delights. 
We'll sprinkle in some faith and fun, all with a dose of kindness and encouragement. I am taking this journey with you so we're in this together and if you have any questions or anything you would rather DM privately, leave them down below or email me at:
So we move forward but we need to keep this in mind all the way along this journey:
If you do it for someone else or because someone else said you have to, it's going to be much more difficult to stick to. Decide in this moment, right here, that:
As of today, I am choosing to make positive changes because I deserve happiness, a high quality of life, and love.
Okay so today is the big food day! Before that though, you are to get to a scale and weigh yourself, write this down and how you feel in your gratitude journal. You are NOT ALLOWED to revisit the scale or that weight page until the 30 days are over. Comprendo? Good-do not cheat!
We will be covering Meals planning, juicing, smoothies, what to replace things with, a slow change, and loads of other stuff; so fasten your seat belts!

Apple info for those of you who didn't know:
      Right after you find the perfect apple, of course: | 27 Awesome Charts That Will Turn You Into A Baking Genius:

These are your juices, one for every morning. Feel free to choose whichever you want on a given day,only I recommend that by day 2 or 3 you take the Clear Green Juice as breakouts will happen and it helps.

(Juice Recipes Follow In the Same Order As the Juice Pics)



4 Oranges peeled 

2 Ruby red grapefruits peeled

1 Apple peeled

1 Small knob of ginger


-Run all through juicer, serve immediately and share with someone you love!



1 Cucumber, peeled,

1-2 Green apples

1-2 Stalks celery

1 Lime peeled

Run all through juicer, enjoy served over ice!


3 Cups strawberries

3 Lettuce Leaves

1/2 a Lime, peeled

6 Mint leaves

1/2 Cup Spring water

Method :

Blend lettuce with water and mint

Running all ingredients through your juicer and enjoy!



1/4 Ripe Papaya

1/2 Cucumber, peeled

1 Knob Ginger

1/2 Lime, peeled

3 Romaine Lettuce

2 Apples

1 Stalk Celery

1/4 Fennel bulb

Pass all through juicer and serve over ice. Makes 1 serving.


This makes 2 serving of juice


80 Black Cherries (I used frozen that I defrosted)

2 Mangoes (peeled & cut)

1 Lime, no peel

1 Handful fresh mint


-Run all through juicer

-Serve over ice and enjoy!


2 servings


2 Apples

4 Carrots

1 English cucumber peeled

1 Knob ginger



-Run all through juicer, serve over ice immediately & enjoy!

HOLIDAY COLD ZAP JUICE: (Don't worry if it's a winter theme, this juice is to boost immunity and stave off colds which can happen when detoxing.)

(makes 2 servings)

5 Cortland apples

2 Oranges

3 Medium carrots

1 Small beet

1 Knob of ginger

Pass all through juicer, pour over ice and drink with a smile on your face.


3 Oranges, peeled

1/4 Lemon peeled

1 Apple

3 Carrots

1 Knob ginger, peeled

1 Piece turmeric, peeled

Run it all through the juicer and drink straight away. Serves 1

The link for this juice post is here, I am including it because it has detailed pictures with fresh turmeric.

 We're going to discuss breakfast, as I am prone to nausea in the morning - thanks to my thyroid issues, I have a tendency to make a list of acceptable breakfasts and pick & choose what works for me on any given day. On days I train I wake up at 6am, take a fast-no soap, hot shower to loosen my muscles, and I usually like a smoothie and a fruit before hand. This I follow up with a second smoothie within 45 minutes of my workout, as per my Poppa Bear's Personal Trainer instructions. That means I will make my juice and meal for around 9am. I take my soapy shower after I train, then have my smoothie. If I am in a hectic rush and time does not allow, I make sure to have a packed breakfast/snack bag with healthy homemade bars or raw vegan crackers or raw vegan cereal. 

I am going to give you some ideas and let you play around with what works for you; I will also include recipes, links to recipes, and some other blogger breakfast ideas because that and snacking seem to be my Achilles heel. I will start with smoothies and move toward breakfasts, then snacks, and will give you your lunch & supper suggestions. I write out my menu for the week and stick it to the fridge, this along with my grocery list makes my life a lot easier, I eliminate food waste and I spend much less. I will give you the grocery list for the items that are included in this menu, you will need to figure out the quantities based on how many people you will be feeding, which items you are choosing to partake of, and what works best with your dietary needs/constraints. I am also going to post a picture of what a properly portioned plate should look like.

