
Thursday, April 2, 2015

To Survive the Betrayal of False Friends

Jesus went to pray at The Garden of Gethsemane the night of his betrayal and arrest.
I cannot imagine the depth of turmoil, anxiousness, and stress he must have been going through, knowing what was coming. This is why he went to the garden, not only to fulfill his destiny but to find comfort from His Father, to gain strength, courage and conviction to do what had to be done.
Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray." Mathew 26:36

This is the garden where Jesus was, in Luke, the account says, Christ's despair in Gethsemane was so deep that he sweat drops of blood. Luke 22:43-44

Betrayed by Judas, that Betrayal sealed with a kiss. An act of love bearing sorrow, suffering, pain, and the breaking of hearts. Even Judas's heart was so distraught over his actions, that he later took his own life after the reality of his wretched actions took hold.
I always sorrow for Jesus when I think on all he had to experience, the pain, suffering, and how lonely it must have been to know so much and then watch and feel it unfold. A horrible nightmare brought to life and God, the only comfort. He went through it all and he did overcome the adversity, for our sake's, with the strength of unfailing love. Truly, what person among us could sacrifice so much without expecting in return? With an understanding of who and what we are and why we do the horrors we do to one another? And still ask forgiveness on our behalf, just before the final moments of his murder were upon him?
What tenderness we are blessed with, what mercy we have been shown, what a wonder that God still loves us.
Giving, Jesus was always so giving...

It brings to mind my favorite quote of all time, by Emerson about what success in life truly is.

God bless you.

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