
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Why I Have Been So Quiet & What I am Up To

Hello Lovelies! Happy Halloween for those of you celebrating.
I know, I have been on the quiet side of blogging as of late, but it has been with very good reason. I have been working on starting my business again and between testing recipes, re-vamping existing recipes thanks to supplier changes and or suppliers going bust, costing and pricing changes because man, has food ever gotten expensive,(whoa la!), creating cake contracts in English & French, building my own site in English & French, (It is the law here in Québec, all must be in French & then English which can be a serious challenge) designing my business cards, labels, starting social media accounts, networking where I can, and running around town to find all kinds of important stuff. Well, you can see it has been a serious roller-coaster ride and I am pooped!
Excited though, because I opened this week and already I am blessed, by Gods grace, I have an offer for a small but much appreciated catering contract.
I won't lie, it's a bit strange to have gone from having my own little shop, having good catering gigs and being a personal Chef for years, to go to starting from scratch. I am viewing this as an opportunity to do it right this time, that means, do not do more than is right for me in the world. That means respecting my injuries while doing what I love.
The next picture shows the logo in French-cool story about that. I went on Etsy and this awesome simple logo presented itself, turns out the seller was based in Montréal so she totally understood the language law issues and it was great! You can see further down below, I made it simple which allowed me to use it for creating my own business cards and labels for very little at Vista print. 

These were early tests of cake recipes, I offer them in vegan versions too because us gluten sufferers often have multiple allergies or sensitivities. I like to accommodate and see happy faces when people realize they can have their cake and eat it too.

I love when chocolate cake is baking in the house, it smells like a bit of heaven. I enjoy this cake because it is a whole grain recipe that mellows as it sits, is super rich and moist, along with holding up well when I have to make layers. Best of all, it freezes without any problems. I made this cake with a very special whipped Nutella filling, rich chocolate buttercream that was drizzled with a gorgeous ganache. Then I had another chocolate cake that was a cute, little, itty-bitty, fall cake with a gummy frogs on top request(pic below), they were both a big smashing success and bonus, nobody knew it was all gluten-free until the person revealed it.
Amazement, it seems they had had some bad crumble, cardboard, craptacular, gluten-free cake experiences in the past; they were happy to gobble these though. I heard that the birthday girl refused to share the leftovers. Hehheh. Mission accomplished!

Working on cake recipes was costly but quite rewarding after I had achieved success and celebrated triumphantly, once I had gotten past the frustrating, going to throw these failures across the room, weep like a small child, and rock back in forth in abject dejection phase. It was not pretty folks but working without the stable proteins, that gluten used to provide, and get something one actually wants to ingest, is no small task. Oddly enough, white cake was hellacious, what a journey. I think I tried about 8-10 recipes before finally hitting a cake gluten-free flour mix that yielded the results I had been unable to recreate since my supplier went the way of the dino. Here she is all pretty and fresh out the oven in her vegan and not vegan glory:

Now we move onto decorating cupcakes. I worked in a cupcake shop that is very popular in Montréal, back in 2012. Sadly, it was my last professional kitchen gig for two reasons.
1-I became so ill from being surrounded by gluten, even though I was not eating it(for the most part, I had to have that éclair that one time, it was too good. I suffered though.) And then 2- My spinal injury was so bad that I lost all feeling in my right arm, woke up and it was like the whole right arm and hand did not exist. Yeah, pretty scary.
Thus began my 3 year culinary hiatus.
During that difficult period I had tried going back to reception work, I was dying a slow death and became seriously depressed. I am good at it but I know it ends up being a just for a pay-check job that does not satisfy my creative nature, and that is not how I want to view my work. I left and found other work but mass lay-offs killed my post and I have been struggling to find something that brings me joy, puts my talents to use, and does not place me at risk for more injury, ever since.
Thus the idea to start small my own business, once more, while continuing to blog and work on my cookbook. I love working as a personal Chef, providing meals for families who waste a small fortune eating out, making things taste delicious, catering events on both small and larger scale, as well as decorating cakes. Wrapping it up in gluten-free goodness that does not make me or my clients sick is a bonus. I also get to be doing what I rock at!
Back to the cupcakes...
I have found that making thousands of cupcakes by hand with my Chef colleagues did have a positive impact, in that I am now obsessed with having uniform and consistent decorations for my gluten-free cupcakes. There are worse things to be obsessed with, I suppose. The chocolate beauties down below were so luscious and perfect, chocolate silk goodness all around! Yes, I can make them vegan, the vegan coconut milk ganache one's are to die for!

 I am still working on blog recipes, like this Rawfood, apple vegan surprise that will come soon but first I will be posting a raw vegan sesame cracker recipe for the following posts to come. I was playing in the kitchen a little while back and liked how the crackers turned out so keep coming back to check for that recipe.

