
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

He Loved Them to the Very End

Whenever I read the part of Jesus washing his disciples feet, I recall my childhood and how this stood out for me; more so than the many miracles he had performed. (Not that those weren't amazing.)
I think it was it's simplicity, it's quiet yet powerful message, it's beauty. Jesus was setting an example of how to love but also that no one is above another.

John 13:16
"I tell you truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. "
Jesus had to get down on His hands and knees and wash the feet of His disciples, a menial task set for slaves, to etch into their consciousness that He had called them to serve, not to rule.
We forget this point in the daily moments of living our lives. We strive for power, money, respect, control, and justify the destruction our ambition brings; without connecting to the true cost to our souls.

We Christians are called to serve Christ, to obey the Father, to Spread His message of love and service to the world. We need not consume, hoard, crush others, or damage our planet, relationships, and well being, to satisfy. This is fear based thinking driving us when we give into these impulses, we are human and we will fall and stumble but Jesus' love is eternal, God's mercy is great, He is unchanging and full of Grace. We can take the weight of the world and all it's transient demands off our shoulders.
Release the tension residing in the center of your body, let it go, breathe out the negativity and give way to God. We all deserve the chance He is more than willing to give, apologizing for our sins and walking a healing, righteous path that stops serving us and serves God is not a price to be paid. It is a lamp unto our feet, the guide we constantly ask for, from THE most amazing and reliable source.
Love is not perfection, love is complete and total acceptance of all that one is and all that one is not. It's seeing beyond the behavior to the root cause of the negative expression and holding a hand out to help. It's a simple and natural act of service that we can all achieve in a myriad of ways. Not all giving has monetary/quantitative value, the way one gives in small ways is not seen as less worthy, nor is giving in the largest ways greater. God sees the heart of giving, the essence of intention,  the love, the pure love and genuine service in every act. Just as God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son, and that son shone a light in this world for all to be seen, we must understand that the acts of love from both have been for our benefit because we are children of the most high. Remember how loved and blessed you all are and pass it on to as many as possible, in any good way that you can.

National Bunsen Burner Day!

Today we celebrate the all important Bunsen burner that makes many experiments possible.
Wikipedia says:
Bunsen burner, named after Robert Bunsen, is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame, which is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion. The gas can be natural gas (which is mainly methane) or a liquefied petroleum gas, such as propane, butane, or a mixture of both.
When the University of Heidelberg hired Robert Bunsen in 1852, the authorities promised to build him a new laboratory building.
While his building was still under construction late in 1854, Bunsen suggested certain design principles to the university's mechanic, Peter Desaga, and asked him to construct a prototype. (Similar principles had been used in an earlier burner design by Michael Faraday as well as in a device patented in 1856 by the gas engineer R W Elsner.) By the time the building opened early in 1855, Desaga had made fifty of the burners for Bunsen's students. Bunsen published a description two years later, and many of his colleagues soon adopted the design. Bunsen burners are now used in laboratories all around the world.

And the rest is history as they say, thanks wiki. I like a bit of silly with my science, so enjoy Beeker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew in the following pics.

Spice Slathered Chicken

This is a great time saving, super duper easy, and oh so delicious recipe. Warning, it's one that gets gobbled up quickly and the scent wafting through the house will tease your taste buds mercilessly; it's worth it to wait.


1 Chicken weighing 3-4 lbs
or 5-6 legs with thighs.
Spice slather: (all spices are dry & ground)
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp bayleaf
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1 Tbsp kosher salt
1 Tbsp garlic granules
2 Tbsp Mild paprika
1/3 Cup Extra virgin olive oil
2 Cloves pressed garlic

