
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Panda Love & Coping with Life's Bumps

Did you know that I adore pandas? Well I do and there is nothing that puts a smile on my face when I am down, quite as fast as a fluffy panda bum.
I have been going through a lot of stuff lately and when I feel down I have about 5 things I do to turn my frown upside down and change the focus from negativity to positives.
Firstly, I start talking to God, asking what's going on and to please help me, I pray and hope. Then as I get in deeper I have a shut down or a melt down, cry quietly or rant and rave then calm down, apologize profusely to God and my loved one's and then become open and receptive to what is being shown/spoken/being done to try to soothe.
There are times I handle with grace and aplomb, then there are times I am wonderfully human and flawed and I fail miserably at coping.
That brings me to the second thing I do and that's reach out to my family and dearest friends who are such a comfort and understanding support network in my life. I do isolate for a bit but I always come back. Thank God for my Poppa Bear because he's so uplifting, gentle,funny, tenacious, supportive, kind, and loving that I have gotten through rough patches, which God knew I needed help with.
This is very new for me in certain respects, I am fiercely independent and find it hard to accept that I don't have to be strong all the time and go it alone.
My Poppa Bear introduced me to the ebb and flow of a healthy, Godly, and loving relationship, and I fall deeper into love with him because of this, along with many other reasons. He has shown me that when one is weak, the other can be strong. That prayer and faith can be the best way to push through-even when I am struggling to hear or not be angry. (Yes, I get angry with God sometimes. It's between us and we work it out, this means I learn to trust Him and His timing and apologize for being an impatient dunder paint.)
My third thing is to bake, make a meal, or do something nice for someone else by baking or making them a meal. The kitchen soothes me and food is a welcome guest at any table.
My fourth thing is to exercise and then shower before getting back into a discussion with my Poppa Bear. I usually have to calm down so I can be clear and receptive, then I apologize and we can continue with our fellowship and end with watching our fav movie or show. There's mucho apologizing in case you haven't already noticed because I am a hot head and when I'm wrong, I feel it's important to admit to it and make amends wherever you can.
My fifth and last thing I do is distract myself with things I adore, so that I can come back to handling life with a heart full of love and joy. It's much better than grumbling and being a grouch. The things I love to do that cheer me up are very simple, inexpensive to free, and are very much the same things that lifted my spirits when I was a child.
This works for me:

-Blowing bubbles

-Watching videos or all things puppy related or pic, of the same. Usually it's kids and dogs, cats, penguins, ducks and dolphins, OK all animals & cute kids, are acceptable alternatives.

-Pandas and all things panda related, awww yeah!

Who doesn't want a panda chopstick stacking game or panda light in their life?

My last are make-up, hair, flowers and water. I doll myself up to raise my spirits, I stop to smell the roses or I find water and feel good again. Walking in the rain is another pleasurable thing and it can be so lovely...

After all that I am recharged and able to face the world again, sometimes though, I let Poppa Bear be my strong hero and ask him hold me just a little bit longer.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Living for the Right Purpose & How to Find Your Purpose

I adore listening to sermons through the many apps that make them readily available, my Poppa Bear introduced them to me very early on in our relationship and they have been such a comfort. I couldn't get to church for the better part of a year when I was first injured and was wondering how I could get His word in my life more while feeling better connected to the Christian community. He told me about the apps, I searched them out and immediately stumbled onto one and never looked back. Some of my favourite memories as a couple are lying together early in the morning and quietly listening to God's word and praying, we do this whether we are physically together or separated by the miles  between us. It's kept our long distance relationship stronger and fills my heart with such gratitude because those moments do feel more special and deeply connecting. I listen to pastor Dale O'Shields from the Practical Living ministry the most because it really is practical advice that resonates and I am able to apply these teachings to my life. I like them very much but if it's not for you, that's fine too. This week I have been catching up on a series that is about Living for the Right Purpose. It was very moving and I  wanted to share it with you because it gives that guidance in such a clear and concise way that many of us are seeking, especially when your life seems to always be going wrong no matter how hard you try.

God says:

There are 7 pillars of wisdom to give meaning to your life. 7 being the number which is complete, whole.
For your life to function & to live it right you need to:

1) Discover your PURPOSE. One does this by connecting with their creator, you will never discover purpose without making a connection to your creator.

Understanding purpose answers:

-Why am I here?
-What am I here for or to do?
-Who am I living for?
Purpose is all about your reason for being, life only works well when your purpose is correct. Some people lose all sense of hope in life because they are unsure of their purpose.

2) The reason you were made was for a relationship with God. That is what Christ's coming is all about. But we must take the initiative to make the connection.
Matthew 4:18-20
 3) There are dimensions of connection one must understand:

-You must connect personally. You need to know God for yourself, not through someone else but yourself.

- It needs to be a regular connection. Continue to connect with Him, it's an ongoing dimension of life.
The Bible says:
"Apart from Him we can do nothing, that we abide in Him & remain in Him."

We need Him, not just occasionally but all the time.
Jesus, you're center to my life because I don't just need you from time to time but I need you every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Amen.
I need to maintain my relationship & fellowship with Christ. Why?
I have connected to Him, I have to be responsible for doing it regularly.

-Do it conscientiously. I'm aware of His presence, I'm aware of my need for His presence and because of that I am proactive. I keep my communication flowing with Him.
Make that connection with God & he will freshen & refresh your life. Do not run around trying to do what you already know, what is NOT working. Connect with Him and He will reset the pattern of your life. He will freshen and refresh what has been stale & stagnant, He will put back in order so that something can work in your life. He will reset & refresh.
Connect with your creator, it is the puzzle piece you need.
You are created to be a contributor not just a consumer. This is key to you understanding your PURPOSE. "I am not here to consume but to contribute."
You are unique, there is no other person like you, you are no accident, you are special to God. There is a unique reason for your being. You may think you don't have anything to give but that is not true. The adversary loves to tell you that you don't have anything to give because as long as he's told you you don't have anything to give, you'll never try to give anything.
It is only when you realize there must be some reason WHY GOD MADE ME & there is a reason, not just to consume but to contribute, to add value to His kingdom, then you will.
Don't ever let the adversary tell you otherwise.

God is a forgiver, a redeemer, He can turn the messes in your life into miracles in your life. You matter, every person matters to God, you are valuable to Him.

That sense of contribution. Wholeheartedness. The seriousness of your commitment will determine the level of your success.
Completely committed to God.

Mark 12:30 New International Version (NIV)

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
God began the 10 Commandments this way: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2-3).

You cannot serve God & yourself at the same time, you cannot serve 2 masters. God needs to hear you say, "I am staying with you, whatever comes my way, I am all in. Nothing will deter me from serving you."
Your life will never work with partial commitment, you must be wholeheartedly committed. Remember:

Dear Lord God, I know that I was created for a relationship with you.
Today, I give my life to Jesus Christ. I commit myself to serve your purpose with all my heart, with the help & power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name. Amen.

If you want to hear this sermon and the series that continues, follow this link:

or if you are interested in Pastor Dale O'Shield's ministry and The Church of the Redeemer:

Have a lovely and blessed day and positive start to the week. Leave your comments below, I love to hear from you and don't forget to subscribe!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Cupcakes and Culinary Musings

Worked on new recipes and did an order for a birthday party and a 50th wedding anniversary. The cupcakes were very well received and we've decided to add the Salted Lime Margarita Cupcake flavour to our roster of cakes. Here's what they looked like.

Salted Lime Margarita:

These are the chocolate with rich chocolate fudgey frosting :