You have smoothies for every day here, the same as the juices that were above. Some recipes are mine and some are from other blogs as I like to change it up a bit. You are not obligated to have smoothies, I just find they help on workout days, as a healthy afternoon snack and when I am pressed for time. If you are diabetic, do what I have my mother do. I have her drink a smoothie at 7:30 pm so her blood sugar does not drop and she monitors it closely. 

Just remember, when it comes to imbibing smoothies it's important to eat too. We should not only be drinking our calories unless we are juice fasting. That is for another time.


                                               Immune Builder Smoothie:  

                                                      Apple Pie Smoothie  ngredients:  1/2 cup organic rolled oats, soaked overnight in water and drained of excess liquid   1/2 teaspoon cinnamon  1/2 teaspoon nutmeg  1 tablespoon almond butter  1/2 apple, diced  1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk (such as So Delicious Dairy Free)   1 cup ice cubes  1/2 cup water:




-1/14 C Strawberries, frozen

-1/2 tsp vanilla powder or extract

-1/4C Raw macadamia butter

-2 Tbsp Cold pressed organic coconut oil

-1/4 C Grade B Maple syrup (organic if possible)

-1 C Water


I have to slice my strawberries before putting them in the blender because my prayers for a Vita-mix blender have yet to be answered, so I help the Nutri-Bullet along by slicing before it gets it's blend on.

Throw all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth, taste to adjust sweetness as some strawberries can be more sour than others. Be careful to add a TBSP of Maple at a time, when needing to adjust sweetness because it becomes unbearably saccharine quickly when too much is used.

Enjoy a delightful, healthy, and bright start to your day my lovelies. 



1 ripe avocado

2 limes juiced (I like to add the zest of 1 lime but this is optional-no Nina it wasn't in the one you tasted ;p)

1 ripe banana

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 Tbsp maple syrup (grade B, that's the darker one)

1 3/4 Cups brown apple juice, the real stuff not the yellow fake one. Feel free to juice your own.

Small pinch of pink sea salt


Throw it all in a blender and blend for 20-30 seconds maximum, if you do more it will become a gross frothy mix and you're really aiming for thick smoothie.

Must be served chilled, I like mine over ice.

Makes 2 servings.



2 Tbsp Goji berries soaked for 2-4 hours

1/4 of a ripe banana

1/2 Cup papaya, de-seeded and chopped

1/4 Cup pineapple chopped

1/2 Cup ripe mango chopped

1 Small knob ginger chopped

Juice of 1/2 lime

1 tsp Vanilla extract

1 1/2 Cups Coconut water


-Blend all in blender, serve over ice.

Makes 2 servings



1/2 Cup Blueberries frozen

1/2 a Banana

1 tsp Coconut oil-cold pressed

1 Tbsp Almond butter

1 tsp Vanilla extract

1/4 tsp Spirulina powder

1 Cup Almond milk


-Blend all ingredients in a blender for 30 seconds and enjoy! Serves 1



-10 pitted dates soaked for 1 hour (I used Algerian, if you use medjool dates use 5-6 of them because they are much larger)

-2 Tbsp Raw almond butter

-1 Cup frozen cherries

-1 frozen banana

-1/8 tsp vanilla powder (This is ground vanilla beans)

-1 scoop Raw hemp powder

-2 Tbsp ground flax seed

-1 Tbsp coconut oil cold pressed

-2 Cups water

-a small pinch of sea salt


-Place all ingredients in a blender, blend on low speed to start going up to highest speed until all ingredients are liquefied.


