
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Panda Love 2

I am icing and resting my ankle from a nasty spill I clumsily took yesteday, boring but there are panda's and loads of panda cooliosity to keep me occupied, so I thought I'd share.

Found this wonderful panda swag, including a t-shirt that is in my future that says panda swag. How adorbs?????
Betsey Johnson has sweet panda earrings, there's an umbrella that needs me and all this other amazing panda gear. Scroll through and you'll see what I mean.

Panda gummies? I wonder what flavour these are? Look at the panda on the booty of the baby pants.

This guy needed a second showing because I said, self, this is too cute!

Panda onesie for the grown, where has this been all my life?

Can you feel the panda love? Maybe one day I will get to hold one of these cuddly sweet babies. For now though, it's time to get another ice pack and wait for my body to do it's thing. What's your panda love or story? Let me know down below & don't forget to subscribe!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Raw Vegan Carrot Cake Cookies

Bunnies make the picture so much better, don't you think?
It's hot and humid which means that I do not want to turn on my oven and raw food is the way to go! So what's a lady to do? Why fake "bake" something delicious of course in my trusty Excalibur dehydrator.
I played a bit and got a really yummy carrot cake cookie, what is nice about this recipe is that it has a perfect spice mix taste, it's super healthy and easy, you can make these with the little one's, dehydrator makes it perfect for summer heat waves, and you can make them crispy or chewy depending on how long you dehydrate them. Bangarang!!!
I am a crispy and chewy person but this is a mood thing so I make a batch Crispy and a batch halfway between both chewy and crispy-win!
Warning, you gotta like healthy to enjoy these as they are a treat but not overly sweet, because this blog has some space for that but mostly it's all about quality of life and high amounts of refined sugar does not add to that. Here's the recipe...

You need a raw food dehydrator for these on the 105 raw food setting.
(I use all organic for raw food but do what you can afford.)
2 Organic Carrots shredded
2 Organic Apples shredded
2 Tbsp Pumpkin seed butter
3 Tbsp Coconut flour
1/2 Cup Ground pecans
3 Tbsp Ground walnuts
3 Tbsp Tiger nuts ground
1/4 Cup Organic Ground golden flax
3 Tbsp Organic coconut oil
1/2 tsp Spice cake mix
1 tsp Cinnamon ground
1 Tbsp FRESH Ginger grated
1/2 Cup Soaked and drained raisins
3 Tbsp Maple syrup
1/4 tsp Pink sea salt

-In a bowl combine all dry ingredients
-Add wet ingredients to the dry and mix well.
-On an Excalibur sheet, (not teflex lined, just regular plastic liner that comes with it) using a scoop, measure out a medium sized cookie. Flatten each one with your hand.
-Dehydrate for 10 hours, flip over and dehydrate for another 10-12 hours depending on how crisp you like them.
-Store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks or in the freezer for up to a month.

These are healthy enough to have as a breakfast or quick snack.
How do you like your cookies? Let me know down below and don't forget to subscribe! May the bunny force be with you.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saying Goodbye to a Loved One

It's a quiet and lovely Sunday morning sweetpea's, a good time to write this post.
I had a quiet birthday as I wasn't very well and was feeling a touch of melancholy because there was a very sad event that happened in our lives.
This day last Sunday, my son lost one of his dearest friends in a tragic motorcycle accident. It was devastating because it was so sudden and he was so young, 22-the same age as my son; and because the two of them were so close. Both used to say, "He's my brother from another mother." And they really meant it. It's been difficult having to stand back and watch my son struggle with such a sudden loss, we can talk, I can offer comfort, but this is one booboo I can't fix with a band-aid, kiss, and ice-cream.
This is a picture of the two of them, my son is on the left and Nick is on the right.

