
Monday, November 30, 2015

Let's Get Inspired, Craftsy, & DIY This Holiday Season

Helloodles lovelies.
I am excited!!!!!! Welcome to the new D.I.Y section of The Kinky Coconut Blog, I have been toying with the idea of doing this for some time now and wanted you to have a wonderful holiday gift giving season, with things that did not always come from a store.
Christmas and gift giving go hand in hand during this time of the year but people end up struggling in January, feeling stressed by believing ads and societal pressures that spread false obligations to make high cost purchases, and many of us long for simpler things with a personal feel to them..
A lot of people forget that we are re-enacting the moment when three King's came to meet Jesus, bearing gifts in celebration, and to honour the moment we received this most precious gift from God.
Christmas is supposed to be a time of gathering, giving through acts of kindness, sharing with those less fortunate, and having a heart of gratitude for the myriad of blessings in our lives.
Unfortunately, because society has shifted gears from the simple, Christ based focus, to the sublime ridiculousness of consumerism, the message of the season becomes lost.
Well, this year will be different. All that is required is some effort and commitment on your part, some solid recipes, easy D.I.Y instructions, a price limit along with a pared down gift giving list, a positive attitude, and an approach that gets the whole family on board. Before we dive into what December will have in store for my dear readers, I want to share what we did last year.
Last Christmas was amazing at our house, we had a blast, loads of fun, laughter, great food, simple but appreciated gifts, and everyone followed the rules for gift giving. It eliminated a lot of pressure, kept the focus on the positives and important things in our lives, and gifted us all with fantastic memories. Our family and friends were talking about it long after the holiday's and winter were over.
We did this by setting some ground rules, sticking to a game plan for food, asking our friend's & family to pitch in financially towards food costs, delegating shopping, making our gifts by hand, and playing Dirty Santa with a $5, get creative, gender neutral, wrap it & don't tell anyone gift exchange/steal.
If you have never played Dirty Santa, I will tell you all about it this Friday, in an upcoming post. It will give you the time to inform your friends & family so the pressure is off for everyone.
You are all going to have fun!
But firstly, let us begin by sharing some of the how to's to come to make your holidays grande, a time to be remembered, gracious and grateful.
Here is what we will be covering: (Recipes will be coming earlier in the month of December to help you get on top of your holiday To Do List, so do not be worried. I gotcha!)

-Making your own cookie gift tins/boxes

-Crocheting a beautiful, I Heart It patterned crochet scarf; that looks like you knitted it.

-Simple D.I.Y upcycled items for decorating, filling with treats, or using as a simple holder.

-A pared down scrumptious Holiday Menu that can either be done as a pot luck, or an everybody
pitches in, if they want to partake kind-of-deal.

-How to get the kids involved and off the electronics. (Yes, it can be done)

-Ideas to give gifts that mean more but cost way less.

-Making gifts for the health nuts/gym rats in your life.

-Decorating on the cheap 101

-Gift exchanging on the cheap 101 (Dirty Santa, here we come!)

-Keeping Christ the focus of the Holiday's in your home.

-Creating simple holiday traditions with your precious loved one's.

-Coping with the stressor's & finding your joy again, during the hectic days.

-Planning to eat healthy, how to avoid over indulging, keeping track of what you are really eating, and how to get back on track should you overindulge.

-Goals not resolutions, how to hone in on want you really want to accomplish.

Isn't it looking like a super fun December? I want you to keep coming back because I know you are looking for some creative ways to get through the holidays without feeling overwhelmed and burdened. I am going to need you to commit to sticking to your guns, refusing to be swayed or guilted out of the plans that will get you through with minimal financial strain.
Here is a little Grumpy Cat to remind you what to say if people, don't want to get on board, are complaining, don't like the changes, or are trying to veer you off towards overspending. Feel free to print it out and flash it at any nay sayer's, and keep it posted all over the house, refer to it any time you become unsure or feel like you are going to waver.

I am leaving you with some sneak peak pics of what's in store. Here are some crochet items that are quick and look fabulous, they will actually want these gifts!

Do you have a Youtuber in your life? A young one that loves to dress up & take pics? Well, here comes some handmade fun that will have them seeing stars and wearing big smiles!

     More crochet fun with different types of wool, that you get to play with.

Here is a sample of how beautiful cookie gift giving can be & you get to say, "I made dis"!

But most importantly, let's keep this in mind no matter what. I am so looking forward to us meeting here and getting through all the holiday craziness and fun together. I need you to comment down below if you have any requests, questions, or need directions in the kitchen. Don't forget to subscribe.
Have a blessed day.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Spiritual Warfare Part 1

Happy Sunday Lovelies!

I have been listening to sermons with a focus on Spiritual Warfare and it has been a real eye opener, a tremendous comfort, given loads of answers, and has been a blessing. They were a series done by Chip Ingram, I will give you the link so you can check them out if you are interested. I really feel that every Christian and every person should listen to this series.

I am not trying to cram religion down anyone's throat, I am not sitting here preaching, I just want to provide support and lead you to some answers you may have not even realized to ask questions to. I do not believe in religion, I believe in God and I have given my life over to Christ. Jesus is my savior, not my religion.

