
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Spiritual Gifts & Positive Affirmation

It's been a big struggle as of late, I don't want to do a tale of woe post. I want to do a simple and sweet affirmative action post, and by the grace of God, I found exactly what I needed today.
Love and a heart focused on that love, the One that it radiates from, giving myself permission to have it for my own happiness, and self care are the priorities.
There needs to be a shift and a retraining of my mind, laying down new tracks to hone in on self care. This is a big step to tri-une health, (mind, body, & soul) and the balance so needed for wellness.
My mind has no difficulties wandering to negatives, actually it's become an embarrassingly awful habit.
I say, let's change the recording.
My focus for the next 7 days will be on these two affirmations. One will be a morning affirmation right along with the Lord's Prayer, so I don't forget to do it.
Here is that one-

This will be my evening affirmation to go along with my nightly prayers-

Let's be clear.
This is not about perfection, goals, pressure, or other people.
It is about my soul, taking back my thoughts, mindset, and loving this life God has blessed me with. It is all too easy to lose sight when you are experiencing more than your heart can bear, far too many obstacles, one too many setbacks, illness, devastating loss, an avalanche of fears and genuine disappointments, that lead the weary to a sense of unending hopelessness. I have been mired down in the muck for far too long, today is a day that I am choosing to rest my weary head and rejoice in the miracle of being. God finds you in these corners, where your spirit is tiled with loneliness and a longing that aches without ceasing. I woke up with a sadness and God sent me His word, the difference being, that today I allowed those words to reach me and be a comfort.
I happened upon Isaiah 10 and then
1 Corinthians 12, if you are reaching out, feeling downtrodden, wondering why, what your gifts are for or could be, needing something that can grant some clarity, read these sections in your bible. I know it may not be what you want to hear, we have all been there at one time but just as someone who loves me reminded me, that it is not uncommon or unusual for faith to be at its lowest during trials, we must not lose all hope. This can be irritating and frustrating when your heart hurts in ways that humans cannot heal, sometimes it hurts more after hearing those kinds of words, but I am here to tell you from a place of love, that you need to grab this moment for all its worth. Let it's kindness seep into your wounded soul, let Jesus in again, God has been counting the tears, he now longs to hear your laughter and joy returned to you. Remember the sound of a child's tinkling laugh? The one that bubbles up from pure, innocent, silly pleasure? You need to find that place again, you can't do it on your own, it's too hard and God knows that you need Him. Lean, now is the time to lean on Him. Take a little itty bitty baby step, nothing more because I know and understand that it's too hard. If you can give yourself permission to take one small step, God will work His wonders, for you, in you, through you, and others.

On Spiritual Gifts:
All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it. Here are some of the parts God has appointed in the church:
first are apostles,
second are prophets,
third are teachers
then those who do miracles,
those who have the gift of healing,
those who can help others,
those who have the gift of leadership,
those who speak in unknown languages.
1 Corinthians 12:27

I will not be defeated, like a phoenix, it is time to rise from the ashes. I am the daughter of a King, I am loved, and I will not be denied happiness. Not at my own hand or the hand of others. This does not mean the absence of struggle, this means my attitude towards it is changing. Say it with me, we begin a seven day journey to better habits, stronger faith, and loving ourselves so we can share the best we have to offer with the world.
I am too positive
To be doubtful
Too optimistic
To be fearful &
Too determined
To be defeated

God bless you...

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Bread Review

Bread reviews, bread reviews, hip hip hooray!
As I was writing this I was trying to recall how many gluten-free breads I have tried over the years. Honestly? I cannot remember for the life of me, it has been that many.
I will say that in the beginning, the breads were horrid!!!!!!! Oh, my gaaaaah!
Can you say brick of constipation death?
Not trying to be gross, but seriously, those things could put someone in a coma and clog up the poop shoot. They were always dry, hard, heavy, dense, cardboardesque, over priced, crumbled bits of disaster. I used to get so frustrated and angry because compared to the $2-3 gluten breads my friends were eating and enjoying, my "breads" were $7-$8 and ended up in the garbage. I would actually cave and eat gluten filled crusty bread, croissants,and the once-in-a blue moon naan bread because I couldn't take it anymore. I DO NOT suggest anyone do this because trust me, I have paid the price for that foolishness. If you have to be gluten-free, for intolerance, allergy, Crohn's, Lupus, AIP, Autism, Celiac's, trust me, there is no going back. It's so dangerous and bloody painful, just not worth it; and it leads to worse illness down the line. I cheated and know now that those moments were some of the dumbest of my life.
The good news is that many years later, gluten-free breads have become a beautiful thing. Don't believe me? Check out this obnoxiously, overly praising review of a kick-ass spot called Louise sans gluten that I did. All the praise was completely well-deserved and hard earned, believe me.
I am comfortable tearing them down if they suck, just as much as I am at ease swinging, the genuine praise bat!
This is the link for that review:

Today we are looking at Rudi's bread, to begin with. It was their Original Sandwich bread that we purchased, it cost $6.99 Canadian and we found it in the freezer section at the health food store, Tau.
It is imported from the US and is part of the Hain companies product line.
If you look at the first picture above, it is not a large loaf. This is very common with gluten-free breads, you pay triple for half the size but you get to keep your health. Fair exchange I think.
At first glance, the bread was not your typical bleached white, which I must say appealed to me as I am not a big white flour product person. I was eating whole grains when people didn't know any better and they thought I was a rabbit food lover. Sigh...the good ole' days.
Back to the review. It did not crumble or disintegrate, kept it's shape well even after toasting and was a nice spongy consistency. Not a weird sponge, that nice spring and good texture when your teeth meet the toast and bite down into it. I ate one plain, meaning no butter. I tasted a bit with nothing on it, then slathered the strawberry rhubarb compote I had made, on it. Then I had one with butter. I want to make mention that this bread is Gluten-free, Soy-free, Dairy-free, Nut-free, GMO-free,(love that) and is Kosher. So, if you have multiple allergies, this bread is a great idea, especially for the little one's who can be more finicky.
When I tasted it plain, I did notice that it was a bit sweeter than I anticipated, think Challah bread and you would have the right idea. I checked the label and it contains cane syrup, honey, and molasses. They also used Bamboo fiber which I thought was really interesting. Never seen that in my food before, for those of you balking, look up carboxymethylcellulose in food. If you ingest: ice-cream, dressings, cheese, baby formula, candy, cottage cheese, you have most likely had it and it's a plant-based/stalk bulk fiber derivative that is not well absorbed. If you use these items as well: K-Y Jelly, toothpaste, laxatives, hand cream, antacids, diet pills,  & detergents, you have come in contact with it.
Back to bread.
I was very happy with it's toasting abilities, minimal shrinkage, and that it was sturdy enough for spreads but not heavy, dense, or hard. It was sliced to a perfect thickness too, which was much appreciated.
My final thoughts on this bread?
I feel it is great for toast and tea or coffee, with jams, jellies, Nutella, maple spread, and the like. I would not recommend this for sandwiches though. Why? That sweetness would overpower the meat and just taste odd with anything savoury. You can do a mighty nut butter and jam sandwich though, just be sure to lightly toast the bread first to bring out the proper texture and flavour.

The next item I will be covering is Aladdin Pita, I know it's not bread in the shape of a loaf but it is a bread product and it was in the bread freezer section. We purchased this at Louise sans gluten grocery/bakery shop in Dorval. It was $2.89 Canadian, which we felt was very reasonably priced for gluten-free. There is, unfortunately, nothing good I can say about this pita. They were dry, dry, dry as the desert. The flavour had that familiar cardboard taste, and they were very stiff/hard. We tried softening them a bit in the oven and that did nada, we tried the microwave, toaster, slathering them in dips and spreads. I could not eat these and refused to waste money on any other ingredients by trying to use them as a sandwich. We had hoped that they could at least be crisped up more and used as pita chips but alas, that was not meant to be either.
My final thoughts on this product?
NO TOUCHIE! Just horrible and am I ever glad I did not spend a lot of money on these. They did look nice but the taste did not match. Sorry Aladdin Pita, you are another one that bites the gluten-free dust.

My final bread review is for Molly B's, (which I keep wanting to spell Mollie and I don't know why)
Pumpernickel Bread. We got it at Louise sans Gluten, and I believe it was $7.99, can't find the receipt. Argh!
This bread is a Canadian product, and it hails from Ontario. Best part? It's Corn-free!!!
I rarely find corn-free, so that's a huge brownie point, bread point? Meh, you get the picture.
It's Gluten- free, Wheat-free(why do they put that on the package if it says GF?) Soy-free and as I mentioned earlier, Corn-free.
Man Oh! Man was I ever excited for this one. I have not had pumpernickel bread in waaaaaay too long. Sour tang breads like pumpernickel, rye, and sourdough, were my favs. It has been so rough not being able to enjoy that vibrant, tantalizing, pungent bite those kinds of hearty breads provide. Well, Molly B's,(spell it with the Y Kiki, let it go...) has really come out with an amaze bombs bread. It's not as large a slice as a typical pumpernickel but it packs a great flavour punch, is uber hearty, and made shabangarang sandwiches! Whoot whoot!
I even cheated and had some strong cheddar, just to give the taste buds a challenge. I was happy and suffered some mild eczema for the cause. Won't do it again but I wanted to know if it was truly reminiscent of its old school, gluten counterparts.
Final thoughts on this bread?
Seriously? If you like pumpernickel, GET THIS BREAD!
It's not a sweet bread, definitely a rich, robust, scent and taste.
It held together, toasted beautifully. Could have done without the sesame seeds but that's a minor thing. It was that nice strong pumpernickel flavour and it did not turn to soggy mush under the pressure of condiments, food stuffs, and delayed eating. All in all, I was thrilled with it.
That's it for today lovelies, I hope this helped and that you enjoyed it.
Leave your comments below and let me know about any breads or gluten-free products you suggest I try out to review.
Don't forget to subscribe and have a blessed day.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Lemon Chiffon Tarts (Rawfood, Vegan)

It is time we had some citrusy fun lovelies!
I was playing around with some Rawfood ingredients and had a bunch of lemons, thus the idea for these pretty pucker punch, (say that 3 times fast!) delights. I will say, I am more of a lime person, however, I have been known to scarf down slices of lemon meringue and lemon chiffon pie when the occasion calls for it. I am a lemon pie purist, real lemon curd is a must in my life. If you are looking for a serious sour/sweet and totes deelish lemon curd recipe, click here:

The curd has eggs and dairy but this lemon chiffon tart recipe is vegan, Rawfood, and a smack to all the right taste buds. You gonna like it! Mwuah hahahaha
It's actually very much an icebox style lemon chiffon pie recipe.
If you have never heard of lemon chiffon, sit back and allow me to drop some fluffy citrus knowledge on ya'll.
Lemon meringue pie is known for it's tart, citrus, lemony filling, which is piled with pretty beaten sugared egg whites called meringue. For lemon chiffon pie, the meringue gets folded into the filling and then poured into the crust, and boom! You have tasty magic. Cue oohing and awwing...
Every bite is a light, airy, sunshine-filled joy. 
Now, how can one possibly go about recreating fluffy goodness in a Rawfood, vegan,(meaning egg-free) version?
It was actually really easy and did not take too long either, (minus the soaking of nuts) which is always a bonus in my neck of the kitchen adventures. 
I also like that it's healthy, chock full of good fats, and a nice cool treat. Perfect for hot summer days. Here you go pretties, I hope you have fun with it, like I did. As always, pics follow to guide you and help with the drool factor, good times.


1 recipe Vegan, coconut whipped cream. Prepare when the recipe says to. (Click the link to get it)

1 1/2 C Soaked 4 hours, and rinsed raw cashews
1/4 C soaked 2 hours, and rinsed raw macadamia nuts
2 Tbsp Soaked 1 hour. and rinsed raw pine nuts
Juice of 5 Lemons (3/4 C)
Zest of 2 Lemons
1 Tbsp EVOO organic (extra virgin olive oil)
2 Tbsp Melted Organic raw coconut oil
1/2 tsp Walnut oil, cold pressed
2 tsp Vanilla extract
3/4-1 C Grade B maple syrup (depends on how sweet or tart you prefer, adjust to taste)
3/4 C Filtered water
1/2 tsp Pink sea salt

2 C Almond meal
14 C Tiger nuts (roar)
1/2 C Small coconut shred, unsweetened
1/2 tsp Pink sea salt
1/4 C Grade B maple syrup
1 tsp EVOO, organic
1/4 tsp Walnut oil, cold pressed 
1 Vanilla bean, seeds scraped

-Mix all dry ingredients
-Add wet to dry and combine
-Using a muffin pan that holds 12 muffins, rub a very small amount of coconut oil in the bottom and on sides of muffin cups.
-Gently press the crust evenly into each round, about 2-3 Tbsp each one.
-Keep aside.