Makes 2 servings



1/2 cup organic rolled oats, soaked overnight in water and drained of excess liquid 

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1

 tablespoon almond butter 1/2 apple, 

 diced 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk (such as So Delicious Dairy Free) 

 1 cup ice cubes 

 1/2 cup water 


-Blend all ingredients in a blender for 30 seconds and enjoy! Serves 1 

yields 1 serving

1 stalk dinosaur kale
1 c. leafy greens (spinach, red leaf lettuce, romaine, etc…)
2 limes, juice + pulp
1” ginger, peeled & roughly chopped
3” cucumber,organic (skin on, remove the skin if not organic)
3 mint leaves
1 green apple
1 c. brewed DECAF green tea, chilled

Place all your ingredients in a blender (starting with the kale and ending with the iced tea) and blend on the highest setting for 1 - 2 minutes. Add more tea or water as needed to reach your desired consistency. 

Menu Time!

Breakfast will be followed by the main meals, then a snack list, and recipes/links to recipes. (Yes, you do have to do some leg work but seriously, I did the hard part for you.) I will then add the grocery list which you may need to vary based on the specific recipe choices you make. Some recipes will not have other choices and some will, as I wanted you to enjoy the taste of something while having some wiggle room in case you did not like it or were allergic. Adjust what you need to, consult with a professional if you need, and do what works best for you.

Breakfast is usually between 6am & 8am depending on my schedule and days for working out. Workout mornings are always earlier. 

Always take a probiotic 15 minutes before eating. You want a very high dose of probiotics, you can take them in capsule form or as I prefer in liquid form. I use a probiotic called Bio-k, it's wonderful!

All breakfast items do not have the addition of any fats, that means no butter or margarine or oils, of ANY kind. Nut and seed butters are acceptable as long as they are unsweetened and all natural, organic is best, and roasted is fine.

BREAKFAST CHOICES: (Choose what you feel to eat on a given day or follow the list in chronological order if you prefer, just DO NOT skip breakfast!)  

Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 1) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

-2 Whole grain, gluten-free toast with 2 Tbsp(max) of nut or seed butter of choice

-1 Red or Pink Grapefruit       

-Freshly made juice of choice 

-Decaff, green tea or herbal tea     

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 2) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

(Day 2 requires more calories as you are training and walking this day) 

-Smoothie with no banana in recipe    

-Freshly made juice of choice    

-1 Hard or soft boiled egg 

-1 Whole grain, gluten-free toast

-1/2 Banana with 1/2 Cup lactose-free, probiotic, unsweetened plain yogurt 

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 3) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

-Freshly made juice of choice

-1/2-1 Cup sugar-free, plain, gluten-free oats cooked and served with berries (recipe link below), 1/2 tsp ground flax, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, & 1/2 Cup unsweetened almond milk 

-1 Apple

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast! 


Day 4) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.  

(Day 4 requires more calories as you are training and walking this day)  

-Green Smoothie 

-3 Coconut flour Paleo pancakes w/sliced banana & a light drizzle of maple syrup (recipe link below)

-Decaff. green tea

-Freshly made juice of choice       

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating   & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day. 

Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!      

Day 5) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.      

-Freshly made juice of choice  

-11/2 Cup fruit salad made up of 4 of your favourite fruits-do not add sweetener of any kind

-Serve with 2 Tbsp of cashew Kream (recipe link below)

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 6) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

-Freshly made juice of choice    

 -Decaff. green tea 

-Millet with oranges (Wholefoods Market recipe follows below)

-Handful almonds

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating   & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 7) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

(Day 7 requires more calories as you are training and walking this day) 


-Freshly made juice of choice


-2 Poached eggs  


-2 Whole grain, gluten-free toast.

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day

If you do not know how to poach an egg, Youtube has videos galore. Here is a link to a Jamie Oliver one that shows you how to poach an egg 3 ways: 


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!    

Day 8) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.         

-Freshly made juice of choice

-Raw vegan cereal with 1 fresh cut mango or 1 banana, serve with unsweetened almond milk (Recipe links follow below)  

-Half of an avocado with herb seasoned salt such as Herbamare or pink sea salt (1/4 tsp max)

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day   (cereal)                    (2nd cereal option)

Millet Breakfast Cereal with Mandarin Oranges and Dates


  • 2/3 cup uncooked millet
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cup cups orange juice
  • 4 large dates, pitted and chopped
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 teaspoon green cardamom pods
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 cup canned Mandarin oranges (canned in water), drained



Toast millet in a large skillet over medium heat, stirring constantly, until fragrant and just golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with cold water and rub millet grains with your hands for about 5 seconds. Transfer to a strainer, rinse for 1 minute then drain millet well.

Put drained millet into a small pot. Add water, orange juice, dates, cinnamon, cardamom and salt and bring to boil over medium high heat. Reduce heat to medium low, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until liquid is absorbed and millet is tender, about 40 minutes. Remove and discard cinnamon and cardamom then stir in mandarin oranges, spoon into bowls and serve.

Nutritional Info: 

Per Serving: 210 calories (25 from fat), 2.5g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 5mg cholesterol, 40mg sodium, 43g carbohydrates, (5 g dietary fiber, 18g sugar), 5g protein.

Here's an awesome chart from Buzzfeed for egg cooking times:

                                Boil half a dozen eggs (or more) for the busy week ahead.:

 This snack list is perfect, it's exactly what I go for and am passing it along to you. It is brought to us from the lovely Dana McDonald. The only thing I change is the Ezekiel bread which contains gluten, I swap it for raw crackers or gluten-free whole grain bread. As always no starchy carbs after 2:30pm. 

              Please note, I recently revised this poster as one of my followers kindly informed me of the fact that I had duplicated 2 snacks by mistake (thank you!). If you click the image and/or link below, you can view and download the new version. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued support.:   *Just make sure your nut or seed butters are ALWAYS natural and sugar-free! Honey needs to be organic, raw, and unpasturized as well.

I am including links to some amazing protein and fat bomb recipes, I make 2 types per week & keep them in my freezer. These are my quick energy boosting craving squashers. You should add them to your prepared snacks. As for the gluten-free, sweet & savoury crackers, I will link those too but they were in the prep posts. They are Rawfood vegan and require dehydrating, that's why I have them already made in the advance cleanse prep but you can do them any time; just know they take about 24 hours to dehydrate in an Excalibur. 





Day 1) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

LUNCH- 1 1/2 Cups Macrobiotic Shiitake & Cabbage Soup

-1/2 Can of tuna (in water) drained, serve with juice of lemon and some herb seasoned salt, 1 cooked beet sliced, 1 Cup romaine and naturally fermented vegetable of choice(must be all natural and lacto-fermented. I buy mine at the health food store, in the refrigerator aisle.)

-1 Apple

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.

Eat your snack  between 2:30 & 3:30pm, choose from Rawfood vegan items or off the approved snack list above. Feel free to add freshly made juice to boost energy.


15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

- 5 1/2 ounces grilled chicken breast seasoned with herbs and pink sea salt & topped with 2-3 Tbsp bruschetta, 1 1/2 Cup cooked asparagus sprinkled with 1 tsp organic extra virgin olive oil & herb seasoned salt, 1/2 Cup raw carrots. (Make enough to have a second portion of this for your lunch tomorrow.)

-45 minutes later have 1 fruit of choice with 1/2 Cup lactose-free probiotic vanilla yogurt (I add vanilla to my plain one) or plain yogurt.

Drink Spring or filtered water

7:30 pm eating stops. Feel free to have hot herbal decaff. tea or warmed almond milk with a touch of raw organic unpasteurized honey. 

*If you suffer from serious skin conditions such as eczema, I recommend at 7pm every evening , making yourself a fresh green juice. The reason for this is that during the night your body goes through cycles of processing, sourcing useful nutrients, and elimination. The elimination when detoxing can be pretty intense if you have a toxic overload in your system from: previous medications, bad eating habits, allergy trigger foods you were unaware of, (IE. corn, gluten, chocolate, sugar, dairy, etc.) and it often hits between the hours of  3 & 4am. I have woken up to throbbing, red, swollen, itching, painful, sausage fingers because I was detoxing very quickly from hard medications the doctor's had prescribed for my spinal injury. I wish I had known then about drinking green juices the night before, as it would have saved me from running to have very expensive colonic treatments.