I have to post this pic because with all the costing I have had to do, my brain felt fried. Math has always been a struggle for me, unfortunately, and getting ready for the business was not without it's challenges but I am feeling super psyched. 

Here is the logo and I am including the link to my freshly minted and live site. If you or someone you know with gluten difficulties are in Montréal, and or surrounding area, and need a cake, event catered or personal Chef services, please keep me in mind. My Instagram is:lgglutenfree_
You and those enjoying the gluten-free yummies will not be disappointed!
Here is the link to the site and when ready, there will be cookies being sold on the on-line store once that is open. For now, enjoy!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Out in Nature and Geese!

We went on a walk in one of the big nature parks not too far, it was a glorious and unseasonably warm fall day. Everyone was out taking advantage including all these guys and gals of the feathered variety, down below. There were so many, I had never seen that large a group of geese. They were super chill and did not mind the humans at all.

So many, their plumage was stunning and they were really big! I liked watching them nestle in to chillax in the shade or out in the sunny spots.

So wonderful, I often feel very blessed by how fortunate we are to have these nature reserves in and around the city. Québec groups protect wildlife and we all get to appreciate the benefits.

These two in the pic above got into a battle seconds after I snapped this pic.The one on the left was not happy with the one on the right. What a feather's flying, loud squabbling, shoving, testosterone filled silly moment. These two down below, however, were content to pick for food in the grass and then just relaxed. That's them basking in the sun, I thought it was awesome with a cape that they allowed me to get that close to snap pictures.

All in all we walked for about 3 hours, I grabbed some booklets on cool parks, different sight seeing tours, and great touristy stuff, to bring and show Poppa Bear. He sent me this Goku pic and I liked it so am posting it on here. Long distance can have sweet moments, even when you miss things like this:

Friday, October 16, 2015

Classic Gluten-free Pumpkin Pie and Ode to Fall comes to a Close

Yum indeed!
This is my classic pumpkin pie recipe that I have been using since I first learned how to bake. It has been in my family for years, I learned it from my mom and she learned it from hers. It's the most perfect, creamy, spice balanced, unctuous, and perfectly fall pumpkin pie filling.
I have tried many different pumpkin pies, vegetarian, paleo, raw vegan, carnation milk based, egg based, brown sugar laced, mixed with cream cheese, or on top of cheesecake, I always come back to this one.
I am going to be putting this one in my cookbook but figured it would be a perfect finish as Ode to Fall is brought to a close. The only difficulty I had for this pie was converting the crust to gluten-free, no matter what I tried I could not get the right texture that my family knows and loves. The usual crust I was using was too crisp and many of the others from different sources, were horribly gritty or just tasted bad because the flour was too beanie or acidic.
I like my crust recipe, for things like my pecan pie or banana cream pie or fruit filling pies but this required something that gave that slight under-cooked texture at the base of the pie which pumpkin or flan style pies are known for.
My son always insists I make an extra pie just for him, to which my brother chimes in, me too! Last time I made it, both requested that I find a crust that was more reminiscent of the old school, gluten-filled one, from back in my regular baking days.
I just have not had time to play and gluten-free ingredients are very expensive, so I went on a search to see what other bloggers had to offer.
Lo, and behold, the great Brianna on her: Flippin' Delicious blog, had the answer! I am posting the link down below, I was so happy because it gave the texture I wanted and it saved me much trial and annoying error. I like to make a double batch because as I said, 2-3 pie minimum in my house. I also used a few tablespoons of shortening to replace a bit of the butter, it bakes well this way. The pumpkin pie filling makes enough for 2 pies and they freeze wonderfully. I highly recommend making the crust dough in advance, (double her recipe) chilling it for about 30 minutes before rolling it out between parchment paper, and then placing it in the pie shell, docking it with a fork and baking it for 5 minutes in a 350degree F oven before filling. The reason I bake it for 5 minutes is because I don't want total crust mush.

Here is the link to the ever cute Flippin' Delicious blog, the recipe for her pie crust, is perfect for pumpkin pie I tell yah!

