
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

National Banana Bread Day with Recipe Repost


Hello One & All!

It is February 23rd & that means National Banana Bread Day is here, such a yummy way to enjoy bananas. A fruit that has become very popular, did you know that the beautiful bananas we are used to eating today with their full sweet creamy satisfying fruit, were once mostly seeds which one had to suck on to get to the pulpy goodness we take for granted today?
Bananas are actually facing some serious difficulties which is something we should be aware of as our beloved fruit could face an untimely demise. Say it isn't so Kiki!
It is sadly true, Panama Disease is very real, has been here before, and our bananas face an uncertain future!
Let me drop some knowledge on you before I share my awesome Vegan, Gluten-free Banana Bread recipe.

Going bananas?

The serious threats facing the world’s favourite fruit

Learn how we can save the banana... And why that is so important.
When was the last time you ate a banana? Have you ever considered what it might be like if the famous musical hit 'Yes, we have no bananas' was to become a reality?

Such a scenario is not as unlikely as it may seem as the future of the world’s favourite fruit is under serious threat. And not for the first time...

In the first half of the 20th century, our parents and grandparents ate a delicious banana called Gros Michel, or Big Mike in colloquial terms. But in the 1950s a deadly strain of Panama disease wiped out almost all banana plantations in Central and South America. Despite the best efforts of growers, this most flavourful of fruits became virtually extinct.
In the second half of the 1900s banana producers across the world switched to a different cultivar, the so-called the Cavendish. Although less tasty than Gros Michel, Cavendish was resistant to the type of Fusarium that was causing Panama disease.
As a result, following enormous investments in infrastructural changes required to accommodate the Cavendish’s different growing and ripening needs, the banana industry was saved.
But not for ever… in the 1990s a new strain of the Fusarium fungus appeared and began to spread. Originating in Taiwan, it soon reached other South East Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines – and even northern Australia. Thousands of hectares of Cavendish have already been destroyed and many will follow if we are unable to stop Panama disease.


The worlds most favourite fruit crop

Panama disease is not only a huge concern for the global export banana sector. It exerts an even greater impact on the domestic production of this staple crop as many locally preferred cultivars are also endangered, threatening the livelihoods of millions of smallholder producers.
Some banana facts:
More than 100 billion bananas are consumed annually in the world, making it the fourth most important food crop after wheat, rice and corn.
85% of the world’s banana production is used for local consumption, and only 15% is exported (mainly to the USA and Europe).
Americans eat more bananas than any other fruit, with an average consumption of 11.9 kg per year, more bananas than apples and oranges combined.

   I hope you enjoy this as much as we do, remember to leave comments or questions down below, don't forget to share with someone you love,and God bless you!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Getting My Groove Back

Hello everyone,
It's finally Friday and I am feeling so much better. Went through some disappointments and have been dealing with some pretty heavy personal stuff which has had such tremendous impact on my mood, creativity, and well-being. The last 3 days have been seeing improvement and today has been very positive and uplifting. Feeling very grateful and rather embarrassed by some of my behavior . I don't do so well when stuck in a rut and have to be patient with God's timing for my life. I become rather insolent, mean and downright obnoxiously rude. It's less about hurting others and more about wanting to seriously introvert, cacoon and recoup while trying to make sense of it all. I get angry with God, cannot cope with life, find people/places exhausting, and my personality warps. I have come to realize that withdrawing is better than interracting as I am not fun to be around. It's funny because people who know me, are somewhat confused by this opposite side of my personality. Usually bubbly, silly, smiling, engaged and up for the next challenge; when it's been too many crushing blows I deign to isolate, lash out & wilt for a while. God knows I have been at the limit this past month, I thought I wanted even Him to leave me alone but he sent me a wonderful gift and I am so grateful because it arrived when I needed it most. 
Hope is difficult for me at times, life has not always been so kind and for those of you who know what it is like to struggle more than most, you know that this is stated as fact; not whining or for pity. There is a difference between going through tough times and experiencing life in ways that crush, truly harm and leave scars that do not completely heal. I push away hard when my scars make their presence felt, I want nothing and no one in these moments. Life becomes altogether too much and I need to crumble for a bit, I cannot stand being around others or in spaces with too much stimulation, everything grates on me and I want to be left alone. 
Then I get it and eventually realize that's not enough either. A gentle knock and nudge at the door of my soul, with unfaltering love and kindness I do not necessarily deserve after my horrid behaviour, always arrive at the perfect moment. It's when I have fallen far enough to realize I can't do it alone and I do need God; this is when He knows I am receptive and ready to try once more and he comes with His brand of awesomeness one just can't buy. I lean hard on those strong hands because feeling broken brings a fragility that only God's unconditional love overstands and is patient with in a way no human can ever be. 
I am so grateful to you Lord for finding me in my darkest hours, in the hardest loneliest kinds of despair, and never giving up on me but instead continuing to love me in a way that is more beautiful than anything ever seen or known.

