
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 30 of the Self-Love Detox Challenge!

Good blessed morning!


We have arrived, 30 days come and gone with loads of healthy foods, informative/encouraging posts, and scrumptious recipes! I hope this was a positive journey for you, this week you get to make your menu all by your lonesome. You can pick and choose whatever you like, maybe you'll want to keep to a rawfood vegan diet, maybe you'll continue to incorporate some fish, add back some meat, do what works best for you and yours. Prep meals in advance for the week, people may look at you funny but you're making your life easier by being ready. Food is the most difficult part of wellness for many of us and that is because time gets away from, and it's easier to grab something quick and unhealthy in those situations. That's why meal prep is so important!
This is what a clean eating fridge should look like:
Do not keep bad food in the house, I know it is too difficult of a temptation, if you must have some junk then force yourself to go out and get it. This will make it less appealing; because we often prefer to forgo what is not easily available. Also, get the smallest size of the item you are craving. A small bag of chips is easier to recover from than stacking your cupboards with big bags. You know who you are.
Just make an effort to stick to healthier options, keep juicing, enjoy smoothies, stay away from chemical/sugar/preservative/fake ingredient laden foods. Whole foods means real ingredients you know and can pronounce, food you don't regret eating, and that leaves you feeling satiated, vibrant, energized, and blessed. You still have these menu's to fall back on:




The difference being, that you are not fasting and you can play by adding recipes, changing up the menu , and adding your own kitchen creations. Have fun with it and apply the principles you learned over the last 30 days. All recipes can be found on the site, check the labels section down below.
Also, because this was a kind of elimination diet, I would strongly suggest that if you plan on adding gluten, dairy, oats, grains, soy, or meat back to your diet; that you try one item only, per week. That way you can see what food you react negatively to, without overloading your system and being unsure what actually triggered a response. I discovered that refined sugar was responsible for arthritic-like shooting pains in my hands, shoulders and joints. I also found that I became more sensitive to poorer quality food. Its simple, our bodies instinctively know what we should and should not be ingesting.
Good post on what to stay away from:
This is an easy chart that will help you understand how to choose clean and environmentally friendly organic produce.

A whole plate looks like the above and below are portion sizes simplified, based on your hand. No fuss and easy to recall.
So, remember kiddies:
And don't forget the importance of exercise:
             8 Exercises for a Stronger Back-Working your core is useless if you aren't also working your back muscles. These 8 exercises will help you increase your back strength!:

I found some really great smoothie recipes on Pinterest, I know, I am a Pinterest binger. Let's not judge, hehheh.
Summer holidays apply to this next delicious looking number.
This detox water is too pretty and cinnamon has so many health benefits!
                                Health Benefits of Cinnamon:
I am including this turmeric smoothie because turmeric is great for inflammation. If you are really struggling with pain from inflammation, there is also something called golden milk. Apparently it is great as a cancer fighting drink and general all over health elixir.  You CAN find a video for it on YouTube, and I will be trying this out myself, in May. Will let you know how it goes then.

I have touched on nightshades in previous posts but want to make mention of it here again, especially with regards to inflammation, aches, pain, food sensitivity, and those with chronic kidney and liver issues. Most people are not even aware what these are and how bad they can be for us. Why is that?
Nightshades taste great! 
We use them A LOT, however they are very hard on our organs and should only be consumed sparingly. 
If you are unwell, in constant pain, suffering from inflammation or seem to be responding negatively to things like salads, spicy foods, potato dishes, etc. You may be having problems with foods from the nightshade family and should try steering clear for 7-14 days, to see if these may be the culprits. It seems extreme but there are autoimmune protocols that specifically insist one removes these permanently, and it's with good reason. Here is a list and there is a link below to some more information should you need to learn more.

Well done to all of you who have tried this challenge!
If you are thinking about starting to do this, there's always plenty of information, recipes, and support to be found on this blog. Leave your questions and comments down below, I love to hear from you and don't forget to keep a heart of gratitude and loads of love for yourself.
Keep it simple, as close to nature as God intended, fill your thoughts with kindness towards others and yourself, and last but not least-remember to rest without guilt. You go you good thing you!
                Abba love and bless you all!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Trout w/ Seasoning & Roast Vegetables, Day 29 of The 30 Day Self-LoveDetox Challenge

Morning health warriors,

It's day 29 and we are almost at the finish line for our 30 day challenge. Because we end tomorrow, today's post is a recipe for this scrumptious fish dish. I want you to have a few more healthy recipes to add to your roster, that are simple and taste great!
It uses a West Indian spice mix that I get from the specialty shop. These spices can also be found on amazon.
There are several brands you can choose from, ranging from fish seasoning's to jerk seasoning. Jerk seasoning is very spicy but the fish seasoning is not, it contains papaya and I find people find it tastes so good. I have gotten non-fish eater's to gobble up their serving and ask for seconds. The one I use is called Islander's Fish Seasoning, and it looks like this:
That's the packaging and this is what the spice looks like:
These are some of the other companies:

Preheated oven to 375 degrees F
1 Red pepper, seeded and sliced
1 Zuchinni sliced into sticks
1 Yellow onion sliced
1 Pkg Sliced Mushrooms
Herb seasoned salt like Herbamare
Black pepper
Dried thyme

-On a parchment lined tray lay each vegetable out in its own row. A line of peppers, a line of onions, a line of mushrooms, and a line of zucchini.
-Sprinkle seasonings over vegetable to taste, I use about 2 tsps combined, total.
-Sprinkle about 2-3  Tbsp over vegetables.
-Place tray in oven and roast for 1 hour until well cooked. 
-Serve with fish and salad

1 Filet of trout
1/2 tsp Fish seasoning
1/4 tsp Fresh black pepper
1/2 tsp Fresh thyme
1 Clove garlic crushed
1 tsp Extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
-Wipe down filet with a paper towel
-Sprinkle spices all over the fish
-Spread garlic over fish
-Sprinkle olive oil over fish
-Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until fish is flaky and cooked through.
-Serve with roasted vegetables and side salad.

The salad recipe is the avocado scallion salad from another post, you can find it in the labels section below.
Come back tomorrow and have fun making this recipe.

Anxiety & Strategies to Overcome Fear Day 28 Self-Love Detox Challenge

Today I want to talk about a subject that is very close to my heart and I feel is very apropos, for the self-love part of this 30 day challenge. We're discussing fear & anxiety and the impact, reality, ways to cope, & how and why we need to.
Overcoming anxiety and the fears that quickly rise like a wave of terror, threatening to drown you is important; for the very simple reason that you are in horrible pain. Much of which is hidden and causes you to suffer in silence.
              I used to struggle feeling like this all the time before I got the help I needed:
It took a long time to seek out that help because I didn't understand what was happening to me, I was isolating, retreating, so I could protect myself, and avoid freaking out in public. It was terrifying to be exposed, alone, and unsure how bad an episode might be; so I kept to myself and started to venture outside less and less. 
                               What is the cause of Panic Attacks?:

This became so bad that I began to experience debilitating panic and very real physical symptoms, the moment I even tried to put my hand on the doorknob. 
Outside became impossible, inside felt safe, but I was not cocooning myself in security. 
I was allowing myself to become trapped by a multitude of fears, real & imagined. 
It was not until I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and informed of all the symptom, as well as treatment plans, that I finally stopped feeling crazy. BTW, it took a round of 6 tries before I finally found the right people and help. It was a seriously infuriating and maze like road.
Anxiety and depression still carry tremendous stigma in our society, and I believe it stems from three places. 
1-We are still learning so much about the brain and what we know and understand now, is still pretty new in our human history. In early world wars, soldiers would be suffering from PTSD but this term had yet to be coined and the effects and symptoms were not understood. It was classified as neurasthenia, a type of fragility that was viewed by some as a weak and flimsy excuse to get out of war service. 
This is the dictionaries definition:
Neurasthenia: an ill-defined medical condition characterized by lassitude, fatigue, headache, and irritability, associated chiefly with emotional disturbance.