In these times we are in, we find ourselves surrounded by many distractions, occurrences that we cannot explain, understand, accept, or even see for what they truly are. We are constantly told what to wear, how to dress, how to live, how to compare, to make more money, to covet, to desire more, to be cruel to, whom and how to hate, whom to look down upon, we are lead to idol worship, we destroy our lives and the lives of others without seeing the truth of that which is before us. Then there are those of us who can see and are unsure, confused, frightened into inaction, frozen by uncertainty, swallowed by sorrow and desperate for help.
I will do a quick overview of what was covered and you can take what you like, leave the rest. Only, take some time to research and read up on all of this more, so you can understand God's plan in all of this.

There are 5 Basic Truths about Spiritual Warfare, they are:

1-There is an invisible world that is just as real as the visible world.
2 Kings 6:15-17
Daniel 10

2- We are involved in an invisible war. A cosmic conflict that has eternal implications. The attack is on your mind. The enemy is the father of lies. He is a liar, he deludes, a deceiver, he casts doubt on God, on His word, on you. Your mind, beliefs, world view, that is where the majority of the battle occurs. The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers. Why?
That they might not see the Light of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ; who is in the image of God.
Part of the enemy's strategy is to blind the minds of people, so they cannot ascertain, they cannot grasp the truth.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
1 Timothy 4:1



3- Our foe is formidable and his goal is to destroy us. Destroy us and discredit the cause of Christ. Satan and his forces have a plan to terrorize your soul, to render you impotent, as a believer. To make you worthless to the cause of Christ and to make your life one of misery and spiritual defeat.
John 8:44
James 4
Jude 9


Like a lion, the enemy seeks vulnerability, easy prey. It is not all the time, it is when you are low, tired, traveling, late at night, after everyone has gone to bed. You are gotten to by way of temptation, hoping no one else sees or discovers, you are sucked in, you feel bad/dirty. He gets you with temptation and then the double whammy, it is always followed up with guilt and condemnation.
DO NOT be fearful but have a healthy respect, we are in a battle.
The cult of happiness is another lie interwoven with truths, our lives, our world, are not a playground; a place for our constant happiness, a way for us to get whaever we want by viewing God as some cosmic vending machine. The goal in life is not just to be happy, this is not a playground, this IS a battlefield. Life is not about personal satisfaction all the time. The enemy uses false prophets, false doctrine, and false beliefs to sway us and blind us to the Glory of Christ, and the glory of God.

    Jesus did not take demonic activity lightly, there are over 30 references in the bible to demons and such activity and encounters.
The authority of the scripture.
The authority of Christ and the amount of material that the new testament gives to the reality of Satan and demons, will truly capture your attention. This is not considered to be a small topic, to be glossed over and passed by.

Jesus was tempted with: anger, lust, jealousy, depression, agonizing choices/decisions.
His way of handling all of this?
He would pray whenever he was being tempted. When someone was being harassed or tempted by the enemy, Jesus would pray. Total dependence on God.

4-We must respect our foe but not fear him, become acutely aware of his methods but not preoccupied with him. Do you know his methods?
The enemy plants doubts, provokes sin, produces sex and cults, is crafty, instills fear, will win you over, crafting it all. He is the prince of this world, he has a system, he is the accuser of the brethren, a tempter. He will move you off of good to evil, sweet to sour, he is beautiful, winsome, attractive, liar, slanderer, seductive, false, absolute corruption, a below dweller.
You must remember, his power is limited and he can be resisted by the Christian. Resist the devil and he will flee you. Balance and wisdom are crucial in our assesment of spiritual opposition, to assign too much or too little credit to the reality of demonic activity is to err greatly.

Be not afraid. Be aware not preoccupied.

Gods sovereign purpose is to protect us.

1 John 4:4

5-As believers in Christ, we do not fight for victory, we fight from victory. In Christ's power we are powerful and we are victors in Christ but thanks be to God, we walk in His triunph.

Ephesians 6
1 John 4:4
Rev 12:11
James 4:7-8
This series has several parts to it, I will continue to give notes and links to following sermons so that you can stand strong against the enemy and find peace, protection, and love in the arms of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, by the grace of  ever merciful God.
God bless you all!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Goitreogens, What are They & Where are They Found? (Thyroid part 6)

 (Picture from
Goitrogens are substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland by interfering with iodine uptake, which can, as a result, cause an enlargement of the thyroid, i.e., a goiter.

Thank you wikipedia.

This is some of the most important thyroid information you will hear because you can directly control goitrogens from getting into your system, far too many people know nothing about them, (I was one of you, so don't be embarassed) and it's an easy fix that has a big impact on health.

I was unknowingly imbibing foods and drinks that would appear to be very healthy, follow recommended standards for nutrition, and tasted delicious, but were having a very dangerous side effect. I did not begin to conect the dots, until my health had begun to take a horrible turn for the worse, doctor's were stumped, and I noticed an immediate plumet in my energy levels after eating and particulairly drinking specific foods. Biggest offender in my life? You won't believe it because it is touted as the beginning and end all of health conscious individual's, it's sold everywhere, is added to many things, and has become extremely popular.
Yup, this little green monster of goodness was seriously sabotaging my health, along with an extensive list of cruciferous vegetables and fruits that I was juicing, blending into smoothies, and eating in the raw or adding to many dishes. How can this be?
Well, it's a gotirogen and I did not know or understand what that meant, where to find them, or what their impact was on my body. Turns out, goitrogens are a BIG deal.

I am going to drop some information on you from this blog, because it was very informative, helped me figure quite a lot out, and did not bash on these vegetables and fruits as some do, it's really more about understanding the role food and medication plays in the lives of different people facing different circumstances. Here is the link to the blog, if you would like to explore further:


From a science perspective, "goitrogen" is a term used to describe any substance that can cause enlargement of the thyroid gland. That's because "goiter" is an enlarged thyroid gland. (Sometimes a person with an enlarged thyroid gland is described as "having a goiter," and sometimes the condition itself is simply referred to as "goiter.") A "goitrogen" is simply any substance that causes or contributes to goiter.
There are many different chemical substances that can contribute to goiter. From a chemical standpoint, they usually have nothing in common except for their ability to cause thyroid enlargement.

Many drugs act as goitrogens. These drugs include lithium (a drug used to treat bipolar disorder) and phenylbutazone (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Sometimes these drugs are described as having "goitrogenic effects" instead of being called goitrogens themselves. Most of the time, drugs with goitrogenic effects interfere with iodine metabolism. Since the thyroid needs iodine to produce thyroid hormones, drugs that interfere with iodine metabolism often prevent the thyroid from making its iodine-containing hormones properly. (Without the proper amount of iodine, the thyroid cannot make sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone. When the thyroid fails to make enough of its hormones, the pituitary gland in the brain sends a message to the thyroid to increase in size and make more thyroid hormone. That increase in thyroid size is what scientists call goiter.) Nutritional deficiency of iodine is the most common dietary cause of goiter, and, in this sense, iodine deficiency could be accurately described as goitrogenic.

Goitrogenic Foods

Contrary to popular belief, foods themselves are not "goitrogenic" in the sense of causing goiter whenever they are consumed, or even when they are consumed in excess. In fact, most foods that are commonly called goitrogenic - such as the cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower) and soyfoods - do not interfere with thyroid function in healthy persons even when they are consumed on a daily basis. Nor is it scientifically correct to say that foods "contain goitrogens," at least not if you are thinking about goitrogens as a category of substances like proteins, carbohydrates, or vitamins. With respect to the health of our thyroid gland, all that can be contained in a food are nutrients that provide us with a variety of health benefits but which, under certain circumstances, can also interfere with thyroid function. The term "goitrogenic food" makes it sound as if something is wrong with the food, but that is simply not the case. What causes problems for certain individuals is not the food itself but the mismatched nature of certain substances within the food to their unique health circumstances.

Goiter, Thyroid Function, and Diet

With respect to diet, the most common cause of goiter is iodine deficiency from lack of iodine-containing foods. However, other food factors can come into play under certain unique circumstances.
For example, since the mineral selenium is required for certain activities within the thyroid gland, selenium deficiency can combine with borderline iodine deficiency to produce goiter. The selenium content of foods is highly variable and depends to a large extent upon soil conditions. For this reason, in parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America where soils are particularly low in selenium, thyroid problems related to borderline iodine intake may be worsened by this added problem of soil selenium deficiency and inadequate intake of selenium-rich foods.

Thank you, The World's Healthiest Foods.Org

I really want you to focus on the part that states, "what causes problems for certain individuals is not the food itself but the mismatched nature of certain substances within the food to their unique health circumstances."
This is important because we have a tendency in our society to over do it on everything. Mesaning, that if we hear that soya is good for you, we immediately start shoving it into every nook and cranny of food, supplements, body care, etc. If something is thought to be bad we vilify it and hope for it's destruction for all time. This is true of fat and cholesterol, there was a time when we believed eggs were so dangerous you had to have them sparingly and that all cholesterol and fat were inherently bad. Science is not debunking these myths, we have a better understanding between the different types of cholesterol ie: HDL & LDL, and we are finding that fat is not all bad. Quality, quantity, and types, along with individual needs, plays a huge role in what could be considered to have a negative impact on one person and a positive impact on another. The same can be said for goitrogens. I will discuss further but first I want to give you a quick list of where you can find goitrogens, then I will go deeper into what this means for you if you are suffering from supressed thyroid function or a goiter.

Here are some examples of goitrogens:
• Broccoli
• Cauliflower
• Kale
• Brussels Sprouts
• Mustard Greens
• Radishes
• Spinach
• Strawberries
• Peaches
• Soy-Based Foods
• Peanuts

Pears are also a problem but for some reason were not on the list, so I am adding them. I am also adding this picture of foods to avoid in the first stages of thyroid healing. Some you will be able to add later on but in the beginning, it's highly recommended to avoid them. Gluten, soy, dairy, caffeine, stimulants, pre-workout burners, energy drinks, sugar in all forms, high yeast products, oils that are not cold pressed and organic, none of these are good for you. Read on...