-Place all ingredients except oils and whipped coconut into a blender, blend until smooth. Add a bit of water if necessary but not too much because oils still have to be added in.
-Add oils to mixture and blend well. Should have a very smooth, creamy, and thick consistency. You do not want a watery liquid.
-Chill for 30 minutes in fridge.
-Prepare and whip the coconut cream 10 minutes before filling has been in fridge for 30 mins, keep aside. 
-Remove lemon filling from fridge, stir through once.
-VERY gently, fold in whipped coconut cream.
-When well incorporated, portion out the filling between the twelve cups. The filling will be runny and rather liquidy, this is fine.
-Place the pan in the freezer and freeze 8-12 hours or overnight.
-To remove from container, take out of freezer and place on counter for 5-10 minutes. Not too long because this pie melts. It is meant to be eaten very cold, think of it as an icebox pie.
-Using a knife heated under hot water and dried, run along edges and gently pop them out of the trays. I leave the tarts on plates for about 5-10 minutes and they are perfect for serving.  

This recipe makes enough for 12, if you have leftover, put it in mini mason jars, chill and enjoy as a soft pudding.

I am so looking forward to hearing about your experiences with this delightful, raw vegan, icebox pie. Leave your comments or questions down below, and don't forget to subscribe!



Monday, August 24, 2015

Okayu aka Congee aka Rice Porridge

I was super unwell, I got hit with a nasty kidney infection that came out of nowhere, I was having a really tough time eating, being in pain, and felt very weak with constant exhaustion. I decided to make myself Asian style rice porridge, this, with soft vegetables, fresh juiced juice for kidney support, loads of water, and very mild fruits; were what I subsisted on for most of the 10 days of medicated yuckiness.
I prefer the Japanese style of rice porridge which is called Okayu, it is a bit thicker than the more traditional Chinese Congee. If you have never heard of it, here is a little bit of info from Wikipedia to help out:
Okayu or Congee as it is commonly referred to in other parts of Asia is a type of rice porridge or gruel popular in many Asian countries. When eaten as plain rice congee, it is most often served with side dishes. When additional ingredients, such as meat, fish, and flavorings, are added while preparing the congee, it is most often served as a meal on its own, especially for the ill. Names for congee are as varied as the style of its preparation. Despite its many variations, it is usually a thick porridge of rice largely disintegrated after prolonged cooking in water.
It can be found in all these parts of the world:
Burma(Myanmar), China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Philippines, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam.
In ancient times, people named the thick congee chan, the watery one chi or mi. The characteristics of congee are that it is easy to digest and very simple to cook. Congee is one of the traditional Chinese foods and has thousands of years of history in China. The Zhou Book says "Emperor Huang Di was first to cook congee with millet as the ingredient", that may be considered the earliest record of congee.

To prepare the dish, rice is boiled in a large amount of water until it softens significantly. Congee can be made in a pot or in a rice cooker. Some rice cookers have a "congee" setting, allowing it to be cooked overnight. The type of rice used can be either short- or long-grain, depending on what is available and regional cultural influences. Culture also often dictates the way congee is cooked and eaten.
In some cultures, congee is eaten primarily as a breakfast food or late supper; in others, it is eaten as a substitute for rice at other meals It is often considered particularly suitable for the sick as a mild, easily digestible food.
Here is the link if you want to explore further:

Japan calls their rice porridge Okayo for the thicker version and for the more watered down, soupy version, Zosui. Zosui usually has additions that vary from household to household, and often has miso and vegetables with seaweed. Just remember, if you are adding miso, which is a fermented bean paste, you must add it at the end as you will lose the flavour and healthy properties of miso if cooked and or boiled.
I must confess to becoming a bit obsessed, once again with all things Japanese. When I was a little girl, I could not get enough of Japanese culture.I watched shows, documentaries, had special colouring books that showed period costumes, watched movies, anime and dressed in a kimono my mother made for mefor Halloween. It was not the real Kimono's from Japan, those cost a fortune, but I was so happy.
Lately, I have been watching Youtube channels called Texan in Tokyo with Grace and Ryosuke (she's super sweet & talented, he's hilarious and silly, both are adorks!) These are links to 3 of my fav vids from their channel, which is really a short list because I like so many of them. I also am looking forward to getting some of her comic books that she makes & self-publishes, here's the Etsy link should you be interested for the books and after that one, I put video links:

This is the Mochi making (mochi is delicious pounded rice):

This is the Onsen (bath house if you are not in the know)

I have to add the poop museum because it's too fun! 