This is now understood to be something completely different, valid, real, and is taken seriously; as it should be. 

2-It makes us uncomfortable because we realize that we are all vulnerable to the realities of anxiety, depression, as well as the after effects of trauma, and we do not like it. Vulnerable=weak and that is perceived as bad, instead of as an opportunity for growth and reaching max potential for a better quality of life.

3-We are not socialized/taught about these issues in school or at home, and the ignorance is detrimental.We prefer to brush it off, make light of it, and not bother to learn more so we can be effectively helpful and supportive. Often the wrong things are said, which make the person saying them feel better because they can extricate themselves from what puts them at ill-ease, but it further damages the individual who really needs compassion, kindness, and support.

Asking for help is crucial and one of the most difficult steps; facing rejection, ridicule, and disdain are further damaging and can lead to people seeking other and more dangerous ways of coping. 
Such as: self-medicating, addiction, abusing others, self-harm, and even suicide.
If people are telling you that your anxiety is all in your head, that you should do better and stop complaining, why aren't you stronger, why isn't your faith stronger, why don't you just get over it, it's not that bad, you're dumping your problems on others, or you are just downright melodramatic; look at the ways that anxiety impacts the body:

I am placing this post as part of the detox challenge because when we make changes to our diet, juice fast, get out junk, and commit to a healthier lifestyle, several things have been known to happen.
Some people become really emotional, have crying jags, fuzzy head, experience anxiety/depression, feel overwhelmed by their emotions, and find it difficult to cope. Old wounds and unhealed places in us surface and need our attention. 
Do not ignore this and if you cannot go it alone, I am asking you to please seek help; and if you cannot find it right away, keep searching and fighting your way to it until you find it. 
Do not give up, you matter!
That brings us to another point, the people in our lives.
Sometimes you are changing and people around you will not like it, they will try to minimize what you are going through, they may try to sabotage your attempts to incorporate positive change, you may have to move away from toxic people and situations because they no longer serve you and are causing more harm than good. Be warned, when you begin to demand change, because you are able to recognize what is harming you, people who benefit from your silence will not like it. You need to recognize that they like the status quo because they get something out of it, that does not mean they have your best interests at heart. I am not saying every person is horrible, I am saying trust what you know, and people's actions really do speak louder than their words.

I liked this:
                              But sometimes your light attracts moths, and your warmth attracts parasites. Protect your space and energy. Warsan Shire. Introvert:    
When I first started reaching out for help I got some whopper comments, horrible responses, and some rather painful rejections from people I believed in. 
I came to realize that I was on a journey they could not be a part of, that there are times in this life when humans lack the capacity to be whom/what you need, and that God is the best one to comfort and love me. It was not easy, sometimes it can still be difficult, even lonely, but it is worth it. 
                                   What you’re actually feeling during a panic attack is an exaggeration of the arousal of your sympathetic nervous system. | 15 Things You Need To Know About Panic Attacks:
I eliminated those that were harming, detracting from, hurting, refusing my means of communication, and dismissive of my very real pain. 
I eventually found people who cared, wanted better for me, were and are still patient and loving to this very day. I give God thanks, it has been a 20 year road. I am still on it but I stumble much less, have more good days than bad, and reach out to friend's and God when it all becomes too much.
                                          Addiction Recovery Quote: You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious. | Check out our blog post entitled 'The Worst Remedy for Depression' or click the image above.:
I learned that I have to love and place myself as a priority, I have to honour my truth, and that there are ways to find some semblance of peace. It is not a quick fix but it is possible.
I want to mention that I used natural alternatives to modern medicine as I do not like taking drugs. I used skullcap in tincture form aka liquid form to ease my anxiety and I used Gaba, an amino acid to sleep better and help support my brain. These were recommended by a naturopath along with elimination of all toxic body and house care products, as well as no sugar, no caffeine or allergen triggers, and loads of rest, sunshine, walks, and kindness. To this day I use skullcap when I have an episode or too much stress is triggering anxiety attacks, I go with it and do not ignore or fight what my body is telling me.
I highly recommend you seek out naturopaths with experience in this domain and if you choose to take these natural products, do not mix them, do not over dose-follow the instructions, and be super gentle with yourself. Surround yourself with people who love and accept you, as well as respecting who you are, imperfections and all!
                           Love her but leave her wild.-- Atticus:

                                         Mental Health Awareness:

Check out the sites that follow, to get the help you may need.