I wasn't going to write about this, concerned it could be misconstrued as disrespectful but I realized that to not do so would be an injustice to this young man and his memory. You see, my son loved Nick because they were so connected. They were bros who hung out, had gone to high school together, had been jocks on the football team, did sleep overs, partied, talked girls, laughed, both loved good food, listened to one another's problems, rooted for each other, supported through the bad and celebrated their best. They had plans to travel and move in together as roomies for their university years, before weddings and all the rest of life was to happen for them.
I always held a soft and loving spot in my heart for Nick because he was a wonderful person, who had maturity beyond his years, genuinely cared & supported my son, was a true friend to him when many turned their backs, was always respectful toward me, had kind words to say, had a sparkling personality, a love for life, a caring heart, and laugh that mirrored my sons. But most importantly, he was a good egg. By this, I mean that he had integrity, was thoughtful, kind toward others, generous and was a person who grabbed life hard so he would never regret missing out on all it had to offer, but he also loved, cherished, and protected fiercely, those who mattered most in his life. This is the kind of friend every parent wants and hopes for their child to have and I felt so blessed that Devon had him in his life, it put my worries at ease when they were hanging together because he was a positive influence and loyal to a fault. When I was reading through the tearful posts and kind words left on Nick's social media accounts, I could see that so many felt the same way about him. It was heart wrenching, brought tears to my eyes, but it also filled me with so much joy in knowing that he was loved so well.
I searched for things that I felt captured Nick's spirit and expressed a bit of what those who loved him have been feeling.
Honestly, Nick was fearless and felt there was never a moment that should be passed up to enjoy what life had to offer because fear of death was not something he would allow to hold him back. He looked death in the eyes and still moved forward, he loved riding his motorcycle, feeling the rush of sky diving, I feel that Nick lived and experienced so much more in his short years than many of us ever do in a lengthy lifetime. I believe he welcomed death as a friend when God called him home, knowing that he never backed down from life and that he had filled it with so much love.
We would have wanted to have more time with you Nick but we will always keep you in our hearts, knowing that you are in heaven with Jesus, sharing laughter and loads of stories about pancakes and all the joy you brought. Rest now, in sweet peace; God bless you, you wonderful being you.

                                           My son & Nick's last picture together :

Friday, May 22, 2015

GF Raw Vegan Cherry Coconut Cereal

I thought about something that tastes a little different in the breakfast department, I wanted something with coconut but not too strong a taste of it. I rummaged through cupboards, fridge, and freezer until I found my precious. (Cue creepy Golem voice)
Black, sweet, pitted cherries to be exact and voilà, this cereal was born. I added some coconut flour and Baobab powder that I had lying around on my shelf and figured, the more superfoods the better. Note to self, write a full ingredients post on superfoods & Baobab, but not today because it's my birthday and I don't wanna. Teehee...(Ok, I put a small info blurb below)
I used way less maple syrup in this recipe because my cherries were really sweet, if you only have sour cherries it is a good idea to add more maple syrup to your taste.
I personally prefer the less sweet route, you may be surprised that you can enjoy breakfast cereal without a pound of sugar clinging to the GMO bits manufactured in no man's environmental disaster wasteland. But I digress.
Cherry and coconut healthiness that actually tastes lovely? Yes, you need to give it a whirl.
Enjoy and as always, pics follow below.


2 Cups Raw almonds soaked overnight, drained and rinsed well
2 1/2 Cups Dark sweet cherries, no pets. (I used frozen that I let defrost for a bit)
2 Cups Almond milk
1/3 Cup Coconut milk powder
2 Tbsp Coconut flour
1 Tbsp Baobab powder (optional)
1/4 Cup Almond flour
Pinch pink sea salt
3 Tbsp Almond butter
1/4 Cup Ground golden flax
1 Tbsp Vanilla extract
1/3 Cup Maple syrup

-Blend soaked almonds and almond milk
-In a large bowl, add all ingredients together, whisk well.
-Pour mixture in 2 equal parts on 2 the lined or parchment lined, Excalibur dehydrator trays.
-Dehydrate for 10 hours at raw food 105 degree setting, flip to other side & remove parchment paper or teflex sheet.
-Dehydrate for another 14 hours.
-Remove from trays, break gently into bite size cereal pieces and store in a ziploc baggies or airtight container up to a month.
Enjoy & don't forget to share with your loved one's.
Leave your comments below and subscribe so I can keep more yummy recipes coming.