If ever you get peckish for something after you eat or during the day and you really need something richer, eat half of an avocado with herb seasoned salt such as Herbamare or pink sea salt (1/4 tsp max)

Day 2) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes


- 5 1/2 ounces grilled chicken breast seasoned with herbs and pink sea salt & topped with 2-3 Tbsp bruschetta, 1 1/2 Cup cooked asparagus sprinkled with 1 tsp organic extra virgin olive oil & herb seasoned salt, 1/2 Cup raw carrots. (Prep from yesterday's dinner)

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.

Eat your snack  between 2:30 & 3:30pm, choose from Rawfood vegan items or off the approved snack list above. Feel free to add freshly made juice to boost energy.


15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

-Smoothie of choice.Today is supposed to be an exercise day, so it's wise to add a smoothie and give yourself extra calories. (You may do this any day you train.)

-1 1/2 Cups Pea soup of choice

- 1 Cup cooked cauliflower, 1/2 Cup of tuna with lemon juice & herb seasoned salt, carrot & arame salad (Make extra for tomorrow's lunch & make the speedy lime, lentil & basil salad recipe. Links follow). 3 Rawfood crackers of choice.

Drink Spring or filtered water

7:30 pm eating stops. Feel free to have hot herbal decaff. tea or warmed almond milk with a touch of raw organic unpasteurized honey.


Day 3) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes


-1 1/2 Cups Pea soup of choice

- 1 Cup cooked cauliflower, 1/2 Cup of tuna with lemon juice & herb seasoned salt, carrot & arame salad, lime, lentil & basil salad, 3 Rawfood crackers of choice.

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.

Eat your snack  between 2:30 & 3:30pm, choose from one of the sweeter Rawfood vegan items as day 3 you will be prone to sugar cravings; or off the approved snack list above. Feel free to add freshly made juice to boost energy.


15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

-Mango salad, Shrimp rice paper rolls with dipping sauce (Make enough to have for lunch tomorrow. Use sweet potato noodles in place of rice noodles if you can get them at the Asian market).

-An apple or watermelon slices sprinkled with pink sea salt 

Drink Spring or filtered water

7:30 pm eating stops. Feel free to have hot herbal decaff. tea or warmed almond milk with a touch of raw organic unpasteurized honey.

Day 4) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes


-1 1/2 Cups Macrobiotic Shiitake & Cabbage Soup

-Mango salad, Shrimp rice paper rolls with dipping sauce 

-1 fruit of choice with 1/2 Cup lactose-free probiotic vanilla yogurt (I add vanilla to my plain one) or plain yogurt.

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.

Eat your snack  between 2:30 & 3:30pm, choose from Rawfood vegan items or off the approved snack list above. Feel free to add freshly made juice to boost energy.


15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

-1 Filet Garlicky lime fish, 1 Cup Steamed kale or chard, 1/2 Cup Steamed sweet potatoes, sprinkle vegetables with extra virgin olive oil & herb seasoned salt. (Make enough for lunch serving tomorrow.)

-1 Cup pineapple chopped

Drink Spring or filtered water

7:30 pm eating stops. Feel free to have hot herbal decaff tea or warmed almond milk with a touch of raw organic unpasteurized honey. 

Day 5) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes


-1 1/2 Cups Pea soup of choice

-1 Filet Garlicky lime fish, 1 Cup Steamed kale or chard, 1/2 Cup Steamed sweet potatoes, sprinkle vegetables with extra virgin olive oil & herb seasoned salt.

-1 Fruit

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day

Eat your snack  between 2:30 & 3:30pm, choose from one of the sweeter Rawfood vegan items as day 5 you will be prone to sugar cravings; or off the approved snack list above. Feel free to add freshly made juice to boost energy.


15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

-1 Leg spice slathered chicken, 1 1/2 Cups steamed or boiled string beans, 1 Cup roasted vegetables. (Make enough for a serving for tomorrow's lunch. Recipe follows below.)

-1 Cup mango with 2 Tbsp cashew cream

Drink Spring or filtered water

7:30 pm eating stops. Feel free to have hot herbal decaff tea or warmed almond milk with a touch of raw organic unpasteurized honey. 

Day 6) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes


-1 1/2 Cups Pea soup of choice

-1 Leg spice slathered chicken, 1 1/2 Cups steamed or boiled string beans, 1 Cup roasted vegetables of choice (add to you grocery list, I like peppers, zukes and mushrooms).

-1 Banana sliced with 2 Tbsp cashew cream (recipe below)  

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day

Eat your snack  between 2:30 & 3:30pm, Rawfood vegan items or off the approved snack list above. Feel free to add freshly made juice to boost energy.


15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

-Herbed Paleo & Chicken Sausages, 1 1/2 Cup Peas, Hemp seed, tomato & cucumber salad. (Make enough for a serving for tomorrow's lunch.)

 -1 Cup berries with 2 Tbsp cashew butter

Drink Spring or filtered water

7:30 pm eating stops. Feel free to have hot herbal decaff. tea or warmed almond milk with a touch of raw organic unpasteurized honey.


Day 7) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes

C.A.C.C =Catch As Catch Can= Eat up all your remaining leftovers following the same pattern of eating as you have been all week. 

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating  & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.

Eat your snack  between 2:30 & 3:30pm, Rawfood vegan items or off the approved snack list above. Feel free to add freshly made juice to boost energy.

Drink Spring or filtered water

7:30 pm eating stops. Feel free to have hot herbal decaff. tea or warmed almond milk with a touch of raw organic unpasteurized honey.

The reason Day 7 is an open food day is :

1-To eliminate food waste, eating up leftovers is good for your pocket book, keeps you having the freshest food possible, and helped landfills as well as the planet.

2-You need to learn to do clean eating at scheduled intervals on your own so you can stick to healthy eating habits long after this challenge is over. Do not have fear, embrace this moment; I know you can do it.

3-Day 8 is cheat day, so you get to eat what you like (keeping moderation in mind, always.)

Day 8 ) 15 Minutes before eating take 2 digestive enzymes


Yes, you have a day to enjoy food but there are ground rules:

No's from the list still apply especially the No fried food's/junk/gluten, but you have some exceptions- dark chocolate & coffee in small amounts.

You may have dessert, as long as it falls under the category of being made without any refined sugars of any sort. I recommend seeking out Paleo foods and or vegan/raw vegan.There are plenty of treats in both food categories. I like healthy sushi on my cheat day and some salted dark chocolate.This is a cheat day that stays within healthy guidelines, trust me, if you veer off too far and eat stuff that is on the No lists, you will find out the hard way how unpleasant it it. 

I know from experience, when I came off a cleanse once, I ate foods that were too rich and unhealthy, in very small amounts and only at one meal. It was wretched but I quickly came to understand that eating healthy, clean, wholefoods, was something my body appreciated and loved; it quickly grew to respond violently to anything toxic-which is good. You need to listen to your body before, during, and after you eat. If you have a negative reaction, you may be suffering from a sensitivity or allergy to something. Try not to eat too many things that can trigger responses, you want to be completely aware of what you are eating and easily pin point any offenders. It is common during and after an elimination detox phase to finally find the culprit of what ails you, especially when it comes to allergies/sensitivities. Stay vigilant and record any reactions that make you feel even slightly off. From personal experience, stomach swelling/bloat and headaches along with eczema flares and tiredness are strong indicator's, and I am happy that I found out early on; as I was able to avoid more serious health damage thanks to elimination detoxing.

MODERATION IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! Cheat days are great, it's important to let loose and reward yourself for sticking to goals. (BTW, rewards can be a new book or massage, manicure, etc. It does not have to be food centered.) Just remember that it is not a free-for-all & that you are not supposed to be undoing all the hard work you put into this, in one day. You are to enjoy it without guilt and your reward for all your hard work is not supposed to be bad food centered. This is just a loosening of the reigns so you can feel less constrained and appreciate the joys of food. You are LEARNING to have a new relationship with food and yourself, don't blow it by making choices you will regret. Breathe and smile, this is a day for you.

I will post a new menu list in time for you to make yourself more food & get groceries to be prepared for the week to come, so don't forget to come back and to subscribe so you get your notices in your in-box.