-In a bowl, mix all spices, fresh garlic, and then mix in olive oil. Be careful to stir slowly so oil doesn't splatter. Reserve.
-Place clean chicken in a shallow baking dish lined with tin foil.
-Very carefully lift skin away from flesh but don't remove it, you want it for cooking.
-Once prepared, put on gloves, begin slathering the wet spice mix 1 tsp at a time under the skin onto the legs, breasts, and then do the same to the skin outside. Keep some for the cavity.
-Rub it into the skin and rub the rest into the cavity.
-Cover with plastic wrap and let sit in fridge minimum 4 hours or overnight.
-Preheat oven to 450 degrees F, cook the uncovered chicken for 15 minutes and then lower the heat to 225 degrees F and cook for 1 1/2 hours.
-Remove from oven and baste, place back in oven for 2 1/2- 3hours.
-Remove from oven, make sure that when you poke the thigh that the juices run clear of blood. If not, then cook for an additional 30 minutes. (I don't usually need to but ovens vary, as do size of chickens. The chicken will fall off the bone when ready.
-When removed from the oven, tent the chicken for 10 mins. before serving.
-Enjoy hot with your favourite potatoes and greens,and share with someone you love.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Compassionate Christian Heart

Today we look at:
Mark 14:3-9
Jesus Anointed at Bethany
3 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. 4 There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? 5 For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they scolded her. 6 But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. 9 And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”

I love how Jesus treated women, it is a point in Biblical writing that women were accepted, not brutalized or down-gressed, treated with respect, and valued, in Jesus's ministry.
At a time when women had no rights, were property of the men in their lives, were viewed as being prone to hysterics or sexual deviance, nothing more than ignored chattel.
They were constantly being dismissed, portrayed in a negative light, and then Jesus and God intervene and women have importance. Mary is chosen to carry this child Jesus, the angels will protect her, Mary Magdalene is beloved of the Son of God, women witnesses his resurrection, he does not chide or deride the woman who anoints him with oil then washes his feet with her hair, he protects a woman who is about to be stoned to death; there is more but for now this is enough to express what I want to say.
As a woman, there have been many times in my life when reading the Bible has been painful because women were so oppressed during this period, feminism was not even a notion, and it was hard to connect to the messages in certain chapters because of it. I wasn't the only one who felt this way, as I came to find when it was read with other female followers; sometimes we would need to pause to regroup and not lose the message in the written example of man's corruption.
I found it important to recall the time it was written, where we were then compared to modern times(although women are still treated as second class citizens in many parts of the world), that the corruption in the human heart does not reflect God or the love that He and Jesus have for us.
Women, children, men, and animals, experience cruelty, the most horrendous and heinous treatment at the hands of humans. It bruises the soul, breaks the heart, and brings up feelings of righteous indignation to see these things, to know of the injustices done in the name of insecurity, greed, and evil.
We can all too often can be left feeling helpless, discouraged, and think about giving up. This is the enemy's game, not one we were intended to play but to be vigilant about, and to overcome. But not alone.
Remember 1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
I have always believed that beyond social conditioning, learned behavior patterns, social norms, gender roles, and corrupt dealings, deep down inside we know right from wrong. Before learning any of the "moral" codes of life, because we come from a place that is pure love. It is imprinted on the soul of every man, woman, and child. 
This is why we need to come back to Jesus's teachings, refresh our memories and heart's with his tremendous capacity for kindness, compassion, and pure love. These words are so very true:

Have a wonderful start to the week and remember to share the best parts of yourself with the world, compassion, kindness, understanding, and love.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday

I pray all you lovelies are having a happy and blessed palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday was always interesting and a bit of a mystery to me as a child, my family didn't attend Church very much, so I wondered what the palm fronds were all about. My parents always answered with the usual, for Palm Sunday but with not much else. When I got to go to Church on some rare occasions and for about two weekends when I was very young, my father wanted to show me what a place of worship was about, it was not near Palm Sunday so I still had no clue but I liked the idea of it all. My father was a lapsed Catholic and my mother was a Protestant with a strong dislike and distrust for the religious establishment that she felt served man's ulterior motives more than God.
When my father took me to an Italian Catholic church in our neighborhood, I was excited as we walked there, anticipating answers and some awesome stuff. Boy, was I disappointed. It was stuffy, sombre, devoid of the answers I had been longing for, and so eerily quiet until the priest spoke. I had never felt further from God or Jesus, and after two tries, my father realized it was a try that yielded no success. My mother was also firm that I had my children's Bible and story books about The Lord, that when I was old enough I would make my own way, and that was the end of that. I was too young to understand the fuss and just went about as per usual. I just knew that what I had been shown in that particular church was not the Church of God that I knew and felt close to. Wanna know something?
I talked to Jesus and God all the time as a little girl, they always felt close. I would talk to them at night before falling asleep, in the day when I was playing and running in the fields, when the leaves on the trees would sway, when the petrichor would waft over to my little nose and it's comforting, sweet, fresh smell reminded me of Jesus, and when I was terrified about things I was too young to understand, there He was soothing me with the sounds of the rapids coming through my window and what felt like a gentle hand on me.
I adored reading my children's Bible with all the pictures and wonderful stories, Sampson always stuck out in my mind, and Daniel in the Lion's Den(which coincidentally was my sons most treasured story when he was very small), but by far my favorite story book was, The Seeds That Grew to be a Hundred.
I loved that book, the binding had to be taped back together several times because I read it so much. It wasn't clear to me who Jesus was in the "religious" or historical context that others spoke of. For me, he was important because his words rang true, touched my heart and felt right, down in my soul. Jesus spoke of the Christian that was trampled down, choked by the weeds of life, or who's ears were  closed so they could not hear his word, all in parable. Then He spoke of the Christian that every Christian aspires to be, the one who heard His words, who was not trampled down, who had not cast His teachings aside, who allowed the word of Christ to seep in, grow, and blossom, spreading out to the world. All I remember was wanting to be the good Christian who heard the words and lived them the way he spoke of in such a kind and loving way.
I love Jesus, not just because He gave His life to pay for our sins but because even when he knew what had to be done, what His journey was going to be and the horrors of it's path, He still went on it. He did so with love in his heart, with a sight that saw beyond our fears, our cruelty, our foolishness, our hardened hearts, he loved us at our darkest and even asked that we be forgiven because we knew not what we were doing, in the total scheme of everything. I love Jesus even when I struggle with my faith, when I am frightened or overwhelmed, when I fall. He finds me, picks me up, dusts me off, accepts my apologies, and welcomes me back with open and loving arms. What a blessing to have such mercy and love.
Jesus is my savior, not my religion and I am, as an adult what I consider a Christian, am I perfect? No, however, I still love reading about Jesus's life and ministry, the way He touched people, the example He set for us all.
So, this week I will be posting daily, about the week leading up to the crucifixion of Christ and keeping the focus on what this Holy holiday is really supposed to be about.
A week before Jesus was crucified, he was welcomed into Jerusalem and had a parade in his honor. When he arrived there was a large crowd of people lining the streets, waving palm branches and screaming "Hosanna!" However, seven days later when he was sentenced to be crucified, it was a different tune when there was another crowd present, quite possibly filled with many of the same people, and instead of yelling "Hosanna!" they were yelling "Crucify him!"

Mark 11:8-11
8 And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way. 9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: 10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest. 11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve.

In all the chocolate, bunnies, family time, and feasting, please take some time to recall the real reason for this time of the year. May Jesus be in your heart and may God bless you in all your ways.

Paleo Sunday Morning Pancakes

Breakfast foods are my favs, particularly all things brunch. I woke up wanting some good pancakes with a bit of a crisp edge and a bit of fluffiness in the middle but they had to be gluten-free and Grain-free, as well as bad sugars-free. I have tried several Paleo crepe, pancake, and tortilla recipes, and the one thing they had in common was that they all tasted so strongly of egg whites that I gagged every time I ate them. I ended up throwing away too many and getting pissed about the money I was losing. I decided today would be different, so I played with what I had on hand and got a decent pancake. Non-Paleo peeps did not like the coconut/nutty taste but I can't change white flour, gluten- loving, white sugar inhaling, addicted to bad carbs, individual's and I am not trying to convince those who don't want to know.
I actually enjoyed them, ate 4 pancakes, which is a lot for me. Now before you think I inhaled 4 pancakes the size of the plate, I always make smaller rounds, leftovers from culinary school and brunch kitchen days. I miss the big griddle, there's something so satisfying about flipping 15 or more pancakes at a time. Anywhoodles, I am posting the recipe as is right now, I think I may tweak it a bit but it was yummy and sustaining, as it is.
Here you go...