The other channel I have been watching is called Rachel and Jun. These two are equally fun and adorable, Jun is more reserved than Ryosuke, but he is great to watch. He has loads of information, a fluffy cute cat, adores his wife, and has a love of baking/cooking. Rachel has all kinds of tips for living and working in Japan, yummy food vlogs, and fun experiences with her husband that she shares. Both couples seem to really love one another and Japan, so it makes for great watching. They also struggled through the ups & downs of long distance which I relate to so well, I highly recommend both channels.

Rachel and Jun have this video of Fox Village in Zao Japan, I posted a link here to their channel:

Also, this is a cool and funny sushi place experience video:

I have to add the Japanese wives and husbands differences vids because they are informative, both couples are in them and so Kawaii!

I may have been driving Poppa Bear a little bit nuts because since having watched this, the bunny and cat island videos, mochi making, along with loads of other food, Onsen, Gaijin tips, and micro apartment living in Japan vids, I do not stop going on and on about the subject. My childhood Japanese dream is well and alive within me at all times and I thought you needed a moment to share in the fun. Go check out the videos and their channels, you will love them!
I used to be a home stay parent and one of my first students was from Japan; it was fate I tell yah!
I did not know at the time but Japan has a very big gift giving culture and my lovely student was no exception. I adored having her stay with us, she was so kind, respectful, and loved Montreal so much that it was a great experience for all of us whenever we went out exploring. I do believe I got her a little bit cracked out on maple spread and my West Indian stewed chicken with plantain dish (soon to come in my cookbook). I miss her so much. Michiyo was such a gentle soul, very sweet, thoughtful, and super excited to try new things. Before she went back home, after extending her stay by almost a year, she had her husband come to Montreal. They both stayed in our home and I think it was one of the best experiences I have ever had as a home stay parent, especially with regards to experiencing cultural differences. I pray that God grants us the opportunity to go to Japan and I get to see Michiyo once more.
In the pic is one of the gifts I received from her, when her husband came he brought these beautifully packaged sweets and I, like an ass, did not take pics. I still have this though and a stunning platter along with Hello Kitty t-shirts.
 I liked it all the more because in Chinese astrology, (I know it has nothing to do with Japan) I was born in the year of the rabbit and there are bunnies on it, how mignon! J'adore les lapins!!!

I know you came for the recipe, enough gushing and reminiscing. Without any more distractions, here you go...


1 C rice (best to use a shorter grain sushi style rice, I was out so I had to use jasmine)
3 C Organic chicken or vegetable stock
2 C Filtered water
5 Large slices of ginger,skin can be kept on
1 tsp Sea salt
1/2 tsp Ground white pepper
1 Bay leaf
3 Pieces chicken thighs, no skin, no bone (If you're making this vegetarian*, leave this out)
1 Tbsp Gluten-free Tamari organic
1tsp Sesame oil organic
2 Scallion sliced thinly on a diagonal

-Rinse and clean chicken in bowl of water to cover, with pinch sea salt, and 1 tbsp lemon or lime juice or vinegar. Rinse with plain water, reserve,
-In a pot large enough to hold 6 Cups, rinse rice in cold water. You must do this rinsing, agitating and draining until the water runs clear, 3 times should be enough.
-Add to pot that has rice in it, stock, water, and ginger. Bring this to a boil, reduce to medium low, stir often.
-Add salt, pepper, soy, and bay leaf. Stir, add chicken*, stir often throughout cooking process.
-Did I mention to stir often? Do it!
-Cook with the lid on, on low heat,and stir often. Do you get the impression this recipe requires a lot of stirring?
-Once cooked for 25 minutes, remove ginger, bay leaf, and discard. Turn off heat and remove from stove. If porridge is too thick, add a bit of water or stock.
-Remove chicken to plate, shred and return to pot.
-Your rice porridge is complete, when serving into small bowls, sprinkle with scallion and some sesame oil. If a person is very nauseated, do not use sesame oil.