                                          "PTSD and PTSD symptoms are real and real science says you can't just get over it. Here are 3 important facts on how trauma affects the brain."

Should you need more information, some validation of what you are experiencing with regards to PTSD, I found this site and it is a good beginning place.
"PTSD and PTSD symptoms are real and real science says you can't just get over it. Here are 3 important facts on how trauma affects the brain."

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Worry, Day 27 of the Self-Love Detox Challenge

Good morning sweetpea's,

Today we continue our self-love journey & this post is focusing on something that robs us of far too much joy and peace. 
We can take better care of ourselves by honing in on a few fear off shoots; like worry. 

Worry is a big hurdle for many of us, myself included. It creeps in, takes up residence in uninvited places, and slowly takes over too many aspects of our lives. If there is one message God could get across to you today, as you read this, is that YOU DO NOT need to worry. 
How is that you're asking? 
Easier said than done right? 
Sure, but my worries, concerns, fears, are very real and valid; aren't they?
Are they?
No, wait. 
Hear that last question.
Are all of those things you are worrying about real or valid?
There are three sides to that coin, (I know coins are 2 sided, just go with it) before you answer, let us explore.
Firstly, is the fear real and can what we imagine really come to being?
A study done by psychologist's found that 85% of the things we spend time fretting/worrying about, NEVER occur.
Read that last part again please. 
They also found that 15% of the things people worried or feared, when they experienced them they were not as bad as they thought they would be; and they also said they learned valuable lessons from the experiences. 
This brings us to the second side of the worry/fear coin.
In all the time you spent worrying & giving time to your fear(s), how productive and problem solving was it? 
Did you accomplish what you hoped?
Did the outcome change or happen at all? And if it did come to pass, were you left still standing and full of blessed life?
When I think back on all the wasted hours, lost days, health, and energy because I have allowed worry to rob me; I feel very embarrassed, somewhat foolish, and awash in righteous indignation. 
In those moments I gave the enemy complete access and control, which allowed him to play and wreak havoc on far too many aspects of my life. The repercussions have had a very real impact. 

This brings me to the third side of that coin. Why am I, why are we, not trusting God? 
I know that we all have concerns, that life is hard and can be great at knocking our confidence and hope for a loop. We have been guilty at one time or another of giving way too much of our personal power away to fear and we suffer in painful and depleting ways for it. 


I am going to let a bit of my inner geek shine for a moment but it is to illustrate a good point. Many years ago I watched an episode on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where everybody was freaking out and all of their fears were coming to life, coming after them, and wreaking havoc on their lives. At the end they finally find the big bad fear demon, only to discover that he is all of a few inches tall, throwing his mini arms up and repeating, "Fear me! Fear me!"
Buffy then replies, "Yeah, yeah." and squishes him under her shoe.
It is fantasy made for entertainment purposes, however, it illustrates a good point. 
How many times do we allow a small fear to blow up into something huge and then it takes over? 
Facing fear(s) is a process, and I have my own personal battles, so I am by no means judging you for your fears. I am here addressing something that I hope will bring about a different way of viewing and responding to fear; one day you might even be able to overcome it and jump it clear as any hurdle can and should be. I always liked that Baz Luhrmann song that says, know that worrying is as effective as chewing bubble gum to solve an algebraic equation. 
Puts it in perspective doesn't it? 
I am leaving you with some positive God love and a prayer to aid us all on our quest to be less fearful, trusting God more, and to feel empowered. Abba bless you!