I enjoyed making the fudgey chocolate frosting the most and might post the recipe but at a later date. At one point when I was alone and at the stove I began musing on my past life as a Chef and realized that I am so happy in the kitchen. When I do these micro baking sessions I know how blessed I was to have the years I did in the industry.
People romanticize the food industry and professional kitchen life, that's why they open cafés and restaurants, they don't do well because all too often these people have no clue what they are doing and what it takes to run such a business. Because they are not Chefs nor did they bother to learn the horrors of the trade along with its delights, which are often covered in a mess that needs extra attention from experienced hands, they fail miserably and blame everything around them.
Believe me when I say that the reality of being a Chef is much less glamorous than the average person imagines and no, the wages are not great but very few Chefs I have known are in it for the money. Don't get me wrong, it's such a great career because you are always moving, growing, learning, fighting against the clock and gain confidence by handling the many disasters that befall all kitchens and at the most inopportune times. But it's tough, mentally, physically, and emotionally. You have to be strong, believe and trust in your talents wholeheartedly, be mentally aware and at the ready, and able to eat humble pie because you have to do whatever is required when disaster inevitably strikes. You need to be a little bit crazy and I will be the first to admit that the culinary world attracts many colourful characters that would fail miserably in normal settings but are absolutely brilliant in the craziness of professional kitchens.
Shortly before injuries and illness dictated that I had to leave, I had found myself losing my desire to be in the kitchen. I know now that it was less to do with kitchens and more to do with the loss of my bakery business which didn't make it because of circumstances outside my control that took me forever to forgive.
When the doctor told me no more Chef work ever again, I couldn't deny the reality but I couldn't accept it either. I cut everyone from kitchen life off and withdrew, to focus on healing and find a way to come to terms with the loss. For a long time I couldn't even verbalize what it was I missed. Now it's easier, still painful but doesn't sting.
The truth is, I miss the laughter and inappropriate jokes that break the tension, the strong sense of commaraderie, the rhythm that everyone falls into seamlessly when a crew has worked together long enough, the aromas, tasting, discovering new ingredients, the delight of learning new techniques from colleagues and sharing your own special tricks. The kitchen has always been a place I feel most comfortable, funnelling the days anger, sadness, stress, happiness, anything that detracts so that it becomes an aid because you use it to focus and there's no longer any room for the nonsense. The kitchen is an armed battle field and it requires all your attention or else everything you've worked so hard for can and will explode in your face. That's why you push and push on, you understand the meaning, necessity is the mother of invention, you do it all because failure is not in your repertoire of recipes nor is giving up. But mostly you do it because it's the greatest love affair you have ever had, it fills you with passion, curiosity and satisfaction in a way you must earn, every single day. It's not for everyone but for those of us who finally found the right place when we walked through those culinary doors, it's a home we love. And for those of us who have had to walk away from it all, we still cherish and hold tight to that grandiose love which drained and filled us with so much; words are just inadequate to describe it.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What can happen when the thyroid is not functioning properly?

So, thyroid problems manifest themselves in different ways and are often classified as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. There are also different medical reasons/conditions and autoimmune illnesses that can trigger problems with the thyroid. First, let's get into some symptoms because thyroid disease often goes unnoticed or can be misdiagnosed from depression to hypochondria and even masquerades as other illnesses. On top of that, triggers are many, from family history of thyroid disease, to stress, adrenal problems, to surgery recovery which can add stress to the body and trigger negative responses. Let's focus on symptoms and what you need to be on the look out for.

Here are the symptoms for Hyperthyroidism:

T = Tremor
H = Heart rate up
Y =Yawning (fatigue)
R = Restlessness
O = Oligomenorrhea & amenorrhea
I = Intolerance to heat,
D =Diarrhea
I = Irritability
S = Sweating
M = Muscle wasting & weight loss
E = Exophthalmos

Here are the symptoms for Hypothyroidism:

  • Fatigue
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Dry skin
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Puffy face
  • Hoarseness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Elevated blood cholesterol level
  • Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
  • Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
  • Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
  • Thinning hair
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Depression
  • Impaired memory
When hypothyroidism isn't treated, signs and symptoms can gradually become more severe. Constant stimulation of your thyroid gland to release more hormones may lead to an enlarged thyroid (goiter). In addition, you may become more forgetful, your thought processes may slow, or you may feel depressed.
Advanced hypothyroidism, known as myxedema, is rare, but when it occurs it can be life-threatening. Signs and symptoms include low blood pressure, decreased breathing, decreased body temperature, unresponsiveness and even coma. In extreme cases, myxedema can be fatal.

This is a great chart that shows a good breakdown of what is happening when the thyroid is not functioning:

If you or someone you love seem to be experiencing these symptoms, please, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor, research and ask for the tests you need. Get a second, third or fourth opinion if you are not being heard; even if your tests come back as normal. (Mine came back normal for 7 years!)
Some thyroid illnesses like Hashimoto's thyroiditis do not show up as abnormal on regular thyroid screening tests. I will get into this more in another post in this thyroid series. Trust me though when I say, you are NOT wrong or crazy, nor are you alone.

There is a quiet epidemic of thyroid disease and if you're a woman over 35 your odds of a thyroid disorder are high—more than 30%, by some estimates.
At least 30 million Americans have a thyroid disorder and half—15 million—are silent sufferers who are undiagnosed, according to The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Women are as much as 10 times as likely as men to have a thyroid problem, says integrative medicine specialist Robin Miller, MD, co-author of The Smart Woman’s Guide to MidLife & Beyond.

Need more statistics? Read on...

It is estimated that 200 million people in the world have some form of thyroid disease. In Canada there is a staggering number of people affected. Recent studies indicate that 1 in 10 Canadians suffer from a thyroid condition of one type or another! Of those, as many as 50% are undiagnosed!

 It's been an ongoing battle for me for the last 8 years to have doctor's listen to me, believe me, and do the proper tests that I needed. I seem to be suffering from hypothyroidism and I can look at the symptoms and do agree with most of them. The reason I say that I "seem" to be is because I am awaiting test results, the doctor's think that more is going on in my body than just hypothyroidism. I have a myriad of symptoms and difficulties that indicate more than just a thyroid issue is troubling my system. It's frustrating, overwhelming, and a big dent in my lifestyle because every day seems to be such a struggle to feel NORMAL, to do the things I took for granted before and loved so much. I just want to be healthy, fit, strong. Did I mention NORMAL? Which is all anybody really wants, at least on the health front. I will touch more on my story over the coming weeks when I know more, I finally go see the specialist next week, it's on my mind but I don't want it to absorb all my thoughts.
We pray a lot, ask God for his best and trust in Jesus.

Thanks to the following for info and to for chart pic, feel free to click the links if you want to know more, and leave your comments or story below. It's important to reach out, share your experiences, know that you are not alone in these turbulent waters. God bless.,,20723100,00.html

Monday, April 20, 2015

Lemongrass, Ginger, Glass Noodle and Chicken Soup

It's spring and I am craving green's, lots of fresh foods, including lighter soups full of healthy and super tasty ingredients. I found my lemongrass in the freezer the other day for which I made a smoothie with but I absolutely adore it in soup; along with kefir lime leaves and Gai Lan(Chinese brocoli). I went to the Asian market for some bok choy and these noodles made from sweet potato starch which I have no problem digesting and are gluten free with the added benefit of looking so cool. They're known as glass noodles because they look transparent once they are prepared, they have a nice consistency and hold up well with the other ingredients in this soup.
People enjoy soups and always want to recreate the taste of Asian soups at home but something seems to be missing. That's because Asian food is all about layering of flavours through specific cooking methods, mixing sweet and savoury spices, and using specific sauces mixed with unique ingredients that make a dish shine. Time and patience are also an important part of cooking this way. This soup has loads of Ginger and is in a chicken broth base so it's ideal for sick days as well as when you want a one bowl meal. This one was definitely approved by the family and appreciated by the sickies I brought it to when they needed it. I think you're really going to enjoy it!
 This recipe has several steps, so I am going to break them down by section, normally I do not write recipes this way but it makes it easier for this soup.
*You can make this vegan by subbing the broth for vegetable broth and eliminating the chicken all together.

-4 full branches of ginger, thickly sliced with peel on
-4 onions chopped large pieces
-3 Tbsp sesame oil 
Oven preheated to 375 degrees F
-Line a baking tray with foil or parchement, spread sliced ginger on one side of tray and onion on other.
-Sprinkle with 3 tbsp of sesame oil on both, then roast in oven for 1 -1 1/2 hours, tossing halfway through cooking time, until caramalized.

Soup Ingredients:
-4 kefir ime leaves
-2 cloves garlic
-3 small pieces sliced ginger(optional, we love ginger in my house)
-2 Tbsp chopped lemongrass
-Asian spice mix packet for Pho soup and cheese cloth for straining or: 1 tsp mustard seed, 4-6 star anise, 2-3 black or green cardamom, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 tsp fennel seed, 1-2 peces licorice bark or sticks of licorice spice(not the candy), 1/2 tsp coriander seeds, 7 whole allspice.
-4 tbsp sesame oil mixed with 1 tsp toasted sesame oil (don't mix up the two because toasted sesame oil is SUPER strong and will overpower the whole dish)
-Green spring onion or scallion, chopped and bruised with the heel of the knife(pics below)
-Gai-lan aka Chinese broccoli, cleaned and prepared, reserved.(pics below)
-10 Chicken thighs, boned, cleaned for 15 mins by soaking in water to cover with 1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice and 1 tsp sea salt. Then rinsed with cold water and patted dry, reserved on a plate. (keep chilled)
-4 Baby bok choy(one per person) or more if you like, cleaned, chopped and reserved. (pics below)
-10 Dried Shitake mushrooms, soaked in a cup of biling water with a dish to press them down a bit and keep them soaked. Takes at least 20 mins to soften properly, keep the soaking liquid as it is full of umami(deep flavour) that adds a lot to the soup. Slice the mushrooms once cool. (pics below)
-1/2 package of sweet potato aka glass noodles in a large bowl, pour boiling water to cover and soak 15 minutes until soft. Rinse in cold water and drain, keep aside until ready.(pics below)
-7 Cups Organic chicken stock
-3 bay leaves
-Juice 1/2 lime (optional)
-1/4 Cup palm sugar
-1/4 Cup Fish sauce
-1/4 Cup coconut aminos or soy sauce of you tolerate soy (I do not so I use coconut aminos)
-1 tsp sea salt
-1 tsp pepper
-ice and 2-3 cups water


-In a LARGE stock pot with a heavy base on medium high heat, heat  2 Tbsp sesame oil mix, add chicken and brown on each side. You do not need to cook all the way through as they will finish cooking later in the soup. Add the scallion and cook 1 minute more. Reserve. When cooled a bit, shred into bite size pieces, keep aside in chilled fridge on same plate to capture the juices. That's flavour you do not want to lose!

-Add rest of sesame oil to the bottom of the pot, scrape up all the flavourful bits and leave them in the pot, add the spices and cook for 1 1/2 minute until fragrant and smelling sweet but be careful not to burn, stir constantly.

-Add palm sugar and stir, add roasted onions and ginger, stir through then add stock, and the bay leaves along with the mushroom soaking liquid.

-Add the kefir lime leaves, lemongrass and pepper, allow soup to simmer on meduim low heat for 30-45 mins.

-Using a cheese cloth lined strainer and a pot under it to catch the broth, strain the soup into the new pot.

-On medium heat continue cooking the soup, add the chicken with the juices on the plate into the soup, garlic, and the small amount of sliced ginger(optional).

-Add the fish sauce, aminos, lime juice(optional), and stir. Taste, if it's too salty add a cup of water, if it's not salty enough add the sea salt and adjust pepper lightly if needed. Cook for 20-30 mins. Add the Gai-lan for the last 4 minutes. Do NOT over cook the gai-lan as it turns bitter, once it is a bright green and cooked through but still firm to the bite, remove and shock it in cold ice water. Alternatively you can blance the gai-lan in a seperate pot in the same manner using boiling water, then shocking it in ice water I put it in the soup because I like the added flavour.

-Prepare bowl, for traditional Pho the ingredients are piled in the soup like the bok choy, gai-lan, sliced mushrooms, noodles. Then the noodles are added with the addition of asian basil and coriander, thinly sliced onions, and some mung bean sprouts with a light sprinkling of finely chopped scallion raw. I do not like any of the last items except for the basil which my shop was out of so it's not in the picture.
-Serve immediately with chopsticks and some extra soy sauce on the side if you like, although I don't recommend it because this broth is so powerful, rich in depth and flavour that the addition of comdiments in unecessary in my humble opinion.

This will quickly become a family fav. I had to make this 3 times in one week! Remember to share with someone you love!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Soother Juice

Morning lovies!
Had a birthday for a dear friend yesterday, cake was loved and prezzies. She's a newer vegetarian so I got her a pretty Vegan cookbook which I forgot to take a picture of, along with apple ice wine. I made my first ever, requested, orange creamsicle cake and had serious fun decorating it. Came out like this:

Woke up needing some juice to settle my stomach, I don't usually eat a slice of cake with buttercream but it was a special occasion. Kind of heavy though so I felt a bit sluggish. Made juice with some stuff to help my tummy, it's got a nice ginger kick, hope you like.


1/2 ripe papaya, cubed
1/2 lime, no peel
1 carrot
4 apples
1 orange
1/2 cucumber, peeled
2 chard leaves
1 know ginger
Run all through juicer and serve over ice.
Makes 2 servings.

That time when I was daydreaming and didn't notice my Juicing jug was full to capacity and had overflowed. Ah! Sunday, sleepy Sunday morning's. Have a blessed day!