If you are struggling right now, please take heart, I know how lonely and sad we can be made to feel but remember that you are not your emotions. Those are your responses to your true state being at odds with the fallen world we must all make our way through. God counts our tears, God is against the difficulties, for our happiness and success, His love does not see your faults but rather the beauty of what he created and tends to with the most tender and kind Love. I send you light and laughter through the dark along with warm hugs and prayers of comfort. You can keep going, you will arrive and you will continue to burn brightly for all to see. 
God bless each and everyone.
                                      Never forget sweet one's...

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Best Gf, Vegan, Soy-free, Salted Chocolate Ganache Recipe for Rich Chocolatey Cupcakes

Bonjour my lovelies,

This is the last post in the Valentine's DIY Love series and I thought to end it on a gorgeous, chocolatey, vegan, gluten-free cupcake note!
Hard to believe but those beauties are gluten-free & vegan! Yes, I know. Amazing, magically decadent and delicious.
I would personally make these and give them with a bnch of different colour lipstick kisses with a note that explains what each kiss is for, kinda like this...
                                      Kisses For You | Easy DIY Anniversary Gift Ideas for Him | Handmade Valentines Day Gifts for Him:
The pic is from because I didn't take a pic of the one's I did for Poppa Bear last Year's Valentine's. I also did it a bit differently, I had these cute small envelopes, wrote on the outside what each kiss was for, used loads of different lip colours and put a cut out paper kissed piece of my lip imprint, then wrapped it all in pretty ribbon. It went over really well!
Here is a fun idea of how you can incorporate the cupcakes into a romantic or scary or action flick movie night for Valentine's, it need not be expensive either. I tried to add the link to to get you the free printables but for some weird reason it would not load, no matter what I tried. At least you have a pic with a good idea. Below the first pic is a cheapie breakdown idea from the blog.
                      Scary Movie Date Night Idea + Date Night Printables:    

                             A Great Gift for ANYONE this Christmas--Only $10! crazy easy christmas gift that ANYONE will appreciate.:  

I am including a recipe for the vegan gf chocolate cupcakes from The Pretty Bee blog, I changed some ingredients and added coffee to the adjusted liquids because as a Chef, I like the enhancing flavour coffee adds to chocolate. It was not enough to make it taste like coffee because I don't care for coffee as I am an avid tea drinker, however, I have noticed the taste difference when it's not in there. I used her recipe as I wanted to try something different and because she also includes a vegan vanilla buttercream for those of you who prefer both vanilla buttercream and chocolate ganache choices be on offer. Both are splendid. I am putting the link to her blog and down below my pics and ganache recipe follow, which is a decadent chocolate bowl of, slather it everywhere delightfulness! Yes, you may slather it everywhere, it will be our little secret.
( I used Bob's Redmill Flour which can be a bit beanie at times, so I make my cupcakes the night before to allow the flavours to mellow and settle. You may use a gluten-free boxed mix if you prefer to make life easier, I won't judge. Do as you please and are able to.
                                    Perfect chocolate cupcakes wtih vanilla bean frosting. What could be better than that? Gluten free and vegan recipe.

Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Bean Frosting.
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Easy chocolate cupcakes with creamy vanilla bean frosting.
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 12
  • 1½ cups gluten free flour blend (all purpose flour works well, too!)
  • 1 cup turbinado sugar
  • ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ⅓ cup canola oil
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup water (I use half water and half coffee)
  • for frosting:
  • 3 Tablespoons vegan buttery spread
  • 2-3 Tablespoons almond milk
  • 4 cups powdered sugar (I prefer the corn free kind from Whole Foods)
  • ½ vanilla bean pod, inside scraped out to get the seeds
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a cupcake pan with paper liners.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt.
  3. Add the oil, water, vinegar, and vanilla extract. Stir until combined.
  4. Spoon the batter into the cupcake liners, filling them about ⅔ full.
  5. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes.
  6. Cool in pan, then move to a wire rack to cool completely.
  7. Make the frosting: In a large bowl, beat the vegan buttery spread and the vanilla bean on medium speed. Add one cup of the powdered sugar and continue to beat. Add a little of the almond milk, then more powdered sugar, and keep alternating until all the powdered sugar is in the mixing bowl. If the frosting is too thick, add a bit more almond milk.
  8. Frost cooled cupcakes. Store the frosted cupcakes in the refrigerator.

These were my cupcakes...           
                                                Chocolate cake batter fun!
                                                      Ready to bake
Let these sit overnight if you use a strong tasting flour, I place them in ziploc bags and freeze em'.

Now it's salted chocolate ganache making time. Whoohoooooooo!!!! Make this the day of serving or make ahead 2-3 days and coat cupcakes then freeze right away. The day of serving, remove from freezer and let sit 15 minutes on counter.



500 Ml Coconut milk

2 Tbsp Earth Balance Margarine (soy-free)

1/4 Cup Maple syrup or agave

2 Pkgs. Enjoy life chips (283g each)

2 Tbsp Vanilla extract

1 ½ tsp grey sea salt

*For cinnamon add 1½ tsp cinnamon (This is optional but I really find it adds a wonderful punch, whisk it in at the very end, you will see how awesome it is!)

-Heat coconut milk, margarine, add shortening, and whisk

-Our over chips in a bowl, whisk til smooth, whisk in salt

-Add vanilla and whisk well.
-Place plastic wrap touching and covering all ganache top to prevent skin from forming, chill 3-4 hours until scoopable with a spoon, thickened but still a bit loose. You don't want to pipe it, this gets spooned over your cupcakes.
-Spoon over cooled cupcakes until well covered, add sprinkles, cool in fridge for 15 minutes and serve.
They can be frozen and keep up to 1-2 weeks in the freezer.


                       Aw yeah, chocolate love happening right here baby!
Yumminess in the making, I highly recommend you be a dear and sacrifice yourself to taste some. Just to be sure it's good and all ;P

It should look like this and have this consistency when out the fridge, if it has gotten too hard leave it on the counter for about 30 minutes and see if it's right. I beat it with a hand mixer for 30 seconds if it's a bit too stiff, this gives the right pouring texture.
                                                     Sprinkleration time!
Placing them in the fridge really stiffens up the texture and makes for a wonderful mouth feel when you bite it. Now for the hard part, waiting...
               You must sacrifice and taste test once more, you're so kind hearted, you giver you.
                                                   2 bites are a good idea
Here you go, I made some with chocolate that were vegan and some non-vegan carrot cake one's for others who requested something cream cheesy. I hope this ganache recipe works well for you and adds that extra touch to your special occasion. Leave your comments or questions down below and let me know how it goes.

Poppa Bear and I wish you a wonderful and blessed Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

                                         Remember to fill it with love and great memories.
                                                 This is adorable and I would love to learn how to do this.:

    Sweet Blessings: John 3:16 Valentines FREE Printables: