
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day 14 Self-Love Detox Challenge Prebiotics & Probiotics

       Probiotics vs. Prebiotics - The difference between the two, their functions, probiotic foods and prebiotic foods.:

Hello Lovelies,

I needed to do this blog post with loads of info graphics, links and ideas about all important prebiotics & probiotics, which are huge contributors to weight loss, gut and overall health. It is very true and I learned about these special beneficial bacteria when I first worked in a health food store many years ago. When I first started working there a new product came out on the market that was the first of it's kind, a liquid probiotic yogurt that was as powerful as taking 100 yogurts in one.
It was brushed aside by many in the early days but eventually hospitals sought out this product when a serious bacteria was so resistant to antibiotics that the medical establishment was freaking out and not sure what to do. It has been clinically proven to work, is safe and effective. I adore this product, you can get it in capsule form but I find it most effective in liquid for and fast acting. It is something I give to friend's, family, colleagues, and client's;as it has many applications and is easy to take. It works for constipation, diarrhea, nausea, stomach upset, after a colonic irrigation, after medications, to combat food poisoning, stomach flu, digestive illnesses, and to facilitate healing and weight loss. Yes, weight loss. Studies are being done which are showing that gut health is the single most important determining factor to weight-loss. It is not enough to exercise like crazy, eat healthy, eliminate junk, and sleep enough. Without healthy food as prebiotics to set the stage and feed probiotics, you are not going to be as successful at losing and keeping off the weight.

To get back to the hospital bacteria dilemma, it was a particularly virulent strain of bacteria that they were dealing with and it was spreading, dangerously fast. Medical teams discovered the benefits of probiotics, managed to stop the spread and save lives thanks to probiotics; and the rest of the world started to take notice.
Almost 20 years later and everything has added probiotics to it but that does not mean it's going to work or help, why is that? Well, firstly, many probiotic items are heavily sugar-laden, this feeds BAD bacteria. Secondly, it is not always guaranteed that what is written on the outside of a pill bottle is what is inside it. Don't believe me? Research it and check out Market Place & some research they did with independent labs,shockingly bad. That is why I stick to the tried, tested, proven, and true products that Bio-K provides.
Now there is a plethora of flavours, base products that are dairy or soy or rice based cultures, to help people with numerous sensitivities or allergies.
                        Image result for bio k
There is even a children's one which is fantastic and tasty, it is a great way to get good bacteria back in you or your loved one's gut after illness, food poisoning, or antibiotic/strong medication use.

This is their website if you want to find out about this product. To learn more about what probiotics and prebiotics are, continue reading. I placed excerpts in this post that will help you learn all you need to know.

Prebiotics are substances that induce the growth or activity of microorganisms (e.g., bacteria and fungi) that contribute to the well-being of their host. The most common example is in the gastrointestinal tract, where prebiotics can alter the composition of organisms in the gut microbiome. However, in principle it is a more general term that can refer to other areas of the body as well. For example, certain hand moisturizers have been proposed to act like prebiotics to improve the activity or composition of skin microbiota.
In diet, prebiotics are typically non-digestible, fiber compounds that pass undigested through the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the growth or activity of advantageous bacteria that colonize the large bowel by acting as substrate for them. They were first identified and named by Marcel Roberfroid in 1995. As a functional food component, prebiotics, like probiotics, are conceptually intermediate between foods and drugs. Depending on the jurisdiction, they typically receive an intermediate level of regulatory scrutiny, in particular of the health claims made concerning them.

Prebiotic Fibre

About Prebiotics

Prebiotics are a very specific type of food. While many of the food ingredients we consume are digested immediately, prebiotics are a healthy non-digestible food ingredient. Futhermore, prebiotics are heat resistant, which keep them intact during the baking process and allow them to be incorporated into every day food choices. By consuming a non-digestible ingredient, it allows for growth of bio-cultures by reaching the intestine unaffected by the digestion process. This can provide good digestive health. The positive effects prebiotics have by reaching the intestine in an unaltered form is known as the prebiotic effect.

Prebiotic Effect

A prebiotic effect occurs when there is an increase in the activity of healthy bacteria in the human intestine. The prebiotics stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the gut and increase resistance to invading pathogens. This effect is induced by consuming functional foods that contain prebiotics. These foods induces metabolic activity, leading to health improvements. Healthy bacteria in the intestine can combat unwanted bacteria, providing a number of health benefits.

Difference Between Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics are a dietary fibre that trigger the growth of bacteria having favourable effects on the intestinal flora. Probiotics, however, are live micro-organisms contained in the food we eat. They remain intact throughout the digestive process, and deliver healthy bacteria directly to the large intestine. Since probiotics do not stimulate metabolic activity they provide a different set of benefits than prebiotics. Both sets of benefits are valuable for our health wellness, and can act symbiotically to provide numerous health benefits. In fact, the benefits of consuming both prebiotics and probiotics are so strong that synbiotic products (products in which both a probiotic and a prebiotic are combined) are being developed as functional foods.

Source of Prebiotics

The most common type of prebiotic is from the soluble dietary fibre inulin. Inulin is common in many plants containing fructan. Furthermore, many of these plants are frequently eaten as vegetables - asparagus, garlic, leek, onion, artichoke � and are an excellent source of inulin. However, as the need for functional foods rises, prebiotics are being added to many every day food choices such as cereals, biscuits, breads, table spreads, drinks, and yoghurts.

Adding Prebiotics to Every Day Food Choices

If all consumers met their dietary requirements, and ate 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, then their dietary fibre needs would be met. However, the vast majority of the population do not meet these requirements by consuming fruits and vegetables alone. Functional foods increase consumer choice by adding prebiotics to every day food items. By continuing to eat and drink common foods, but choosing functional alternatives (i.e. Bread containing prebiotics) dietary requirements can be met, without significant changes to food preferences.  
                          Prebiotics are food for Probiotics. They feed the good bacteria and help it grow and benefit you even more!  ~Cultured Food Life:    

         7 Signs You Need Probiotics | Probiotic Benefits | Gut Health | Anxiety Relief | Plexus Probio5 is a great probiotic!:

       Feed the "good bacteria" can help you to relieve and prevent from constipation:   

       5 super easy fermented food DIY recipes | Probiotic Foods | Gut Health |:   
I hope this was informative, this is a big part of the reason I insist that people take digestive enzymes & probiotics as their only supplement when detoxing. In the early stages, they are really the most important ways to help re-establish gut health, along with proper diet, rest, exercise, and self-care.
As a final addition, for those of you who have suffered from severe illness, have had a poor quality diet for a long time, have been on serious medication(s), have severe allergies/intolerances/digestive issues, are just beginning a gluten-free protocol, you need probitocs and enzymes but I would also highly recommend getting some bone broth in your diet to help heal and give serious nutrition to your gut. I have a whole post on bone broth & it's benefits linked here:
Good food as medicine, here is to our health! 
God Bless you!

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