I am going to give you your simplified grocery list now, it will not include most of the juicing or smoothie ingredients. You will be responsible for going over those and choosing which one's you will make. This will allow you to buy ingredient's for what you like and leave the rest. Just remember to have your smoothies on workout days-one in the morning and one in the early afternoon, to boost your energy levels and help your muscles recover. 1 Scoop of Hemp protein along with 1/4 tsp of Spirulina added to a smoothie is a perfect alternative to whey based protein supplements, since we are steering clear of most dairy.

The amounts you need will be up to you as you will be the only one who knows how many adults are eating this way in your home.

GROCERIES: (Probiotics & Digestive enzymes are the only supplements you need)

 Chicken breasts, Ground chicken & Chicken Legs, Organic eggs

Canned tuna in water, Shrimp, White fish filets of choice-I like haddock as it is mild.

Canned lentils in water

All natural bruschetta (I buy it in the fridge health section of my grocer's & check the labels for the ingredient's)

Raw cashews, raw almonds, nuts & seeds of choice all natural. Dried fruits-organic with no added sugars and dates(I like Medjool).

Herb seasoned salt such as Herbamare or Flavor God seasoning's, spices for chicken spice slather: mild paprika, cumin, granulated garlic, powdered onion, poultry seasoning, kosher salt, black pepper (check if you already have these in your cupboard), pink Himalayan sea salt, cinnamon ground & whole, licorice films aka slices, whole nutmeg (I put a few scrapes with cinnamon & honey in my warm almond milk), cardamom pods.

Almond milk unsweetened (You can make your own Rawfood almond milk, there is a recipe in this blog for a delicious one.)

Extra virgin olive oil cold pressed and organic,extra virgin coconut oil cold pressed and organic, organic sesame oil (not toasted), organic toasted sesame oil, organic grape seed oil.

Organic rice miso, organic gluten-free Tamari (soy sauce), fish sauce.

Nut butters: almond and peanut butter (no added sugars, all natural & organic if possible). Add other flavours of you like, I adore pecan butter.

Sweet potato noodles or rice noodles (Both are found for cheap at the Asian market, get small thin noodles) 

Organic long grain brown rice, organic millet

Kombu, arame, dried Shiitake mushrooms small bag

Rice paper rolls

Organic, gluten-free stock cubes herb flavour or vegetable, bay leaves

Organic hemp seeds

Grade B Maple syrup (Organic is best but do what you can), Organic raw unpasteurized honey.

Lactose-free plain probiotic yogurt

Vanilla extract (real), vanilla powder

Gluten-free, whole-grain bread

Potato starch (not potato flour), Arrowroot starch, tapioca starch. (I buy these at bulk barn in the gluten-free section, I get about 1-2 Cups of each to keep on hand for gf baking)

Organic coconut flour

Gluten-free oats

Gluten-free baking powder

Spring water big bottles

Spirulina & Hemp protein (for smoothies)

Fruits: (Remember to add based on your juice & smoothie choices. Try to buy organic where you can.)

Apples, Oranges, Fresh Ginger, Mangoes, Grapes, Grapefruit, Berries, Avocado, Tomatoes, Bananas, lemons, limes. fresh Mint

Vegetables:  (Remember to add based on your juice & smoothie choices. Try to buy organic where you can, especially celery, chard, kale & carrots.) 

1 Package Lacto-fermented vegetables from health food store-kimchi, fiddleheads or sauerkraut are my favs.

Sweet potatoes, kale, Swiss chard, asparagus, string beans, cucumbers, green spring onions, onions, carrots, celery, parsley, green cabbage, garlic, red and yellow peppers, fresh Basil, fresh Thyme, Romaine lettuce, Spring mix lettuce, beets, peas*(also get fresh or dried or whatever pea or legume you need based on the soup recipe you choose. If you don't do the macrobiotic recipe, you will not need the kombu seaweed.)

*Your snacks & desserts are of your choosing from the list/suggestions above. Do not forget to add those to your grocery list along with all natural soap, laundry soap, toothpaste, and lotions, etc.                   

                                                    So creamy, comforting, and nourishing, this classic split pea soup is proof that simple can be incredibly delicious. Vegan, GF, low fat and high protein.:   (Omit the croutons) 

                    Speedy pea soup – Recipes – Slimming World:  

                                                      Detox Crockpot Lentil Soup - a nourishing and easy soup recipe made with onions, garlic, carrots, kale, olive oil, squash, and lentils. Vegan / vegetarian / gluten free and SUPER delicious! |  

Omit alcohol, Parmesan cheese, and regular potatoes-can switch to sweet potato.  