1/2 Cup Coconut flour
1 Tbsp Potato starch
1 Tbsp Arrowroot starch
2 Tbsp Tapioca starch
1 tsp Baking powder
Pinch pink sea salt
3 Tbsp Organic honey
1 Cup Almond milk soured with 1 tsp lemon juice and stirred
1 Tbsp Vanilla extract
1 Egg large
3 Egg whites
1/4 Cup Grape seed oil

-In a medium bowl combine dry ingredients, reserve. (keep aside)
-Buttermilk almond milk with lemon juice and stir well.
-In a separate, dry, clean bowl, whip whites until soft peaks for.
-Make a well in the dry ingredients, pour in buttermilked almond milk, add whole egg and vanilla, mix well.
-Gently fold in egg whites and honey.
-In a pan on medium low heat, heat 2 Tbsp grape seed oil and check if hot by dropping a dot of batter. If it sizzles around the edges of batter, it's hot enough.
-Cook each pancake for about 2 minutes and flip, cook for another 1-2 minutes. Must be golden on each side, these pancakes do not bubble like a regular batter, so you must watch closely so they don't burn.
Makes 8-10 pancakes.
Enjoy with maple syrup and remember to share with someone you love.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Unicorns and Things I Love on a Saturday

Woke up feeling pretty happy and totally loving life today, I am grateful for the blessings in my life. When I wake up feeling this good I usually get silly and want to put aside all the difficulties and have some youthful fun!
My first thing is to send my beloved a silly wake up text with one of my favourite things, a unicorn pic of moi.

He's gotten used to the sparkly, bubble heart, puppy loving, environment protecting, cookie baking, all things pink liking, panda obsessed, Appa wanting, Spongebob watching, anime, Harry Potter and documentary adoring, Unicorn nutter that I am; which is how I knew he was the unicorn for me! I am sure we'll end up being the cool cosplay couple wearing this at a Comic con someday in the future.

My geekery knows no bounds but it's all gravy because I am happy with it, it's a glorious expression of my youthful heart and an appreciation of some cool stuff life has to offer which I am taking full advantage of while God grants me the time.

I have a pressing need for blowing bubbles, it's windy, cold, and depressing if you look outside but why do that when you can blow bubbles?

I seem to be wearing down the soon-to - be permanent roommate to a point where this just might be a bathroom reality!

You laugh but this has been a 3 year, wearing it down process, I think this was one of the first things I discussed us having in our home together at the 4 month mark of our relationship. Think it was too soon? Nah, he knew he wanted to marry me the first month and I couldn't help but fall for his handsome, sweet, funny, delightful, Jesus loving heart. Plus when your man knows you and texts this kind of stuff, I say:

I am off to do something that most likely involves sparkles, bubbles, my booboo, baking, and movies. Have a wonderful start to the weekend lovelies!

Friday, March 27, 2015

5 Ingredient Almond Snack Spread

Morning lovelies! I am running around uber early because I have tests for my thyroid and that means restless night, early morning, not much appetite or time to cook. T.G.I. F.
You know those mornings and days when you are so pressed for time that eating healthy in a short amount of time s3ems impossible? That's when I throw together this yummy, quick, simple, and paleo grab then go spread. If you are vegan, feel free to substitute the honey for maple syrup, I don't ever recommend agave nectar anymore because research has shown it to be just as bad for you as corn syrup, high in fructose which is the kind of sugar cancer thrives on, and I noticed before any research came out that my body was reacting negatively to it. Honey and maple in small amounts are a much better alternative and whenever possible please try to do organic honey, from local sources, where been keepers are being responsible and not contributing to our precious bee's demise. Without bees, our all important pollinators, we loose food. Period. Make an effort to find out more and get involved, and remember that your purchases make a tremendous impact. By buying organic honey you are telling big corporations that you don't want pesticides destroying our food supply, insects, animals, and the environment.
I think Einstein said it best:

Here is a simple recipe for a Friday morning, hope you and yours have a blessed day.