Will keep in the fridge for several days, not suitable for freezing.
I usually make this when sick and eat it for several days, as such, I can not really advise as to how many exact portions you will get. I believe I had about 12-14 small bowl portions. 

* If you are making this vegetarian, at the very end of cooking, stir in a tsp of miso and stir through.
You may also add Nato on top when you serve this with some shredded carrots and prepared seaweed if you like. We also like to have pickled ginger with shiso leaves with our Okayu. Explore and have fun with it.

As always, pictures follow to help guide you. Let me know all about your culinary adventures if you try this recipe, leave questions or comments down below, and don't forget to subscribe!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Strawberry Rhubarb Compote/ Pie Filling (refined sugar free)

Hey people, I am finally starting to feel better and am back with some recipes this week and I will be aiming to post a review as well. Thanks for being patient and continuing to check in while I was away.
Before we get to the lovely Compote recipe you came to check out, I want to say a very big
HAPPY 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY to my beloved. 3 Years ago today my peanut butter asked his raspberry jam to be his girl and she said yes! We have been love boids ever since and I am feeling super blessed, blissed out, and very grateful for this huge gift Abba brought to our lives. I love you honey tongue!

Back to food.
So, we went to my aunt and uncles place just before I got sick, and I was really happy to get away from all the noise and concrete jungle of suburban life. They don't live in the country but they are at the midway point, far enough to be surrounded by houses with space and modern conveniences but a ways out enough, that it feels calmer, you feel like it's easier to breathe and much more relaxed. Cool thing is that my aunt has a garden and has been big on growing rhubarb, which I got to bring a bunch of home! If you didn't know, I adore this stuff. It's tart, tangy, bright, and mingles so well with strawberries that I go a bit nuts when I get my hands on it. I have been known to scoff it down without feeling guilty that I finished a whole mason jar in less than two days. Shocking I know, reminds me of the organic turkey bacon incident of 2013. Don't ask, Poppa Bear still brings it up with a tone of disbelief and reprimand every chance he gets, and I am still so okay with it. Teehee

Here's my rhubarb, yes, I got three bunches! Perfect for the 3 year anniversary, fun coinkidink!
 Below is the finished product, I didn't take pictures of the steps as I made this because there was a horrible storm out, the lighting was awful indoors and I was still too run down to make the effort to pull out extra lamps. I did however take pictures a few days later of a ginger rhubarb and cherry variation, which shows a quick breakdown, I also include the how to for that yum scrum recipe down below.
I had to stop eating this compote from regular markets a while ago, as the refined sugar was something I had become unable to tolerate and the amount of sugar used in jams, jellies, and compote/spreads, is so high now that I have found myself not liking it one bit. Hence this recipe that I decided to do on a whim, I used maple syrup and organic coconut sugar aka palm sugar. Yes, these both go through a refinement process and I would not recommend them all the day long, however, they are a great alternative and my tummy does not freak out when I use them. Bonus, they are way less sweet and I find this allows the actual fruit flavour to shine through instead of being masked.
If you have never heard of compote here's a little wikipedia action for you that will get you up to speed:
Compote (French for "mixture") is a dessert originating from medieval Europe, made of whole or pieces of fruit in sugar syrup. Whole fruits are cooked in water with sugar and spices. The syrup may be seasoned with vanilla, lemon or orange peel, cinnamon sticks or powder, cloves, other spices, ground almonds, grated coconut, candied fruit, or raisins. The compote is served either warm or cold.
Compote conformed to the medieval belief that fruit cooked in sugar syrup balanced the effects of humidity on the body. The name is derived from the Latin word compositus, meaning mixture. In late medieval England it was served at the beginning of the last course of a feast (or sometimes the second of three courses), often accompanied by a creamy potage. During the Renaissance, it was served chilled at the end of dinner. Kompot – made from the juice and syrup rather than the fresh – remains a popular drink made from homegrown fruit such as rhubarb, plum, sour cherry or gooseberries in Poland and Russia.
Compote may have been a descendant of a Byzantine dessert.
Because it was easy to prepare, made from inexpensive ingredients and contained no dairy products, compote became a staple of Jewish households throughout Europe.