 Some Goitrogenic Foods Are Worse Than Others
While I definitely recommend that anyone with a thyroid condition minimize their consumption of goitrogens, and in some cases completely avoid them, there is no question some goitrogenic foods are worse than others.  For example, other than their goitrogenic properties, the cruciferous vegetables are very healthy, and with the exception of when someone is in the beginning phase of a natural thyroid treatment protocol, I don’t think eating cruciferous vegetables on an occasional basis for someone with hypothyroidism is a bad thing.
On the other hand, I’m not a big fan of soy, as while the soy industry has done a great job of marketing soy as being healthy for us, a lot of research has proved otherwise.  I mentioned above where someone who doesn’t have a thyroid disorder is unlikely to develop one by consuming goitrogens.  Well, soy might be an exception to this, as eating soy frequently can potentially lead to numerous health problems.
Once again, for someone who is not following a natural treatment protocol and is relying on the prescription drugs to manage their symptoms, eating some soy-based foods every now and then is fine.  On the other hand, since a person who has a hypothyroid condition should try to minimize the amount of goitrogens they eat, when they do choose to eat such foods it would be a better choice to eat the cruciferous vegetables, since they do offer greater health benefits.
Also, some goitrogenic foods are considered “mildly goitrogenic”.  Some examples include spinach, strawberries, and peaches.  So while anyone with a hypothyroid condition will want to minimize their consumption of these foods, eating them aren’t as bad for your thyroid gland as other goitrogenic foods that aren’t classified as being “mildly goitrogenic”, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and soy.
By the way, some sources do show that cooking these foods may destroy the goitrogenic activity.  I’m not sure if this has been fully confirmed through research studies, and so while it might be okay for someone with hypothyroidism to eat cooked cruciferous vege

Here is the link to the blog where I got the above information from, it's a great site and had a very positive influence on the choices I made when attempting to correct the thyroid imbalance in my body.

So, you look at the above list and you think, whoa la! I like a lot of the foods on that list, or like me, double whoa la! I have been eating so many of those things, especially in the raw and I don't want to give them up because they are a big part of my vegan/vegetarian/healthy lifestyle.
I am going to give you some food information about the list, down below. First though, this:

Two things:
1) It's a bummer, but the truth is, you are going to need to change all your dietary/sleep/activities/exercise/partying/life habits. Eliminate what needs to be eliminated, probably give up being vegan/vegetarian for a while, do what needs to be done to re-establish your health and it's never been more true if you are going about it the natural route; the way that I did. This with a lot of faith, prayer, commitment, patience, support from loved one's, research, a willingness to fight for what you believe, connecting with others in similar situations, being your biggest advocate, and remembering to be gentle; because it's a process that requires you to take time, respect the limits, and treat yourself with kindness.

2) There is hope, it can and will improve, once you are past the worst stages. The first and worst stages are usually the first 2-3 years, long but I rather you be mentally prepared, and I am speaking after diagnosis, when you have made an informed choice as to your approach to regaining your health. This is YOUR choice, do what you feel works best for you. You will be able to indulge here and there, in the foods you miss. It's not always easy but it will be worth it and you will feel grateful that God brought you this far. You are not alone but you are going to have to be singular in your approach to sticking to what is best for your health, and that means getting out what is harming, even if it seems to be good for you.

My personal experience with goitrogens was tediously long, I did not know a dang thing about any of this stuff and was perplexed as to why, whenever I ate certain foods, I noticed a considerable drop in my energy levels. I would struggle for days and sometimes weeks, to regain energy and pep. Health was on the decline & I could not figure out why. It was replaced by serious nausea, tightness around my throat, utter exhaustion, and a total feeling of depletion and lethargy.
I came upon the connection by chance after a doctor's appointment, I was feeling unwell and the doctor was confused about some test results he could not explain. I also had a UTI-again, and high protein levels in my urine. He gave me some meds & suggestions, off I went home to rest and recuperate. As I left, I opened my kale and spirulina smoothie and began to chug it down while walking down St. Denis street in Montréal. BIG MISTAKE!!!!
Within 5-10 mintes I felt so ill, I rushed home because I was sure I was going to start being sick in the middle of the street. I was weak, stomach was doing flip flops, began to puke, I wanted to cry, I felt like someone had knocked me out for the count.
It took 3 or 4 days to start feeling better, I decided right then and there that Kale & I, along with Spirulina, would be on a long term hiatus.
Turns out my body was not absorbing nutrients because of the reduced thyroid function, the goitrogens were inhibiting the function further, and the spirulina, although very healthy and high in protein, was not being absorbed because of the afore mentioned. I learned this because shortly after that appointment and getting really sick, I came across the blog that listed foods with goitrogens. That was when a bright lightbulb went off in my head, so much began to click into place and make sense. I researched and found alternatives for synthroid that didn't have porcine-I have a strong sensitivity to pork. For some reason my eczema flares and I have been known to get sick when I eat it, there's never a warning. Some days it's okay and others it is not so I choose to steer clear. This was never a problem when I was a vegetarian or raw vegan, but when I tried going full out Paleo, not good.
I found this great product that was a bovine based dessicated thyroid replacement, this along with some other natural meds, and a very specific diet with juicing has had a very positive impact. I will tell my story further in another post, as it is too long for here, and I want us to focus on goitrogens.
I am now able to indulge in strawberries and cauliflower, not on the regular but in moderate doses. Kale is still a big problem for me, I have since replaced it with Chard, which I tolerate much better. I am careful with how much I ingest that too because Chard is part of the nightshade family, which can be difficult on the organs. That's a whole other post for another time. I will come back & link it here when I do that post in the near future.
As for soy foods, well, I do fermented soy, particularly Nato. What the huh? Yes, Nato.
This is fermented, sticky, smelly, strong soy beans that are eaten in Japan. They are one of the few ways to get Vitamin K2 in your diet, and are easier on the body because they are a very fermented food which is super high in probiotics. Be warned, they be stinkies, and are not liked by most people. I am one of those that can eat them without problem. You can find them in the freezer section of some Asian markets, do not use the mustard or soy packets that come with, as they are not guaranteed gluten-free. I suggest getting your own gluten-free tamari and not using the mustard, as the mustard makes it worse,(when I taste it). Apparently some healthfood stores carry organic Nato, I have yet to come across them here in Québec.
Vitamin K2 is important because it fights Osteoporosis, protects the Heart, studies are showing it helps prevent Alzheimers, and fights Cancer. If you want more information about Vitamin K, here is the link to a great Youtube video that Dr. Mercola did & his site that talks about it:

Back to Soy.
Soy foods have gotten a bad rap, and that's because soy is an estrogen mimicker. This can lead to a host of hormonal imbalances and the long term repercussions are worrisome, Doctor's are beginning to stress the dangers from ingesting too much soy. This is a North American issue, for you see, we have gone soy overboard. What a big surprise-NOT!
We have put soy in everything and as per usual, too much of anything is not a good thing.
In Asia, soy makes up about 17% of the diet, much of the soy eaten is also in  fermented form.
Such as Tamari, Soy sauces, Tempeh, and Nato. If the Japanese are any pointers to longevity, (and they are, they have the largest population of centarians, period) then moderation, elimination of overly processed foods, loads of iodine rich seaweeds, and smaller amounts of fermented soy, less sugar and dairy, more savoury nourishing breakfasts, along with getting away from the SAD diet, are definitely the way to go.

As for cruciferous vegetables such as brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, greens like mustard and kale, well, new research is showing that cooking these before hand can actually make them easier to absorb and may benefit thyroid sufferers. I am more of a , watch your body, see how it reacts, if you notice it's negatively impacting your health, then nix it from your diet, kind of person.
You live with your body, you know it best, just listen and watch for the clues.
Living in awareness.
Then of course there is juicing.
Juicing is really important and can have serious consequences if you don't know what foods can help or harm the thyroid. I am including some great info graphics from some other sources, and down below there are some juice recipes to get you started. Juicing has been a major component in getting my thyroid back into working order, by the Grace of God, loads of prayer, lots of healthy, informed food, and medicinal choices, along with gentle exercise and better stress management, the recovery process has been extremely positive. Slow but steady.

Don't be discouraged by the No-No's, I know it seems rough eliminating and saying goodbye to foods you may really enjoy, you need to recall why you are doing all of this.
There are however, some really great juicing recipes to help support and get optimal thyroid function back, these are a few favourites I found from other bloggers:

And this one is from me, I drink this whenever I need energy and man oh man, do I ever get wired when I have it. It's such a good feeling! It's the red guy in the picture below, to the right.

I call it the Super Charge for a reason, just you wait and feel it.

1 Beet
1 Stalk Celery
8 Red Apples
6 Carrots
1 Large Knob Ginger
1 Orange
(feel free to add 2 chard leaves if you like)
Run all the ingredients through the juicer & serve over ice!
Enjoy & leave a comment if you try any of these out.

I hope this post answered some questions for you, if you have others, please do not hesitate to leave them down below. I really do love to hear from you, don't forget to subscribe.
God bless you.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Vegan Gluten-free Bread Recipe

Morning Lovelies!
I had a bread baking day yesterday, I was testing a recipe from a gluten free baking book we have been using recipes from. It's called Gluten-free Baking Classics by: Annalise G. Roberts, I like the texture of this bread recipe, which was a dough originally meant for the recipe for English muffins. I have made them and they are always devoured quickly because they have a wonderful chewy inside along with a slight crisp exterior and toast wonderfully. This is what they look like when you bake the dough as English muffins:

To make those all you need to do are bake them in metal rounds that are sold specifically for English muffins. I liked the texture of them so much that I wanted to see if it would turn into a decent bread. I was happy that it worked out and wanted to share it with you because it's tasty, chewy, and egg free. It's a perfect fit for those of you who are sensitive to dairy along with gluten. I hope you enjoy making this, leave questions and comments down below.

Firstly, you need to make the Bread Flour Mix A:
2 Cups Millet flour
1 Cup Sorghum flour
1 Cup Arrowroot starch or cornstarch
(I have a corn allergy, so I replace cornstarch with arrowroot starch and it works beautifully)
1 Cup Potato starch (not flour)
1 Cup Tapioca starch

-Blend all together and store in an airtight container.


3 Cups Bread flour mix A
2 tsp Xanthan gum
1 tsp Sea salt
2 Tbsp Coconut sugar
12 Grams dry instant yeast
1 1/2 Cups warm water
2 Tbsp Grape seed oil

-Lightly grease a large no stick bread loaf pan.
-I have an Excalibur dehydrator, so I use it at a setting of 80 degrees to help the dough rise. If you don't have one, put your oven at its lowest temperature.
-In a mixer add all wet ingredients, stir and allow to sit for a few minutes while you prepare the dry ingredients.
-In a separate bowl, combine all dry ingredients.
-Place dry ingredients in mixer with wet ingredients, using the paddle attachment blend on medium high speed for 3 minutes.
-Spoon dough into prepared pan, carefully smooth, cover, with, a light cloth and let rise in a warm place for 20 minutes. If you are using an oven heated at the lowest temperature, turn off the heat completely and let the bread dough rise in the still warm oven. When I use the Excalibur dehydrator, I just place the covered bread dough and allow to rise without needing to turn it off, the temperature of the dehydrator remains constant.
-Place rack in center of oven, preheat oven to 350 degrees while the bread rises.
-After 20 minutes place in hot oven, bake for 25 minutes. Turn halfway and bake for another 25 minutes.
-Place on rack to cool for 10 minutes and then remove from pan. Allow bread to cool completely before slicing.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

God's Love in Bloom

Happy & Blessed Sunday all you lovely people out there!
I wanted today's post to be focused on our relationship with God & Jesus as our shepherd.
I listened to a really great sermon series from Chip Ingrim and it was all about Jesus Unfiltered.
How we view Jesus, God, and what we think or believe he feels about us.
This is something I struggle with because of issues from my past that create conflict within when it comes to trust and believing that I can be seen as worthful and deserving of love.
It's an odd duality that conflicts with what my head can grasp. I know when I read, hear, or have my mind and eyes opened, that God is good, that He cares and only wants the best for me. This is something I feel at peace with, calm, and full of joy; when it settles on my shoulders and in my heart. I walk more assuredly and the spiritual awakening moves me in a way that nothing on this earthly planet can even come close to.
It seems to be going so well, then life, issues, trials, tribulations, and the enemies destructive intentions creep in.
I become lost in the myriad of crushed hopes, dashed dreams, painful disappointments, and serious weight of difficulties. I cannot cope.
I revert to old patterns or fear, anger, isolation, ranting, complaining, tears, and utter despair. In all of this, nothing is solved, nor is there comfort, and everything seems impossible and highly unlikely to ever turn around. Loneliness and a genuine belief that God cannot possibly love me, that Jesus cannot forgive my sins, and that there is no use in prayer, begins to play in my head. It's very dangerous, and the enemy has perfected this game too well. The enemy knows that prayer is a Holy communion with God, our direct line to a wealth of spiritual reinforcement, meaning, depth, truth, and unconditional love. Yet, when we are led astray, prayer seems to be one of those things that falls lower and lower on the priorities list and then it becomes a why should I, and that in turn can become, there is no reason to bother, it won't help. These are the lowest points in our Christian lives, and it is so painful that often times no one can see or understand your pain, they often say or do the wrong thing, cannot reach you, or worsem you are left all alone with burdens too great to bear.
This is when something shows up, it's not big, just a little something that brings back breath, clarity, calm, and a feeling of love wrapped in worth. This is God, reminding me/us of what I/we have so quickly forgotten. His love is greater than anything ever known, His love has no limits, no ties to earthly meaningless folly, and it is always in bloom.
He does not want hurt, he wants health, joy, love, and devotion to Him is a natural flow in the tides of our relationship with Him.
It's so sweet, to feel and be blessed, knowing Jesus is reaching out, that our Heavenly Father is always with us, and that we can receive the Holy Spirit. All we need do is ask, listen, receive and then we are reminded of the precious gift of His love; that the enemy tries so desperately to steal away.
This week, the sermons were a two part series which talked about Jesus as a Shepherd and what he felt when he saw the multitude, who came to be ministered. It truly opened my eyes.
Did you know that when a Shepherd tends his flock they are completely reliant on the shepherd, they will die without the shepherd. One of the things that sheep do is they find a spot or depression in the grass and they sit in it, this is called being downcast.
The thing about downcast sheep is that 100% of the time, a downcast sheep will die if a shepherd does not come and pick them up to place them back on their feet.
Do you know what it says in Matthew 9:36-38?
And seeing the multitudes, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd.

Jesus could not walk through the crowds of people without being touched by the human condition. The lives of these people had been adversely effected by disease and sickness. Increasing the misery was spiritual hopelessness that led to their distress and their despair. They were a spiritually bankrupt people. They needed something, but they were not sure exactly what. But Jesus knew.

Does this not sound familiar? In all this time we are still stuck in the human condition, waging wars, violence against children, women, men, lost in despair and depression, corrupted by greed and desire, destroying our planet, destroying lives through slander and gossip, seeking approval and to fill wants through external empty sources, ill and unable to stop dis/ease, constantly searching and never finding. I know I am not alone in the feelings or thoughts that dwell in uncertainty, these are the play things of the enemy, we are so much more than this.
God's children have a calling, they are gifted with all they need to meet what God has planned for them, do not forget how tenderly you are loved and never forgotten.

Here are the links to those two sermon's, I truly recommend that you give them a listen, they will soothe your hurts, make sense in the distress, and resonate in a way you have been looking for.
God bless you.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Thai Crispy Rolls Review

Good day lovely people, review time today and I think it's gonna be interesting. We're talking Thai Crispy Rolls.
Let me say, that these were a wonderful addition for my gluten-free, surprise, last- minute find. I have never heard of Thai Crispy Rolls before and boy am I ever glad that has changed!

I discovered these recently at our local Asian market, I was checking out Mochi, then cookies, and pretty much became sad and wistful for gluten-filled goodies until my eyes fell on this packaging. I was sure they were full of wheat but decided to check out the ingredients, just for fun. Low and behold, these use white rice flour and taro. Super cool and yes, they were quickly bought! Taro is a root that is used quite a bit in Asian cuisine, snack foods, and desserts. I was thrilled because these looked like wafer roll cookies I used to eat back in the day, which were filled with hazelnut cream.
Firstly, these are not a "healthy" snack, as they contain sugar. However, for 6 rolls there is only 4 grams of fat, 115 cal, and 1 gram of protein. Not too shabby for a treat.
When I removed these from the package, they were very much intact which was quite amazing, considering how fragile these are. They are beautiful rolls of crisp, tightly layered, baked dough, which I am assuming is made much like a crepe. They look really pretty and would be stunning as a finishing touch on a dessert, like a mousse.

I tasted these with a hot cup of Earl Grey tea, another time with apple juice, and I had them with almond milk as an afternoon break on the weekend after working on the cookbook. My first impression was hopeful, this quickly turned to delight as I bit into its crispy, light, dense yet airy-if such a thing is possible, mild coconutty, perfectly balanced sweetness. It was just as blissful the following times and I went a step further on the almond milk try by adding some Nutella. Yes, it was a glorious wonder, and I was flooded with childhood memories of hazelnut filling wafers, once more!

These are definitely on my recommendation list, they are not expensive either. I paid $2.99 Canadian and the bag is not all air, we tried a different brand and they both tasted the same, the only difference was the second type was shorter and a bit more densely packed, with regard to the crispy layering.
The only down side to these, if I must mention one, is that they are very delicate and they break easily. This is normal, they are a super thin, layered wafer cookie. When you bite them they flake and crumble a bit, just tilt your head back or keep your hand open, to catch the crumbs.
I broke mine in half and poured the crumbs in my mouth as they broke,delicious crispiness. You gotta try these!

That's all for now folks, I leave you with the joy of geeky expression by way of these awesome Star Wars snowflakes made by a very talented someone out there. I liked Chewbacca best, which one is you fav? 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Peppered Ginger Beef Stir fry & Apple Pie Filling for Apple Galette

Good day one & all!
Today I am sharing some Peppered Ginger Beef stir fry and an Apple Galette that I tried to make with another blogger's dough recipe, which was leftover from making pumpkin pies. Recipe fr the pumpkin pie is here:

If you are not familiar with Apple Galette, it is a rustic style apple pie that does not get baked baked in a traditional pie pan. It's actually a perfect pie for beginning baker's as it requires very little skill, is not highly stylized with special cutouts or crimping, and is beautiful when finished baking. See for yourself:

 Just scroll down below if you only want the pie recipe.

We were at the health food store recently and in the freezer there was organic beef on special, we got a few items, I am not a big beef person. Having been a vegetarian for so many years, macrobiotic, raw vegan, and hyper aware of how poorly these animals are all too often treated, I veer away most times. Since my difficulties with my thyroid, low iron and calcium, along with some other stuff, I do on occasion, indulge. It often requires a few digestive enzymes, as I struggle to digest red meat, and I usually add a lot of heavy seasonings and marinades to cover the beefy taste.
Honestly, I prefer poultry and fish.
This recipe is very quick when it comes to cooking, it's a high-heat stir fry, as such, I seriously recommend three very important things before you make it.

1-Read through the ENTIRE recipe & instructions twice before you begin and keep the recipe close at hand when you are making it.

2-Have all the ingredients ready and near by before you start cooking. Chef's, call this advanced ingredient prep, Mise-en-Place. It means all items in place (at the ready to begin).

3-No distractions when cooking, you cannot be on a phone call, handling a baby, scrolling through social media, answering the door, etc. This recipe cooks in 5 1/2 minutes, yup, that fast. The meat cut for this is usually tender and over cooking will create a seriously tough end product.



3-4 Lbs Organic Beef Stir fry steak pieces, cut in strips (Ours was pre-cut)
1/4 Cup Organic gluten-free Tamari
1 tsp Toasted sesame oil
2 Tbsp Organic Sesame oil
1 Tbsp Fresh ground black pepper
1 1/2 Tbsp Fresh grated ginger
1 Clove garlic crushed
1 Onion chopped

1 Yellow or Orange pepper chopped
1 Bunch scallion aka green spring onion, cut thinly on an angle
2 Cups Rich beef stock, (I make my own and reduce it by half by cooking it down, if you need a recipe, click on the link after the recipe & pictures, down below.)
3 Tbsp Tapioca starch mixed with some beef stock to form a thick paste


-In a bowl place beef that has been patted down with paper towels to remove excess moisture & blood
-Add to beef the Tamari, 1/2 tsp toasted sesame oil, pepper & ginger. Allow to marinade, covered in the fridge for 30 minutes. (Not longer or it will become way too salty.)
-Once the beef is ready, in a pan, heat the remaining oils, on a medium high heat cook the onions for 1 minute.
-Add beef and stir, after 1 minute of cooking, add garlic, stir to keep from burning, cook 1 minute. Remove to a bowl to add back once the peppers are cooked.
-Working quickly, add peppers and remaining ginger, cook- stir constantly for 1 minute, add beef back in.
-Add beef stock and heat through for 1 minute then pour in the tapioca mixture, you must stir quickly to make sure it thickens throughout the whole dish and does not get lumps. Cook 30 seconds and remove from heat.
-Serve over steamed rice and sprinkle with the scallions just before serving. Feel free to add any other vegetables of choice as an extra side dish if you like.

Now we move onto the dessert, as I said earlier, this is not my pie crust recipe but it did the trick. It was not a crisp shell, it had more of that flakiness to it.
Here is the link to the blog, Flippin' Delicious, where the crust originates from:

When I make apple pie, I NEVER use packaged pie filling. That would be sacrilege, no touchie!
The only canned pie filling I use, in a serious pinch, is cherry and that's because out of season cherries are expensive and unavailable. Besides, apple pie filling is really not expensive or difficult and you get such a great tasting product from it, you really need to give it a whorl, I must insist that you bake it with loads of love though. It makes a difference, trust me.


5 Granny Smith Apples (They hold up better when baking)
1 1/2 tsp Ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg
Pinch of ground clove
1/4 Cup REAL apple juice (The brown one, sometimes called apple cider-no alcohol)
1 Tbsp Tapioca starch mixed with some apple juice to form a paste
3 Tbsp Grade B maple syrup
1 Tbsp Organic coconut sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/4 Cup cold salted butter
1 Egg mixed with 1 Tbsp milk of choice or water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

-In a bowl mix together apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, maple syrup, vanilla, maple syrup and coconut sugar.

-*In a non-reactive sauce pan, place apple mixture with apple juice. Heat on medium heat and cook for 5 minutes, you don't want mushy apples, just slightly cooked. Then add tapioca mixture and remove from heat while stirring constantly until it thickens. Leave to cool.

-Between two sheets of parchment paper roll out your dough large enough to accomodate your filling and to 1/2" thickness. Gently remove the top layer of parchment, you can use the bottom layer as parchment to line your sheet for baking.

-Place the dough on a parchment lined cookie sheet that has lipped edges to catch any juices that may run.

-Chill in freezer for 4 minutes.

-Remove from freezer and dot with a few chunks of butter, place apple filling over the butter and in the center of the galette. Some of the juice will run, do not panic, this is normal.

-Quickly dot more butter over the apples and begin to carefully fold in and upwards, the edges of the pastry crust. You fold one part over the next as if closing a sectioned envelope.

-Place the last of the butter on top, then using the egg and a pastry brush, run the egg wash over the outside of the crust to help with browning. You may sprinkle it with a bit of coconut sugar or cane sugar if you like. I only used the egg wash.

-Bake in your preheated oven for 45-60 minutes until it is a nice golden brown.

*If you look at my pictures below, I did not cook my apples in the sauce pan before, I placed them directly in the crust after they were well seasoned up and I had also added the apple juice and tapioca to that mixture before. The reason is, that I am a weirdo and like my apples to be super firm when I eat pie, I am not a fan of apple mush. This means the apples are not as soft as the average person is used to and people who don't like it that way will complain. I think it's leftovers from my Rawfood vegan days, I am used to a snap in my fruit when I bite. If you prefer a more solid apple bite, the Granny Smith's will give that, which is the reason I choose them over red apples like a McIntosh. However, if you want a serious apple bite with a slightly harder texture, then you can make it my way but I suggest cooking it a bit longer so the apples are softer and halfway through, lower the temperature to 325 degrees so you don't burn the crust. Otherwise, follow the original recipe if this is all too much for you.

                                             Here you can see the simple folding process.

                          This is how beautifully she turned out when she was finished baking.

                     So scrumptious, nothing says comfort like a wonderful piece of apple pie.

I hope you liked this post, please ask any questions you like and leave comments down below. I like to hear from you and know how your kitchen adventures turn out. Don't forget to subscribe!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Rawfood Vegan Sesame Almond Crackers

Here is the recipe, finally, for the crisp and deelish raw vegan sesame almond crackers that I had promised to post this weekend. I made these a while back but had forgotten about them, I recently came across the pictures and decided it was time. They are rawfood and as always, gluten-free. I Iike to make these on the weekend and slip them in my lunches for work with a nice hummus or raw vegan dip. The sesame seeds add calcium along with a nutty crunch, the fact that you can use the leftover pulp from making almond milk is a bonus! They're not complicated and the walnut oil enhances the rich buttery flavour of the sesame seeds. You will need a dehydrator on the rawfood setting, I use an Excalibur.



1 Cup ground almond meal
1 Cup almond pulp from making almond milk
1/2 Cup sesame seeds
1/4 Cup ground golden flax seeds
1 tsp pink sea salt
1/4 Cup nutritional yeast
3 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Walnut oil, organic, cold pressed
3/4-1 Cup Filtered water

-Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until forms a paste
-Line your dehydrator trays with Excalibur sheets or parchment paper
-Push cracker paste across the paper lined tray, cover with another piece of parchment paper.
-Using a rolling pin, roll out to 1/2 inch thickness.
-Gently remove the top parchment paper sheet.
-Place tray in dehydrator on rawfood setting, dehydrate for 1 1/2 hours, then using a pizza cutter or a knife, cut crackers into desired shape. You can make flat bread style, square or triangular crackers.
-Put back in the dehydrator for another 8-12 hours until they reach desired level of crispness. If you're making a bread style then it needs to be pliable, so dehydrate for less time. Follow the pictures below, and as always, leave your comments down below. I love to hear about your kitchen adventures, and don't forget to subscribe!

Btw, these will be a great addition to your holiday cracker plate for your vegan friends, who will appreciate having a raw vegan option. I am including this last picture of a very talented individuals Star Wars snowflakes cutouts. I like the Chewbacca one's best!