I made this pie filling the first Christmas I spent with Poppa Bear and his family, when I landed on the 24th of December. We rushed to the grocery store for a 45 minute dash to get everything we needed to make a delectable holiday spread before the store closed. Thanks to careful planning, we were great! When we were in the fresh baked goods aisle, Poppa Bear picked up a baked pumpkin pie, my, What the hey are you doing? radar went off.
I took them out of his hands and placed them back where he had gotten them. He was upset at first, thinking he was being denied pumpkin pie and that's when I said, "No Poppa, we make these ourselves. Don't be silly."
To which he responded, "But it would be faster to just buy them, it will be easier on us won't it?"
That's when I assured him that making them from scratch is actually super easy and a thousand times better on the delectable meter. He decided to trust me and boy was he glad he did!
I have a confession to make, when I am crunched for time and making for gluten mouths, I buy the crusts pre-made in the freezer aisle. Nope, I am not ashamed, I claim it loudly and proudly!!!!!!
1-It's way less time consuming
2-It's much less clean up
3-Requires fewer ingredients to purchase
4-Does not put me at risk for getting sick or an eczema flare from contact with the flour. Yes. it's that fast and that awful.
5-I can buy them with tops and bottoms, so I can make pumpkin pie and other fruit filled pies without rolling or worry. Super score! As for my pies, when not at home I have learned to go crustless or I make them in advance. What is really fun is that Pilsbury has begun to make prepared dough that is gluten-free. I have yet to try them but I will soon and do a review. I have a hankerin' for rustic tart and cherry pie.

The great thing about our baking the Christmas pies was that I had Poppa Bear help and he could not get over how fast and easy it was. He even said, "That's it?"
I answered cheekily, "Yup babe, now gimme smackas as we move on to delicious turkey."
So without further ado, here is my fav. pie with pictures to guide you; as always. If you are wondering why there is a pooch pic at the end, it's because we were dog sitting my sons little Rocky and I am missing him, kind of like I will miss my Ode to Fall; because this means fall will be leaving us soon. We still have a few more weeks but with my working to open the gluten-free business, it's not going to leave much time for blogging over the next few weeks. That's okay though because Christmas is in less than 70 days!!!!Whoooohooo!
Okay, pumpkin in all it's spiced glory folks.
Enjoy, let me know what you think in the comments down below, and don't forget to subscribe.

Makes 2 pies
Oven @ 350 degrees F
You will need a double recipe of the pie crust that is in the link provided above.

1 Whole Egg
1 Can Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
1/2 Can of water
1x 500g Pure Pumpkin puree, not pie filling, puree only!
1 1/2 Tbsp Pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp Cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt
2 Prepared pie crusts, no tops.


-Bake pie shells for 5 minutes, remove from oven and allow to cool.
-In a bowl add pumpkin and spices, salt, egg, and can of condensed milk, whisk together.
-Using the empty can of condensed milk, fill halfway with regular cool water.
-Whisk all ingredients together
-Divide and pour evenly into the prepared pie shells, place pies on large baking tray*.
-Bake in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, the filling must be set and not jiggle when taken out of oven.
-Allow to cool and then chill for at least 4 hours before serving.
Serve with whipped cream or if you prefer, here is my recipe for whipped coconut cream.

Yup, this dough behaves well and I particularly enjoyed cutting in the fats. I did a combo of butter and a bit of shortening.

Rolling it out was a bit tricky, as usual, one must use 2 pieces of parchment paper between the rolling pin and the dough or else it sticks to everything and disaster will be all you know.
Obey the between the parchment paper rolling it out rule or else, You shall not pass to pumpkin pie elven kingdoms!

Don't forget to dock your pies. For those not in the know, docking means using a fork or specialized tool to stick holes in the dough to allow steam to escape. This prevents bubbling and unsightly crooked mushy or cracked crusts.

I am an E.D. Smith Hokaido pumpkin pie puree girl. I like it so...sigh.
Use what you prefer or what's available, I am okay with it. Aren't you relieved? Hehheh!

*I like to place my pies on a tray when I bake them, this distributes the heat evenly, helps prevent burning and catches spills.

Puffed and baked beauty! She falls as she chills.

This was the deliciousness that we devoured.
We had the Rockstar for like, 4 days, here he was on his last night shoving his nose into the crook of my arm and only coming up for kisses and rub love. He was depressed because he missed his owner, what a tough life little Rockstar! Nothing Greenie's and nature walks couldn't fix.
I hope you enjoyed this Ode to Fall, have a delightful weekend and God bless you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cheese Biscuit Disappointment on Thanksgiving

See that? It looks like it would be a happy moment for your mouth doesn't it? I was fooled too my friends and it was not okay.
Mwuah hahahaha
I don't know if I have told any of you before how much I love cheese and cheese related things? I miss cheese and being French, living in Montréal, Québec you know cheese and marvel at its delicious wonders. I now have a cheese allergy, it wreaks havoc on my eczema and becomes unbearable if I overindulge. So on special occasions, like thanksgiving - yes we Canadians celebrate it in October not November, I indulge. I found this recipe on Pinterest for what looked like amaze bombs, Red Lobster copycat cheddar biscuits. Those fluffy cheddar pillows of gluten free delight that I have not eaten in donkey years. I miss them and was super psyched to recapture the magic.
I believed in you Pinterest pinner, why did I let myself be fooled again? Oh the horror...
Firstly, let me say that this is not the first time Pinterest has let me down, and I am still cracked out on the app so don't ask me to give it up, please shhhhh.
Secondly, I had a feeling when I was doing the recipe that there was something off but I prayed and hoped that cheddar Red Lobster goodness would be mine.
They looked pretty, check it out:

But alas poor cheddar biscuit nirvana was not meant to be, for the inside was a tapioca starch, gooey, gross, chewy dog toy consistency mess. But they looked pretty! Did I mention that they looked pretty?

So, I drowned my sorrows in some freaking delicious pumpkin pie with coconut whipped cream and my crushed dream along with my dashed hopes, faded into pumpkin spiced bliss.

I will post the recipe another day, don't worry my American counter parts, it will be in time for your Thanksgiving. I made these pies for Poppa Bear at Christmas when we were together, he was going to buy pumpkin pie! What???
Always make your own, these are sacred pumpkin pie family moments people. Alright, I am tired from yesterday's festivities and may take a blog break for a day or two but don't worry, I will be back asap to continue with our Ode to Fall October on Friday. Have a blessed day lovelies!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Cherry Mojito Bomb Juice

Better believe this tastes like an explosion of deliciousness, has gone off in your mouth!
Helloodles my loverlies!
I know the cherry is not a fall thing but the colour is a rich darkness that lends itself to the fall season and it was part of my juice fast this past week. This is my special treat juice, I usually make it on the day that I am struggling the most to stick it out with my cleanse. It is a pop of intense flavour that is an amazing crowd pleaser, everyone who has tried it really swoons for it.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we do, I decided to post something healthy with all the holiday, heavy, rich foods people will be eating.As I have just come off of a cleanse, we're eating a very light meal so this pretty juice will have to suffice. I will be making pie for everyone though, so come back and you'll find it posted here in the days to come.
And to all my fellow Canucks, Happy Thanksgiving!

This makes 2 serving of juice
80 Black Cherries (I used frozen that I defrosted)
2 Mangoes (peeled & cut)
1 Lime, no peel
1 Handful fresh mint

-Run all through juicer
-Serve over ice and enjoy!
You could put in some alcohol in this if you wanted to get all boozy and festive, if you do have a round for me!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Liquid Fast Info & My Thyroid Journey Update

I know that it has been a while since I did anything for the Thyroid Journey segment but I was waiting for some test results before I went further. Along with working on my home business, writing my cookbook, and the October Ode to Fall, I have been a bit busy. As a matter of fact this blog post also falls under Ode to Fall because juice fasting is always a big part of my fall routine it's something I really enjoy. Every October I do a cleanse of some sort. When I was in my late teens/twenties, these fasts and cleanses were much more intense and for a longer duration. That was fine then but as I have gotten older, had difficulties with my thyroid, injuries, digestive issues, and reduced energy levels/slowed metabolism, I have come to find that a short and sweet cleanse is a great way to reboot.
This recent cleanse I did was 3 days of prep, 3 days of juicing, and 3 days of slow re-introduction to food. Why such a process? Well, cleansing, juice fasting, liquid fasting, etc. is intense and you need to prepare on different levels before undertaking such a process. And believe me, it is a process.
Firstly the 3 day prep and if I am honest, it's usually something I mentally start preparing myself for about a month in advance. I start gathering recipes, figuring out what I want to eat in the days leading up to my cleanse, I make sure that I can take some time off to rest, and I run through the different stages in my mind so I can handle the different things that come up. What kinds of things? Well, let's start at the beginning and I will get further into the process as I break it down; then I will post the recipe on the bottom.
1st-Choose the type of cleanse you want to do, research the benefits and side effects,(yes there are side effects) as well as any dangers, then discuss it with your Naturopath or doctor-especially if you have a medical condition.
Well, that's a good question and I have personal experience that I will share to save you from difficulties I was unaware of when I did such an intense cleanse. Here goes...
Many years ago I did The Master Cleanse, I liked it a lot, was very happy with the results, and felt really good. My weight went down, I flushed all the toxins from hard meds. I had been given for a very bad injury, my face and eyes were no longer swollen and were clear, I had fewer stomach problems, and I was physically ready to eat raw vegan without any difficulties.
Dark side to this?
I had such severe eczema that my skin was falling off my hand and required serious medical assistance, it was painful, extremely swollen, raw, and brought me to tears and caused extreme sleep disturbing discomfort. It turns out that when I saw a Naturopath, they told me that I had detoxed too much, too soon, and through the largest organ which is our skin because there was no where else for it to go. The medications I had been on were the main cause along with undiagnosed severe gluten allergies, this was where colonic irrigation was suggested along with major doses of liquid probiotics, and I sought this out immediately as a means to alleviate my horrendous symptoms. It made a huge difference and I have been a convert to colonics and probiotics whenever I cleanse. I will not do a cleanse without them, I even took lessons to learn how to do colonic irrigation so I could understand the process better.
Then there was the problem of the teeth and muscle weakness.
The Master Cleanse consists of Lemon Juice from fresh lemons, Grade B Maple syrup, Filtered water, and Cayenne pepper. The last ingredient being one of the worst things to ingest when prone to eczema or ulcers, lesson learned the hard way for eczema.
This mixture is very high in acid and sugar, a bad combo for erosion of dental enamel, contributes to gum problems, and is not feeding the muscles in the body. If this cleanse is adhered to for more than the recommended minimum 10 days, you are looking at muscle wasting becoming a concern. Now, Master Cleanse fans do not address this or want to hear about it but it is a topic that seriously needs to be discussed. When we fast our digestive system takes a break, starts accessing energy sources through our stored reserves, and when those run out, our bodies will start leeching vital proteins from muscle tissue to ensure that you survive. It's actually a very efficient technique that the body uses to keep us alive. However, when we get to the point where protein is being pulled from muscles, the body is in a weakened state and wasting can happen. Here is a short article about it under it's medical terms, please note that such wasting is usually a result of aging or serious illness but it is clearly stated that poor nutrition can also be a cause; and subsisting on lemonade for extended periods of time is not nutritionally sound.
Loss of muscle and fat tissue due to chronic illness is called cachexia. The general loss of weight and muscle mass that occurs with advancing age is called sarcopenia. In both cachexia and sarcopenia, muscle loss can lead to frailty and adversely affect a variety of clinical outcomes (Rolland 2011; Fearon 2013; Muscaritoli 2013).
Individuals with cachexia and/or sarcopenia have an increased risk of death, infection, and falls; slower wound healing; significantly lower exercise and breathing capacity; and overall diminished quality of life (Sirola 2011; Paddon-Jones 2009; Janssen 2004; Zacker 2006; Thomas 2007; Cosqueric 2006; Cawthon 2007).
Cachexia and sarcopenia share some pathological mechanisms, including excess levels of systemic inflammation, oxidative damage, and reduced levels of anabolic hormones like testosterone, and may occur simultaneously (Rolland 2011; Fearon 2013; Muscaritoli 2013). The term “catabolic wasting” encompasses both sarcopenia and cachexia. (“Catabolic” refers to the breakdown of tissue; it is the opposite of “anabolic,” which means tissue-building.)
Cachexia usually causes more rapid and pronounced weight reduction than sarcopenia and is generally characterized as loss of muscle and fat tissue totaling more than 5% of body weight, but losses of more than 20% of body weight are common (Rolland 2011; Nicolini 2013; Siddiqui 2006; Muscaritoli 2013; Gordon 2004; Gullett 2011). In many cases, a person with cachexia continues losing weight even if they are getting enough calories (Siddiqui 2006; Muscaritoli 2013).
Severe, chronic illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are known causes of cachexia (Sididqui 2006; Fearon 2013). Between 50% and 80% of all cancer patients experience cachexia, and it is estimated that cachexia is the main cause of over 20% of all cancer-related deaths (Nicolini 2013; von Haehling 2010; Suzuki 2013). Cachexia in HIV/AIDS patients is common and occurred almost universally before the advent of antiviral HIV drugs (Guillory 2013).
Sarcopenia (from the Greek meaning "poverty of flesh") generally refers to age-related loss of muscle mass and function (Iannuzzi-Sucich 2002). Approximately 50% of people over age 80 experience sarcopenia (Baumgartner 1998; Janssen 2004).
Sarcopenia can also occur as a result of physical inactivity, poor nutrition, or illness. Some researchers refer to age-related muscle loss not associated with an underlying cause as “primary sarcopenia,” and that which occurs as a consequence of one or more other causes as “secondary sarcopenia” (Rolland 2011; Muscaritoli 2013). Also, sarcopenia can sometimes occur in a person who still has significant fat stores, a condition known as “sarcopenic obesity” (Zamboni 2008). Sarcopenia is associated with increased risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in non-obese adults over age 60 years (Moon 2013).

Do I think everyone on the Master Cleanse will have this experience?
No, of course not.
However, there are cases of individual's doing the Master Cleanse for a year and I was personally acquainted with a woman who did it for 45 days. She looked so frail, too thin, and incredibly sickly, that I was in a state of shock when I saw her and asked why she had done such a thing.
Her response?
"I don't know, I just liked it and I felt so light and thin on it."
This is very dangerous and leads me to another point with cleanses, those with borderline or full-blown eating disorders should not play with these kinds of cleanses.
A short term cleanse, 3-10 days maximum is more than enough for the AVERAGE person.
Anything else needs to be closely monitored by a physician and should not be taken lightly.
As a person who suffered through an eating disorder in my teens, I get how easy and alluring these methods of weight loss can be. Please, remember that these cleanses are about regaining equilibrium, feeling good-not pressured, and resting to regain the best gift on earth; which is optimum health.
This is where my last point comes in, and I want to state very clearly before I begin that I am a firm believer in cleansing/juice fasting, and feel they are a wonderful addition to a healthy lifestyle.

   No one told me that there can be long-term side effects of doing something like the Master Cleanse that can have serious health repercussions. I learned, only a short while ago that this particular kind of cleanse can have a severe impact on the thyroid, the metabolism, and can even be considered detrimental to over-all wellness.
I have a family history of thyroid issues, a few years ago, I had done the Master Cleanse and went Raw Vegan once more when I was done, except that time I was not well. My energy levels completely plummeted, I would wake up, eat, shower, and need to sleep for 3-4 hours to recover. I added more greens like Kale and extra spirulina as well as sea weed and vegan protein shakes to my diet to combat what I assumed was a vitamin/protein/iron or mineral deficiency. I continued to eat raw vegan for several more weeks but my symptoms worsened and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, except that I kept getting UTI's/kidney and sinus infections or severe colds and flu's, was very sluggish, extremely weak, and had high nitrate levels. The nitrate levels baffled one doctor because when he told me to lay off all processed meats and bacon, I replied-raw vegan sir, don't eat that stuff. This continued for about 3 months until I woke up one morning and started craving shrimp, chicken, even steak!!!!! I was ashamed and would eat outside of the house to get my shrimp or chicken "fix". I was hiding it but the truth was it was helping, I also nixed kale and spirulina smoothies because I noticed I felt worse whenever I had them. At the time, I was receiving Bowen treatments from a wonderful lady who was very patient, kind, thoughtful, and did not judge. I explained my predicament in hushed tones when we were alone, she immediately did an iodine absorption test on my arm and began going over my symptoms. I explained that I felt so bad but I had to eat these foods I was craving because I couldn't get through my days without them. She asked if I felt better when I did, to which I replied an emphatic YES! She told me to continue eating them, abandon the only Raw food diet, and listen to my body as well as get blood tests and thyroid checks because my arm sucked up the iodine by the time we were done talking. It was by chance at this point that I had results coming in from a special scan that had been done for my spinal injury, when the doctor got them she had me rush to her office the same day without delay. It turned out I had a goiter on my thyroid along with very low thyroid levels and this worried her more than my spine because the lab tech had circled the  results and wrote-get immediate diagnosis, very low.
This answered many questions, it also turns out that the Kale which I felt bad whenever I ate, is a goitrogen and was inhibiting my thyroids ability to function which was in turn creating difficulty with absorbing nutrients and things like protein dense spirulina, were not being processed properly so it was adding strain on my kidneys! Wah wah.
Having gone through this, studied a lot of information about all types of diet's and cleanses, including the Master Cleanse, I now know that some choices I had made were not well informed or for the best. I have since modified my diet to include meat as I feel I need it-I do not eat a lot of it but I no longer deny myself or feel guilty about needing it.
To all you, (this only applies to the meanies) holier-than-thou, rude, condescending, self-righteous vegans, who can be quite awful and nasty, I say that it's none of your business!
Until illness becomes the defining focus of your life and you are literally battling every day to do the simplest tasks most take for granted, you burden your loved one's with your sickness, work becomes impossible, and your entire outlook on life is bleak and depressed because of it, you do not have the right to make judgement calls on my food intake or anyone else's for that matter.