2 Tbsp Almond butter
1 tsp Cinnamon ground
2 tsp Organic honey (can sub with maple syrup)
1 tsp Vanilla extract

Mix all and spread on slices of apple or banana, great on celery with raisins or on gluten free toast.

Enjoy and remember to share with someone you love.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Birthday Wishes & Setting Boundaries

I have a milestone birthday coming up, every year I have not wished for much of anything because deep down inside I thought it was selfish and not very humble. This year I am going to wish, for once in my life, I am going to put it in writing and loads of pics. It's okay if I don't see more than the pictures come of it, I just feel that it's about time I actually verbalize and visualize some of my wants and needs.
Without the guilt.
It must be a single mother thing, a mother thing, a parent thing, a people pleaser thing, a woman thing?
I don't know for sure but in all the years of parenting, helping people who came in need, wanting to do for others, my wants and needs became relegated to the back seat on a ride to nowhere land.
I know it is our Christian duty to help others in need, to not place stumbling blocks before the blind, to give to those in greater need. I do this and like to surround myself with others of like mind because community and giving back to it is something I value and feel shows good moral character. It was also a strong example set by Jesus that I took to heart as a little girl and never let go of.
As much as it is better to give than it is to receive, we need to be responsible for giving love to ourselves as much as giving it to others.
I had once been told by someone that learning to guard your love is just as important as learning to share it.
For, it is the unfortunate way of many to take, take, take, and take, thus leaving you with nothing.
Do the takers care that they have drained you of every resource imaginable? No, they are usually angry, annoyed, disrespectful, and quick to move on to the next, when you have nothing left to give. You will also find, all too often, that they will be much less generous and quick to forget the kindness done for them; in favour of moving toward novelty, self promotion, self- interest, and personal gain. Do not expect people to return a kindness when you are in need, it is all too often a rarity. And what happens when you decide to put your foot down and say, enough is enough? Giving in need is one thing but when the takers come repeatedly with the expectation of receiving, a righteous indignation when they don't get, and total disregard for the giver; well, that has become something else.
It's actually ABUSE. It is a form of abuse, often seen in the elderly as well as younger aged adults, nut that is a post for another day. You will notice though that when you say, "No more!" the abusers won't like it one bit because you have changed in a way that no longer benefits them.
Now, I am not saying to stop being generous, to not give of your time, self, talents, or love. Quite the contrary, I am saying that when you do, remember to set limits and be firm.
Will it be easy? Not so much at first but you will eventually lose the weight of the guilt and gain respect along with a new found sense of peace. Why peace? Because it is exhausting to have a constant internal battle raging when you are a person who gives without knowing when to say stop or no. You are giving generously but are doing more than is right for you in the grand scheme of things.
Boundaries are a healthy and acceptable way of life and when we don't set them for our children they become unruly, bratty, and insufferable. The same can be said for adults, and for those of us who are giving, people pleasing, and always there to lend a helping hand. There needs to be a point where we say stop, no more, I am good with what has been given. Your turn or anothers' but no longer mine.
Do you berate the stop sign on the street or the traffic lights for saying stop, slow down, now go? Stopping is just as important as starting, practice setting limits by politely and firmly saying things like:

-"That sounds rough, sorry for your struggle, best of luck with that. "

-" Sounds interesting but it's not for me."

-"Oh, no thanks. I got it last time but I am sure there are others who can help."

-"There are places that specialize in helping with that, I know that you can find it online. "

Still not comfortable? Try repeating the gist of the request, take a moment to think about it, excuse yourself to use the restroom, use that time to really see if you want any part of what you're being asked, it's ok to say no, and if they say it's not then they were never asking in the first place. They were dictating and no one would tolerate being treated that way, so why should you? Say, No thanks and remember to walk away. Don't stand there leaving an open door to further discuss it. You're done and walking away States that clearly and with class. You don't have to be rude just clear and firm but fair.
And if you're still not sure then just say,

-" I can't give an answer, I have to check my schedule."

-" We have so much going on, I couldn't possibly respond right now."

-"I have to discuss this with my husband or wife, sorry but I can't give you an answer today. "

I am working on this too, my poppa bear reminds me of it all the time. It's good for me and I feel blessed that the people in my life who really care are respecting my need to say no sometimes.
Here are my birthday wishes along with a cool panda cake I came across that I am seriously thinking of making for myself. Gluten-free of course.

The puppy is a schnoodle, a mix between a poodle and a schnauzer, no allergy cuteness! I also really need new Kicks. I always love books and this Japanese book on getting clutter out is awesome sauce with a cape! I would also love a plane ticket to see my beloved Poppa Bear. PS. Flowers...yeah, flowers.

Did I mention that I need new Kicks? Workout gear would be great as well, some skirts for work and a new tattoo is something I have been thinking about for quite some time.Mostly, I would love a picnic with lights, good food, friends, family and loads of love. Macarons and kicks wouldn't hurt either. Did I mention I need kicks? Teehee...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Turmeric Morning Inflammation Soother Juice

Yum yum and good for you, I am still recovering from being very sick. I am choosing juices that are healing and energizing, plus praying and being gentle to myself. Try to use organic ingredients for this juice, if you can't it is okay.I used lemon with the ginger and turmeric as a means to ease my digestion, help my metabolism, facilitate absorption, and for taste. This juice was not as sweet because of the lemon and turmeric, the latter of the two is known to be more bitter but bitter foods can be really good for us. They help build bile and in the case of a root like turmeric, it helps fight inflammation. I have a recipe for golden milk I am going to post at a later date which was recommended to me by the owner at the West Indian grocery store I go to, Punjab in Lasalle on Newman. I buy most of my herbs and spices from the Gagjit clan, I love how kind and helpful they are and I grew up with their son as we went to elementary school together. Mr. Gagjit and I were talking and he mentioned golden milk as a way to battle inflammation, stomach disorders, and it is even used with Cancer patients, to much success. For now though, I am giving you this juice recipe and some simple pics to get started but keep checking back for more awesome recipes!

Fresh ingredients hanging out together and getting to know all about their rooty goodness.

So, as it was early in the morning, and I, like an ass, forgot that Turmeric stains badly and was reminded because I neglected to wear gloves. Now I look like my super power is turning bright yellow just before Easter. I can live with it, it has gotten darker now & looks kind of artsy fartsy. Smiling...

Here be the recipe for golden morning wellness. Enjoy!


3 Oranges, peeled
1/4 Lemon peeled
1 Apple
3 Carrots
1 Knob ginger, peeled
1 Piece tumeric, peeled

Run it all through the juicer and drink straight away. Serves 1

It is not recommended to leave this juice for any length of time, as the healing properties of the turmeric are most potent and of best help to your body when imbibed without delay.

Turmeric-Cool Ingredient Wednesday!

Web M.D says:

  Turmeric goes by many names, such as:

Curcuma, Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma domestica, Curcumae longa, Curcumae Longae Rhizoma, Curcumin, Curcumine, Curcuminoid, Curcuminoïde, Curcuminoïdes, Curcuminoids, Halada, Haldi, Haridra, Indian Saffron, Nisha, Pian Jiang Huang, Racine de Curcuma, Radix Curcumae, Rajani, Rhizoma Cucurmae Longae, Safran Bourbon, Safran de Batallita, Safran des Indes, Turmeric Root, Yu Jin.

Turmeric is a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine.

Turmeric is used for arthritis, heartburn (dyspepsia), stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomachbloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems and gallbladder disorders.

It is also used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung infections, fibromyalgia, leprosy, fever, menstrual problems, and cancer. Other uses include depression, Alzheimer’s disease, water retention, worms, and kidney problems.

Some people apply turmeric to the skin for pain, ringworm, bruising, leech bites, eye infections, inflammatory skin conditions, soreness inside of the mouth, and infected wounds.

In food and manufacturing, the essential oil of turmeric is used in perfumes, and its resin is used as a flavor and color component in foods.

Don’t confuse turmeric with Javanese turmeric root (Curcuma zedoaria).

How does it work?

The chemicals in turmeric might decrease swelling (inflammation).


  • Osteoarthritis. Some research shows that taking turmeric extracts, alone or in combination with other herbal ingredients, can reduce the pain caused by osteoarthritis. In one study, turmeric worked about as well as ibuprofen for reducing osteoarthritis pain.

Insufficient Evidence for:

  • Alzheimer’s disease. Early research shows that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, daily for 6 months does not benefit people with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Eye inflammation (anterior uveitis). Early research suggests that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, might improve symptoms of long-term inflammation in the middle layer of the eye.
  • Colorectal cancer. Early research suggests that taking turmeric might stabilize some measures for colon cancer. There is also early evidence that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, daily for 30 days can reduce the number of precancerous glands in the colon of people at high risk of cancer.
  • Bypass surgery (coronary artery bypass graft surgery). Early research suggests that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, 3 days before surgery and continuing for 5 days after surgery can lower the risk of a heart attack following bypass surgery.
  • A type of inflammatory bowel disease called Crohn’s disease. Some evidence suggests that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, daily for one month can reduce bowel movements, diarrhea, and stomach pain in people with Crohn’s disease.
  • Diabetes. Early research suggests that taking turmeric daily for 9 months can reduce the number of people with prediabetes who develop diabetes.
  • Stomach upset (dyspepsia). Some research shows that taking turmeric by mouth might help improve an upset stomach.
  • Gum disease (gingivitis). Early research suggests that using a turmeric mouthwash is as effective as a drug-therapy mouthwash for reducing gum disease and bacteria levels in the mouth, but not for reducing plaque.
  • Stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection. Early research suggests that taking turmeric daily for 4 weeks is less effective than conventional treatment for eliminating certain bacteria (H. pylori) that can cause stomach ulcers.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Early research suggests that taking a turmeric extract daily for 8 weeks reduces the occurrence of IBS in people with IBS who are otherwise healthy.
  • Skin rash (Lichen planus). Taking a certain product containing chemicals found in turmeric daily for 12 days can reduce skin irritation caused by lichen planus.
  • Kidney inflammation (Lupus nephritis). Early research suggests that taking turmeric daily for 3 months can reduce blood pressure and improve kidney function in people with kidney inflammation.
  • Stomach ulcers (peptic ulcer disease). Early research suggests that taking turmeric daily for 4 weeks does help heal stomach ulcers.
  • Itchy skin (pruritus). Early research suggests that taking a specific product (C3 Complex) that contains curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, and an extract of black or long pepper (Bioperine) can reduce skin itching and improve quality of life in people with chronic itching.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Early research suggests that curcumin, a chemical in turmeric, might help reduce some symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Skin wounds due to cancer. Early research suggests that applying a turmeric ointment might help to relieve odor and itching caused by wounds associated with different types of cancer.
  • Recover from surgery. Early research suggests that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, daily for up to one week after surgery can reduce pain, fatigue, and the need for pain medications.
  • Tuberculosis. Early research suggests that taking a product containing turmeric and Tinospora cordifolia can reduce bacteria levels, improve wound healing, and reduce liver toxicity in people with tuberculosis who are also receiving antituberculosis therapy.
  • A type of inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis. Early research suggests that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, daily for up to 6 months can reduce symptoms and the recurrence of ulcerative colitis when used in combination with conventional treatments.
  • Jaundice.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Liver and gallbladder problems.
  • Headache.
  • Menstrual problems.
  • Pain.
  • Ringworm.
  • Bruising.
  • Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate turmeric for these uses.
Turmeric is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth or applied to the skin appropriately for up to 8 months.

Turmeric usually does not cause significant side effects; however, some people can experience stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea.

In one report, a person who took very high amounts of turmeric, over 1500 mg twice daily, experienced a dangerous abnormal heart rhythm. However, it is unclear if turmeric was the actual cause of this side effect. Until more is known, avoid taking excessively large doses of turmeric.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: During pregnancy and while breast-feeding, turmeric is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in amounts commonly found in food. However, turmeric is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts during pregnancy. It might promote a menstrual period or stimulate the uterus, putting the pregnancy at risk. Do not take medicinal amounts of turmeric if you are pregnant. There is not enough information to rate the safety of medicinal amounts of turmeric during breast-feeding. It is best not to use it.

Gallbladder problems: Turmeric can make gallbladder problems worse. Do not use turmeric if you have gallstones or a bile duct obstruction.

Bleeding problems: Taking turmeric might slow blood clotting. This might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.

Diabetes: Curcumin, a chemical in turmeric, might decrease blood sugar in people with diabetes. Use with caution in people with diabetes as it might make blood sugar too low.

A stomach disorder called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Turmeric can cause stomach upset in some people. It might make stomach problems such as GERD worse. Do not take turmeric if it worsens symptoms of GERD.

Hormone-sensitive condition such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin, which might act like the hormone estrogen. In theory, turmeric might make hormone-sensitive conditions worse. However, some research shows that turmeric reduces the effects of estrogen in some hormone-sensitive cancer cells. Therefore, turmeric might have beneficial effects on hormone-sensitive conditions. Until more is known, use cautiously if you have a condition that might be made worse by exposure to hormones.

Infertility: Turmeric might lower testosterone levels and decrease sperm movement when taken by mouth by men. This might reduce fertility. Turmeric should be used cautiously by people trying to have a baby.

Iron deficiency: Taking high amounts of turmeric might prevent the absorption of iron. Turmeric should be used with caution in people with iron deficiency.

Surgery: Turmeric might slow blood clotting. It might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using turmeric at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. 

Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with TURMERIC
Turmeric might slow blood clotting. Taking turmeric along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.

Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), and others.
Thank you WebMD!

It's golden healthy goodness looks like this-

I like juicing this bad boy with other vegetables and roots that are known to aid digestion. I have posted a recipe for Turmeric Morning Inflammation Soother that is a great introduction to using fresh turmeric. Just remember to wear gloves because it stains, as I had forgotten.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Happy National Cake Pop Day!

I found these adorbs cake pops all kawaii'd up from other bakers on line.
I have not made cake pops in years because as cute and versatile as they are, they are also time consuming to shape and even longer to decorate. Give me one big three tiered cake to decorate over pops any day, however, I am very willing to enjoy the tasty treats myself. I made chocolate and lime cake pops in salted dark chocolate for a client many years back, she needed something tasty, gluten free, and with a pow in the flavour department, that was portable. I came up with this flavour based on a dark chocolate lime truffle I had found at Godiva, looks like these:

They are dangerously delicious, very tart, tangy, sweet, which all melds perfectly with the bitter chocolate. I buy two twice a year and stay away from them because I would be fine with shoving my face into the whole decadent box and scarfing them all down by myself. My hips would be the worse for it though, so I stick to twice a year on my birthday and to celebrate the arrival of my favourite season-fall. These were the chocolate and lime with salted chocolate, cake pops we made; although we preferred to call them cake bombs because they were a flavour explosion in your mouth.

Unfortunately, we didn't take more pictures and the owner of the shop who was doing the opening said they all disappeared before she got a picture of them but the people loved them, so we were happy. Note to self, when catering an event, take your own pictures way before. I will work on finding the recipe for this and post it in time for Easter because they make a lovely alternative to lemon and they have a lot of pucker punch sweetness for your mouth. Until then, enjoy national cake pop day everyone.