                                                       spicy chickpea stew with ginger and coconut. this soup not only looks delicious, but it is "spicy and warm all zmarzluchów"...can't wait!:   

(Hit the translate bar to get it in English, this recipe sounds deeelish!)

The English translates to: Spicy soup with chick peas for the lazy   

                                                             This low-fat, vegan soup can be made in the Instant Pot or pressure cooker or in any old pot on your stove. Delicious and healthy!:  


                                          How to Make Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls. Maybe basil instead of mint. though. Not that mint is bad. but basil is great in these.:   

I replace the rice noodles in the rolls with sweet potato noodles that I purchase for less than $3.00 at the Asian market. (Do what you can, just keep it gluten-free) 



         For building a balanced meal.:  


Gentle reminders about pledges to take & stick to:

5 step pledge you need to take for the 30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge

1-No drugs, alcohol, caffeine, or any other stimulants for 30 days while you are on this challenge. The only thing I will allow is Vega Sport pre-workout mix for those of us who train and need the boost, but this is in moderation and not recommended for anxiety/heart palpitation sufferers or high strung individual's.
2-Choose a sleep time and get yourself to bed by it every night. Surround yourself with what you need to make it happen.
3-Establish a workable sleep routine, promise yourself to get the full 8 hours needed and stick to it!
4-Put away all electronics, devices, shut it all down and keep it out of the bedroom!!!!! No exceptions, it's for 30 days-you can do this!
5-Get a loved one on board with this sleep thing, it is always easier to partner up and helps us to accomplish when we have someone else to check up on us. You are responsible for your choices, not another, make them good one's, inform your friends and family, and set yourself up for success by taking the necessary steps.

I write out my pledges and sign them, then stick em' to the fridge as a reminder. I also keep a calendar and mark off each day with a smiley face because I am slowly reaching my goal, no matter if I stumble or not.
Huge hugs and sweet sleep!

Pledge the next 5 things as part of loving yourself and this planet, this will have a positive outcome that we can all appreciate and benefit from.

1-No more buying those small bottled waters, get a container that you can re-use and DO IT! If you want flavour, use the recipes that follow for fat flush detox waters and enjoy the benefits and tastiness!

2-No more soda pop or sugar laden drinks/juices. Make your juices or go to the juice bar and have one special item that is better for you and the planet.

3-Read labels before you buy, if you cannot pronounce what is on it, do not know what the "ingredients" are or where they are sourced from, leave it on the shelf.

4-Try to purchase NON-GMO and or Organic whenever possible, and remember Natural does not equal healthy.

5-Ask one other person to make these pledges with you. Passing it on=strength in numbers, together we are unstoppable.

Pledge to exercise 3 times a week and walk 15-30 minutes every day.

Self love means movement!

I have found these wonderful info graphics that are perfect for us out of shape, recovering from injury, and want to start simple types. It's a great walking schedule that I started & it's had a major impact on my moods, outlook, and creativity. Studies have proven that walking 15-30 minutes a day increases creativity & productivity levels by up to 80%. Yeah, get up off your tushie and walk, you deserve to feel great and this is totally do-able.


          8 Exercises for a Stronger Back-Working your core is useless if you aren't also working your back muscles. These 8 exercises will help you increase your back strength!:   

        Have a Ball with this Total Body Stability Ball Workout!:   

                           overweight exerciser with trainer - Yellowdog/ Cultura/Getty Images    

       Obese individuals have trouble figuring out where to start with their weight loss. These 6 bodyweight exercises for obese individuals is the perfect place!:   

Self-love Positivity Pledge

Don't forget the positivity jar, gratitude journal and other positive stuff that is in the bottom half of this blog post from the prep for this challenge series:




I apologize for the crazy font sizes that are all over the place, blogger freaked out and I tried fixing it, this was the best I could do.
If you have questions or comments leave them down below, I love to hear from you and don't forget to subscribe. God bless!

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