I love eating healthy foods and was vegetarian from the age of 12, my choices now are to keep me alive and strong with a high quality of life, I will not be bullied and neither should anyone else.
I am not trying to offend anyone but I have had people say and treat me in such an awful way because their vegan sensibilities were offended and it was not fair. I do not want anyone else who may be suffering and happens to read this post, to feel like they have to be ashamed. Nor do I want vegans to be put off, I just know that we do not understand what another is going through and should keep judgement to ourselves.
Food is a blessing not a measure of character.
So, how do I eat now?
I incorporate Paleo, Raw foods, Whole foods, Pescetarian and Vegetarian foods to my diet. I have also added Protein smoothies that Poppa Bear suggested. He's a personal trainer and warned me my protein intake was too low, especially because I am more of a grazer, small appetite person than big plates and portions of food kind of gal. I also used natural Bovine desiccated thyroid, liquid iodine, natural adrenal and estrogen products, liquid iron, Omega oils, natural anti-inflammatory product, organic coconut and flax oils, probiotics and digestive enzymes, elimination diet and autoimmune protocols, as well as doing much more gentle exercise routines/more rest days, and liquid, short 3-day fasts. This with a lot of prayer, God's grace,and Poppa Bears unwavering support has gotten my health back on track. My test results came back from my endocrinologist and she was very happy, she said all my levels are normal, goiter is shrunk and will only need to be monitored every 2 years, as well as having my iron levels at normal. This is so exciting. We are checking into Cortisol levels difficulties but this I am also being responsible with, I am working on how I manage stress, make an effort to get away more, and have been walking regularly to clear my mind.
This leads me to part 2 of cleansing, once you have chosen the cleanse that is appropriate for you, gotten your recipes all gathered, written out the grocery list for juicing stuff you need, I suggest you inform your friends and family that you are doing this. That you may have some cranky days, need to rest days, and that they need to be supportive not sabotaging of your efforts.
People have offered me chips and chocolate while fasting, believe it or not!
Along with informing others, get anything that is a temptation OUT OF THE HOUSE, and prepare your path! You need to replace all that bad stuff immediately with all the fruits and vegetables you will use for juicing, any miso or bone broths you may choose to have will need to be at the ready, and eat vegetarian for 3 days leading up to your cleanse so your system is not taxed for the duration of the cleanse. I also recommend 2 big bottles of spring water, like the huge jugs, you need a lot of water.
3-Once you have gone through those steps do your 3-10 days max of cleansing with joy, kindness, gentleness, and self-love in your heart. I do 3 day fasts now with juices, bone broths, and miso broths, detox tea, and loads of water mingled with the evening warm almond milk and cinnamon.
Do not run to eat a steak and French fries, a whole plate of pasta, fried eggs, or anything remotely cheesy. No ice-cream, cake, cookies or pie either.
Did you know that coming off of an extended fast by eating greasy, rich, or heavy foods can have ou end up in excruciating pain or even hospitalized? No, this is not a joke!
The best way to break a fast is by having broth, then later on in the day have more and add a banana or a pear-ripe not hard. You should continue to drink your juices and water. If you feel up to it the next day move onto having a soft boiled egg, broth and a juice. Eat more mild, soft fruit, for supper you should be able to have a salad with your broth. Day 3 is usually when you can start incorporating more vegetarian foods and will be better able to eat solid food. I don't recommend eating anything fried for a good 2-3 weeks. I can't eat that kind of stuff for way longer than that after cleansing. Now is actually a great time to incorporate a whole foods diet with regular exercise and heaps of positive self-talk. You can actually get yourself a wholefoods or vegan or paleo menu ready before you finish your fast, so when you are done cleansing you are ready to roll.
A little side note, I do not recommend fasting or cleanses during high stress times like when you are moving, during special occasions, exams, surgery, etc. You need to set yourself up for success and when there is too much pressure in your life, the focus cannot be on giving yourself your best. I also do not suggest that you watch culinary shows, it's just torture for some people and will obviously make you crave food. Lastly, I want to make mention of these 2 things:
1) Do not only drink sweet juices, your cells need greens and you do not want to feed candida. Balance and moderation my friends!
2)there are days that are more difficult and intense than others on a cleanse, particularly juice fasts. I personally struggle the evening of the 1st day, the 5th and 7th days when I am on extended fasts. Most people feel that these are the days they experience the most difficulty with detox syptoms and BIG food cravings or a strong desire to quit.
Day 3
Day 5
Day 7
Day 10-yup, the last day can be the worst!