Thanks wiki! Now for the recipe:


4 Cups Fresh chopped rhubarb
3 Cups Sliced strawberries
1/2 Cup Spring water (if using frozen fruits, do not use more than 1/8 Cup of water)
1 tsp Lemon juice
2 Tbsp Vanilla extract
1/2 Cup Coconut sugar
1/4 Cup Maple Syrup (the darker one)
1/4 tsp Sea salt (pink)
2 tsp arrowroot starch mixed with 1 tsp water


-In a medium non-reactive, heavy based saucepan, add all *ingredients EXCEPT maple syrup and arrowroot starch. Keep the last two aside for now.
-Bring what is in pot to a boil, reduce heat to medium and stir.
-Add maple syrup and stir. Allow to cook on medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
-Add arrowroot starch/water mixture into pot, stir right away until thoroughly incorporated. Allow to cook for 2-3 more minutes until thickened. Turn off heat and remove to hot plate, allow to cool.
-Once cool, you can fill in jars. I use 2x 500 ml mason jars. This recipe is not a canning recipe, it is really meant to be kept refrigerated and eaten within 2 weeks maximum.
-You can use the filling in an already cooked pie shell, as a dessert topping for cake/coffee cake, on ice cream, to layer a parfait, serve with pudding or whipped cream. The possibilities are limited to your imagination. I love it on toast and on waffles.

 *Here is the Cherry, Ginger Rhubarb variation. Talk about YUM! This one I devour on my gluten-free pumpkin spice waffles.

4 Cups Rhubarb chopped
3 Cups Sweet Dark Cherries, pitted
1 tsp Ginger, fresh grated. (use 1/2 tsp if you don't like an intense hit of ginger background flavour)
2 Tbsp Vanilla extract
1/4 tsp pink sea salt
1/2 Cup coconut sugar
1/8 Cup Maple syrup
1/2 Cup water (1/8 Cup if fruit is frozen)
2 tsp Arrowroot starch mixed with 1 tsp water.

Method and storage is the same as above. Please note that this recipe variation does not use the lemon juice. It is not needed, however if you want to add another flavour dimension, feel free to add1 tsp lime juice with the zest of 1 lime. What fun!
Oh, I hope you try this recipe out and let me know all about your kitchen adventures! Leave your comments or questions down below and remember to subscribe.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Life Has a Way of Letting you Know to Slow Down

So, I have an old friend visiting again. Mr. Hot water bottle because I have a kidney infection and need the warmth to ease the pain. It kinda sucks because I had a lot to do this week writing, blogging, recipe tests, and business cooliosity, but I obviously need to slow down. My Poppa Bear has been wonderful, he's keeping me company and making sure that I rest, like really rest. It seems silly that even though we are long distance, he has to keep an eye on me and remind me that being sick and needing time to recover does not mean you are lazy.
We're skyping like crazy, he's checking what I am drinking and eating, listening to sermons, doing bible readings, and we're watching movies in between my napping.

My yummy booboo who is like, the best boyfriend ever!

Delicious noodle broth soup with nappa that I got at the Asian place near our house because I am way too run down to cook

The Mummy was our choice, we had forgotten how much fun it was.

Pb likes the sexy Librarian

I am sure this is what he has in mind with Mb in some sexy outfit, teehee.

I adore this man, he is my best friend, my sweet heart, a harbour in the storms of life. He always prays for me/us, he brings my focus back to Jesus, and he gently reminds me of what scripture says for the weary and unwell. It's bolstering when I get fed up or frustrated with my thyroid, my energy levels, my weight gain, nausea, and now a kidney infection. It's easy to get irritable and forget to take the time needed. It's a struggle to accept making room for inactivity, as much as the desire to move and do beckons, it is not always what God has planned. So I am stopping for a few days, health being my focus, and leaning on Jesus and my beloved.

Jesus says rest all you who are weary, all the permission I need. Thank you Abba.

I know that I am biased but I adore how cute we are. I love you babe xoxoxo!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

All Work & No Play but it Looks & Tastes Yummy

Part of the business prep is testing, double checking and finalizing recipes. This is a great English muffin, it was such a surprise because I was sure it would disappoint. Happy to report that I was wrong.

Seriously, these are the best I have ever had. My mother enjoys gluten free bread baking & has way more successes than I do. She made these as I hid in the back on the computer getting stuff done for costing. I prefer cakes, rawfood, Crêpes, cookies, and meals with culinary workshops sprinkled in.
We'll be getting our products out there soon, God willing. For now, enjoy the pics of our labours.