
Monday, February 11, 2013

The Power-up Smoothie Recipe

Good morning my lovelies!

Admittedly, I wanted to stay in bed when my alarm went off at 6am and I did but in all fairness I only slept four hours the night before so it was needed. It's kind of dull and drab out there and much to my chagrin winter still resides in our neck of the woods-boo!
Time for a little ray of sunshine in the form of a delicious and nutritious smoothie.
I used to drink something close to this years ago from Surf City Shake when I went to the movies or just after my workouts were done which were near the theatre. Unfortunately, my tummy and eczema do not appreciate the dairy products in it so I have been playing. I finally found a very close match but with healthier ingredients that are bound to put a smile on someone's,(mine for now) face first thing in the morning. Without further ado I give you the recipe:

You will need a blender, a Blendtec or Vitamix are always ideal but even I am using an Oster and it's quite decent. Until I can afford a better one it does the job & I am grateful.

The Power-up Protein Smoothie


-1 ripe banana
-2 cups frozen mango
-1 knob ginger chopped small
-1 Tbsp Organic, cold pressed coconut oil
(I have been known to put 2 Tbsp in but I really love coconut oil and my skin needs it).
-2 Tbsp grade B maple syrup (This is the darker maple syrup which is less sweet and has more healthy properties than the other grades. Same one used in the Master Cleanse which will be discussed later on in this blog as I usually do it at least 1-2 times a year).
-1/2 of an orange, segmented (This is my preference but not obligatory especially if you have a high end blender).
-1 scoop of your favourite protein in neutral or vanilla flavours only. No chocolate that would just be weird.
-1/4 tsp Organic vanilla powder
-2 tsp spirulina powder
-2 1/2 cups almond milk
-1 Tbsp of joy (Remember to be in this moment of health, it's yours and you are doing something great for your body.)


Place all ingredients as listed in blender and blend until smooth, taste. Feel free to add another Tbsp of maple syrup if you like, also, you may add an an extra 1/2 cup of almond milk if you prefer your smoothies less thick.

Enjoy alone but it always tastes better when you share.
Makes 2 servings

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