These pics below are the Baobab superfruit & organic coconut flour that I used. Both are gluten free and these companies make high quality products that also taste great. If you cannot afford organic, believe me, I understand. Just do the best you can.
Here is a very quick blurb about Baobab in case you have never heard of it, courtesy of I will do a more detailed post on this superfood at a later date.

Baobab fruit powder is packed with nutritional goodness. It is low in sugar and fat yet high in fibre. It contains more than 12 minerals and vitamins, but is particularly rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. Baobab is also packed with antioxidants.

Blowing Out Candles

Hello people! Today is my birthday.
It's been a long year and I am happy to be moving forward to another chapter in my life.
This is how I should be feeling:

However, I am in a rather melancholy mood. There has been some sadness this week owing to something I will leave for this Sunday's post, as I don't feel able to discuss it right now.
For my birthday I am feeling to do something like this:

To be enjoying this on my feet:

To be pampered for a change, with a view:

To be walking this cutie whom I have already chosen a name for, even if she's not here yet:


But how I really feel, is just to be in Pb's arms in our spot. Kinda like this:

Thank you Abba for another day and for the time, love, people, and experiences you have blessed me with.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Autoimmune Issues & Your Thyroid part 4

Good morning lovelies, today we are discussing how problems with the thyroid can be affected by your autoimmune sytem in this 4th installement of the thyroid journey. I have links to the site where I obtained the medical information, (as I am not a doctor, I try to get the best information for you from trusted sites) you can click on the links if you would like to. This is actually going to be part 1 of autoimmune because it is A LOT to cover and there are layers-like onions donkey. Haha.
I don't want to overwhelm and I want to give sound advice with follow-up on some measures you can take to help yourself-always consult with a professional of course. I am speaking of exercise, dietary changes, and lifestyle changes that are needed. That's why there will be more to come on this subject and I want to be thorough on the food front because if you are struggling with an autoimmune disorder, you are going to need loads of info. on autoimmune protocol diets and elimination of triggers. I will also cover children and pregnancy and a whole bunch of other stuff that I will remember to write about. As I said, it's a bit overwhelming if I give it all in one shot, so for now let us start at the beginning with background and symptoms.

This aspect of thyroid illness is still difficult for many because it can take on average 7 years before proper diagnosis is made. Yes, you read that correctly, 7 years-sometimes longer!

There are several reasons for this:

1) Usually, it takes time to develop these issues and many factors play into having an autoimmune illness. ie: stress levels, diet, allergies, family history, no family history, exposure to chemicals and other harmful substances, etc.

2) Adrenal glands are often effected and can present as fatigue, crying jags, constant feeling of emotional upheaval, difficulty coping, anxiety attacks, erratic behaviour and mood swings, short fuse, difficulty sleeping, lack of interest in previous activities one enjoyed. Many of these can be attributed to anxiety disorders, depression, grieving, pms, hormonal changes and unfortunately, sometimes even hypochondria. That's why it's important to ask for the right tests, understand it can take time as it is a process of elimination, you may need to see several doctor's before someone listens or believes you, and you will have to be your biggest and loudest advocate for your health.

3) Adrenal issues are still not completely understood and the medical establishment is running to catch up with this rather modern phenomenon. This is an issue that impacts the lives of every person living in these modern times, as we are experiencing such tremendous health, environmental, and spiritual stressors, it is taxing our adrenal glands in ways that were previously not known let alone thought of. Sometimes, and especially for now, it is a great idea to seek out alternative forms of treatment to see what naturopathic medecine, accupuncture, and relaxing forms of exercise, can do for you.

4) This issue effects more women than it does men, sorry gentleman I am not trying to dismiss your valid health concerns, this is just medically documented fact. As such, women are often ignored by doctor's as being a bit hysterical and overly dramatic, as well as being dismissed because we could not possibly know anything about our bodies since we have not been to med school. We only live within our bodies for our entire life time but meh, what do we know? WRONG!!!!!! Again, I say to you, women & men, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO BE YOUR BIGGEST AND LOUDEST ADVOCATE FOR YOUR HEALTH!

5) The symtoms that are most to be concerned about are also the most subtle. Things such as hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, bloating and swelling, sweats, and sleep disturbances, are things we can ignore for a long time and that's dangerous because if left untreated much worse things will happen and you will begin to fully comprehend, but only once it is too late; the impact autoimmune illness will have.

Continue reading down below for more information.

Autoimmune Thyroiditis

It is possible that the main title of the report Autoimmune Thyroiditis is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.


  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis
  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Lymphadenoid goiter
  • Struma lymphomatosa
  • Goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis
  • Chronic Thyroiditis
  • Hashimoto's syndrome
  • Grave's disease
  • Postpartum thyroiditis

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Also called Hashimoto's disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which the immune system turns against the body's own tissues. In people with Hashimoto's, the immune system attacks the thyroid. This can lead to hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid does not make enough hormones for the body's needs.
Located in the front of your neck, the thyroid gland makes hormones that control metabolism. This includes your heart rate and how quickly your body uses calories from the foods you eat.

Causes of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

The exact cause of Hashimoto's is not known, but many factors are believed to play a role. They include:
Genes. People who get Hashimoto's often have family members who have thyroid disease or other autoimmune diseases. This suggests a genetic component to the disease.
Hormones. Hashimoto's affects about seven times as many women as men, suggesting that sex hormones may play a role. Furthermore, some women have thyroid problems during the first year after having a baby. Although the problem usually goes away, as many as 20% of these women develop Hashimoto's years later.
Excessive iodine. Research suggests certain drugs and too much iodine, a trace element required by your body to make thyroid hormones, may trigger thyroid disease in susceptible people.
Radiation exposure. Increased cases of thyroid disease have been reported in people exposed to radiation, including the atomic bombs in Japan, the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and radiation treatment for a form of blood cancer called Hodgkin's disease.

Symptoms of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Hashimoto's symptoms may be mild at first or take years to develop. The first sign of the disease is often an enlarged thyroid, called a goiter. The goiter may cause the front of your neck to look swollen. A large goiter may make swallowing difficult. Other symptoms of an underactive thyroid due to Hashimoto's may include:
  • weight gain
  • fatigue
  • paleness or puffiness of the face
  • joint and muscle pain
  • constipation
  • inability to get warm
  • difficulty getting pregnant
  • joint and muscle pain
  • hair loss or thinning, brittle hair
  • irregular or heavy menstrual periods
  • depression
  • slowed heart rate
Because the symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroid may be similar to those for other medical conditions, it is important to see your doctor for a diagnosis.

Treatments for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

There is no cure for Hashimoto's, but replacing hormones with medication can regulate hormone levels and restore your normal metabolism.
The pills are available in several different strengths. The exact dose your doctor prescribes will depend on a number of factors, including:
  • age
  • weight
  • severity of hypothyroidism
  • other health problems
  • other medicines that may interact with synthetic thyroid hormone

Autoimmune illness is so often misunderstood and still new to many, it is understandable that we suffer alone with it's debilitating effects. I think the above ecard puts it quite succinctly.
If you are suffering with an autoimmune illness please connect with other people, check out the Stop the thyroid madness blog-it's a wonderful resource and community for thyroid and autoimmune sufferers(link is below), check out local and even far away autoimmune chapters or organizations(links below to get you started). Mostly though, rest and don't let others make you feel guilty for it. Your exhaustion and myriad of symptoms are real, your life is not your own when at the mercy of this kind of illness, you need to be gentle and understanding because so many others won't be. Most importantly, don't give up and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments you need to be good to yourself. You can get through this and we can do it together, hold on to your smile and hope.

You see, you are NOT alone. Leave your comments or experiences in the comment section and don't forget to subscribe. God bless you.

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Best Gluten-free Crêpes Ever with Apple Filling

It's Monday! I don't know about you but I am super psyched about this week and I have some great blog posts planned along with seriously scrumptious recipes. You need to keep checking in because your tummy and eyes will thank you.
As you can see by the picture above, today is all about the crêpe. I have tried many crêpes in my time, living in Montreal and being French means you gotta love crêpes and eat them with gusto!
Problem being that I had yet to stumble across a crêpe recipe that satisfied and being preturnaturally lazy in this gluten-free department, I did not try to create my own recipe and I won't have to now because I found awesomeness!
Before you judge me there are a few things you must know, firstly, gluten-free is a pain in the hiney when it comes to bread and pancakes/crêpes and I feel no shame in admitting that I will not change my stance on this. Same thing with sharpening my own knives-that's what the professional knife sharpening guy in the adorable tinker truck is for. I never liked sharpening knives, even in culinary school. I do true the edge with a steel and if stuck, I will use the small sharpener we have here or a stone but I reallllllllllly don't like it.
Bread is something my mom makes for me, she's a pastry Chef too and likes the challenge of baking gluten-free loaves. I despise gluten-free bread baking and buy my whole-grain, quinoa loaves from this wonderful company based here in Quebec, called, Cuisine Angelique.
 I will be doing a whole review segment on different gluten-free/vegan/paleo stuff in the near future but for now, trust me when I say, their bread is awesome with a cape!
I believe I rail so hard against baking gf bread because I recall the hours I spent baking fresh  gluten-filled loaves, French crusty bread with it's crisp shell and chewy interior goodness, scoring the proofed doughs, adding rye flour and molasses for taste and eye appeal, cupping portioned dough to make potato rolls, folding squares to get flaky layers for buttermilk biscuits, and pats of butter nestled in gorgeous croissant dough. Don't get me started on cinnamon rolls or this post will go into next week!
All that to say that the rules which apply so wonderfully in the world of gluten proteins, DO NOT translate to gf baking. Oh! The horror!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously though, it's just not something I find joy in anymore and when it comes to food, I believe lack of joy/enthusiasm = a recipe for disaster (pardon the pun).
I always tell people you need to have fun, get messy and make mistakes in the kitchen but the focus should be on fun. If you are not approaching making food with love and joy in your heart, then step away and give it to another because unhappiness reflects in food quality and taste.
Hence, the reason I snagged this wonderful crêpes recipe from gluten-free on a shoe string.
I am going to link it if you want to see the blog post and because I like to give credit where it is due.
Nicole of gluten-free on a shoestring has come up with a wonderful recipe and best of all it's xanthan gum free, for all of you who don't want it in your food.
What impressed me was the texture and taste, the gluten lovers I shared them with had zero clue and were amazed at how good they were. (They ate 7! Yipeee success!)
I made a simple and refined sugar-free apple filling for them. That recipe, which is mine, follows the crêpe recipe and it was a perfect pairing with butter slathered crêpes and a touch of maple syrup.
But before we begin the crêpe journey, here is a pic of a wonderful gluten-filled Crêperie in Montreal which people seem to love, it's just a moment of nostalgia. 

I crown you wonderful, my beloved crêpes!

This is the recipe for the crêpes, which I changed a bit by exchanging 3 Tbsp of brown rice flour for some of the white rice flour and I used unsweetened almond milk in place of the regular milk. Please note that her recipe needs an overnight rest, so make the batter in advance and let it sit, covered and refrigerated over night. Then give it a good whisk in the morning and crêpe away to mouth bliss!
Keep scrolling down for the easy apple filling.


6 Cooking apples, peeled and chopped
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
3 Whole allspice & 1 Whole clove (remove these before serving)
2 tsp Vanilla extract
3 Tbsp Maple syrup
pinch Pink sea salt
1/3 Cup Brown, pure, real apple juice
1 tsp arrowroot powder
1 Tbsp Butter

-In heavy bottom sauce pan, melt butter on medium heat.
-Add apples and stir, add all ingredients except arrowroot and apple juice-those go in last after apples cook.
-Stir and cook apples for 5-10 minutes. You want an apple that is still firm to the bite but soft enough to not be crunching when bitten.
-Add arrowroot to apple juice, mix well together and pour into hot apples.
-Cook one minute, it will thicken. Remove from heat, stir and allow to cool.
-This can be refrigerated up to 5 days, so you can make the night before or a few days in advance in anticipation of filling your crêpes.
-You will need to gently reheat the apples briefly before filling the crêpes, so the full flavour comes out. Below are pictures to show how much you should fill each crêpe with, about 2 Tbsp each one and then roll them up. Serve with maple syrup and butter.
Remember to share with those  you love, leave your comments below and don't forget to subscribe!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Center of my Life