Just remember that you can make it through and that cravings for food=habit and or maybe you need more juice, drink! Listen to your body and if you really cannot make it through the entire cleanse, do not beat yourself up about it. Celebrate your accomplishment, remember to come off the fast carefully, and there's always another season to try again.
Here are some pics of the juices I made over the 3 days, and miso broth. I have a masticating juicer from Dr. Mercola which is slower than a Breville-which is an awesome juicer, but a masticating juicer really gets all the juice from the ingredients you use.

This is my awesome juicer that I highly recommend!

This is what the juicer spits out when it removes the juice, so cool!

Be careful because things like parsnips, fennel, and unpeeled celery, can slow down a juicer and may need to be cleaned out to make sure it doesn't jam.

I use glass jars from other drinks or things I have finished off, I prefer to keep them in those jars because plastic gets fruit and veg taste stuck in it. Plus, when I am heading out I make many juices for the day in advance in the morning, so I am not stuck being dangerously hungry. Glass jars are best for keeping them in the fridge and I am recycling-double win!

Something to think about when you are cleansing in getting outside and walking in nature where it's beautiful, will calm you, and will contribute to an overall positive outlook. It gives you a chance to reconnect with God, nature, and yourself.

Nature walk with a pet pooch is always a good idea, we took the Rockstar out with us and had loads of laughs watching him run around like a nut chasing squirrels! He's still a cutie, look at that punim!

This is Rocky ignoring me as he is diligently checked for the squirrels he could hear and see.

Loads to tell me about your juicing experiences? Questions? Requests for recipes? Let me know in the comments down below and don't forget to subscribe!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Best Pumpkin Pie Jasmine Tea Drink

This warm beverage, was just me being bored and tinkering with ingredients I had on hand in the kitchen. Never knew how well jasmine and pumpkin go together, it's a perfect fall kiss with a lovely, smooth, floral surprise at the end. I also made this one vegan and will be enjoying it quite a bit over the following chilly weeks. Have pumpkin fun and a gorgeous jasmine tea adventure lovelies!


2 Cups unsweetened almond milk
1/2 Cup of pumpkin puree
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon ground
1-3 Tbsp maple syrup (depends how sweet you like it)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp jasmine tea

-In a sauce pan add all ingredients except for the tea.
-Heat until boiling
-Shut off heat, add in the tea.
-Let steep 3-4 minutes, using a fine mesh strainer, strain into mug and enjoy hot!

Hope you enjoy this, leave comments below and don't forget to subscribe!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Herbed Paleo Chicken & Apple Sausages with Maple

We continue our Ode to Fall and don't those sausages look delicious? This recipe was a throw it together, I am craving salty & sweet-a pms fav, and I want this to be easy while tasting good, kind-of-thing.
Comfort food and not heavy.
I got these bad boys together in no time and we all enjoyed the results. I don't know what it is about chicken, sage, apples, and fresh thyme. They meld into this delicate and fun combination that delights while feeling familiar. Think, sitting in front of a roaring fireplace with hot cocoa, leaves crunching under feet when you walk, the smell of the first crisp autumn morning. Refreshingly new when they arrive but familiar because we know and love them. I personally love food with a nostalgia vibe, maybe it's because I am getting older and creature comforts, fond memories, and food with those I love, are memories I cherish and feel so blessed to have. If you are eating Paleo or whole foods, you are going to like this recipe a lot. Here goes!


450 g Ground chicken
1 tsp Kosher salt
1/2 tsp Ground pepper
1/4 tsp Ground sage
1/2 tsp Poultry seasoning
1 tsp Ground garlic powder
1/2 tsp Ground onion powder
1/4 tsp Ground bayleaf
1/4 tsp Nutmeg fresh scraped
1 tsp Herbes du Provence
1 tsp Fresh thyme
1 tsp Maple syrup
1 Stalk celery, grated and squeezed of all the water
1/2 Cup onion finely chopped and sauteed lightly in 1/2 tsp butter
3 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) For cooking, not to add in recipe.
2 tsp Butter (For cooking, not to add in recipe)
1 Cup Grated and squeezed until drained of all liquid, red apple. McIntosh is great
1 Egg
3 Tbsp Ground almond meal

-Combine all ingredients in a bowl, except the olive oil and butter which are for cooking the sausage patties.
-Use a medium scoop and scoop 12 sausage patty rounds on a parchment lined tray.
-Use the back of a tablkespoon to gently press down into patties, do not press too hard. You want it to have shape and be about 1-1 1/2" thick.
-Chill in freezer for 10 minutes.
-When they are done chilling, remove from freezer.
-Heat skillet with EVOO & butter in it.
-Cook each patty on each side until nice and golden brown, on a medium heat. Takes about 4-6 minutes.
-You can serve with mashed potatoes and buttered brussel sprouts for a beautiful simple meal.

I froze half the patties and took two out at a time to cook in a hot pan with fat, I cooked them straight from frozen and had no problems with them what so ever.The pics down below show you how great these came out, I ate smashed peas and broco with mine. Another day I even made a simple salad using these patties as my protein source, which I will post a recipe and pic of with a link to this recipe another time.

Drain the water out of the celery and carrots by squeezing them hard between your hands, all the liquid comes out and you are left with great flavour additions that won't make your patty's turn into wet mush.

                                      My scoop is the one I find is perfect for filling cupcakes.

                                               Don't press too hard, shape not flat!

                                                       Taste as good as they look!

Hope you like them, leave your comments down below and let me know how this recipe works out for you. I love hearing all about your kitchen adventures.