It's a beautiful Sunday morning, I am prepping to make gluten-free apple crepes and go workout. I will post that recipe at a later date but the yumminess is hard to wait for, seeing as the batter needs a long rest to thicken up-oh poop. (I thought we would have them this morning, nuh-uh!)
Sunday is Church day for Poppa Bear and Mama Bear, if you have read previous posts then you know what I am talking about. The past few days though, I seem to be focused on something I came across in a devotional post. It was a question really,
Are you following Jesus or are you following idols?
To which of course I immediately responded, "No sir, I am following Jesus." I felt good about that answer until I continued reading more.
Basically, it stated that whatever your focus is on, wherever you are expending energy, continually asking for or about, that can also be your idol.
I was a bit annoyed when I first read it but I continued to ponder this over the last few days and I came to the conclusion that I have been a bit of a naughty bunny in this department. I went over the things that I have been paying attention to, distracted by, stressing about, and lo and behold, I realized it was not Jesus.
Whaaaaat? Say it ain't so Kiki.
Yes, sadly, it is true and very humbling to say the least. Which, if memory serves me correctly, I do believe part of one of my meal time giving thanks prayers included asking to be humbled whenever it was needed. Thanks Abba, and Amen. Simple right?
Well, it turns out my heavenly Father has been noticing that I have not been focused on him and gave me a gentle but solid reminder. I got it! I actually got it and it didn't take my stubborn hard head 6 months. Okay, I digress.
So, who's hand have I really been holding?
The hand of impatience, petulance, tantrums, bargainer, anger, sadness, illness, injury, fear, stress, belligerence (Poppa Bear will attest to this one-I am so sorry for what I said when I was tired and hangry), and worst of all, or as I like to say, most embarrassingly, the money monster. Eek!
No!!!!! Y-E-S!!!!!
Why? Because, this past year has been filled with trials and tribulations on so many fronts and in the last 2 months money, or the lack of it has been a constant. Not only in my life but in the lives of my loved one's and it's so difficult knowing that you are constrained and unable to offer a hand as you are no better off.
It's also been overwhelmingly difficult because the distance between PB & MB means that the comfort of something as simple as a hug is felt through technology. Not always good when your body needs physical connections to raise those oxytocin levels.
It's been heart breaking for both of us some days and coupled with cancelled times together due to very valid and unforeseeable events, health and financial issues, it all takes a toll. Ironically, these are the exact times when we are supposed to lean on Jesus more but not Kiki. Nope, I introvert and push away because I need time to process, to rage by myself because I don't want others to witness my bad behavior, and go a little wild trying to find solutions. Guess what?
I sometimes forget that God already has it all on lock and that I am supposed to be saying, "I know you got this, so I am going to let go and let God."
It seems so easy to say but in this world of, be in control, get it done, independence, striving, pushing, ignoring health in favour of money/career/success, having drive, stop whining and get moving, be responsible, comparisons, achievement barometers, best of the best, creme de la creme, etc. It becomes too easy to get side tracked and guess what, those become the center of your hours, your days, your weeks, months, worship. Idols.
We are all guilty of this in one way, shape, or form. The important part is recognizing, letting pride go, asking for the help and guidance you need, and then finally re-affirming your relationship with your Father. The nice part is that He has been waiting for you to come back and is ever so patient, merciful, and loving. The prodigal son/daughter returns with a celebrated place in God's heart and what a heart warming comfort such knowledge is.
This also means getting back to readings, connecting with your community by contributing and not consuming, praying, and setting aside alone time with God. It's o.k. to stumble and fall, just recognize it for what it is.
Part of this journey that we are all on, and though the spirit be willing, the flesh is weak. But fear not, for we have such a wonderful, kind, and true friend in Jesus.
Have a wonderful Sunday and God bless you.