
Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 15 Self Love Detox Challenge & Full Menu

Morning lovelies!

Another week & another menu that is really, a big one because we are transitioning to next Friday's juice/liquid 3 day cleanse. 
YES, I know.
It is a deep breath, big things are happening kind of moment. 
I suggest you really enjoy your cheat day because there isn't one for this coming week. Whaaaaat? 
That's right peeps, we have worked our way up to the big one and it's going to be great! 
Personally, week 3 is my fav. because my body is detoxing so much already, I can't wait to get to the juice fast. This week you will be having no eggs, no meat, sparse use of fish, and vegan, to get to juicing/liquids. 
Also, this week: smoothies, detox waters, tea, and loads of water along with some fresh made juice, will be your best friends. So cozy up to them and mentally prepare for the challenge and tremendous feelings of positivism that wellness brings. 
Challenges because you are detoxing which can be tough on the emotions & cravings but it's also change for the better; which we need to embrace. Along with a clearer mind, weight loss, clearer skin, better elimination (yes, I mean your poop shoot), & bursts of young energy, you will smile and feel more joy. This is truly a time of blessing, grace & gratitude.
Let's move forward, shall we?
So, we are covering smoothies and recipes for smoothies first and foremost. That is because these are very important in prepping your stomach for less solid foods, while still being nourished. I have a tendency to drink between 2 & 3 smoothies a day when gearing up for my juice fast. 
First is for breakfast, when I workout I add vegan protein and 1/4 tsp of spirulina to my shake before my workout, & to my shake I have within 45 minutes of working out. This is to feed my muscles and keep recovery soreness and time to a minimum; plus Poppa Bear who is a personal trainer, said so. ;P 
I am making you further responsible for your wellness by having you choose the smoothies & juices you want to make. The reasons are simple:

1-I do not know how busy or quiet your days are and this directly impacts the amount of calories you need to take in. You need to check your schedule, see the days you are busier and up your shake intake to between 2 & 3. Quieter days are between 1 & 2 shakes. Use shakes as a way to curb craving's, give energy, and help your body heal from exercising. 

2- I do not know what ingredient's you still have left from the previous week's we have been doing this challenge. I don't want you spending needlessly, I want you to use what you have and add to that to keep your budget in check.

3-Let's face it, we all have certain fruit's & veg we cannot stand or that we adore; do what works for you but just remember to add your green's and the no refined sugar's rule still applies.

4-I want you to get used to doing this on your own, I held your hand the first week and now by week 3 you should be feeling more confident & comfortable with simple things, like smoothies, juices, grabbing recipes, and lastly, making menu's and grocery list's. You CAN do this!

Here are some amaze bomb smoothie recipes, feel free to use your own and if you want some of my older one's go all the way down below to the labels section of the blog and click on smoothie's. It will bring you to a bunch of tasty delight's!

                                                Banana Mango Smooth is the perfect way to start your morning! The kids LOVE this smoothie recipe.  

        Healthy smoothie recipes to give you the boost of energy you need on Monday morning, delivered right to your inbox each week! Perfect as a quick, on the go meal, for breakfast, and for the whole family. Always compatible with a vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten-free, and whole foods diet. // Live Eat Learn:   

 *Really important to imbibe extra healthy and nourishing calories that feed and put healthy fuel in your tank. Make an effort to drink your smoothies for breakfast.
Breakfasts should look like this:
-Hot lemon & ginger water
-After 1 hour have a fresh juice & handful of nuts. You can also add a full fruit or a small handful of dried fruit's with the nuts, just watch that they are unsweetened and don't do dried fruits too often.
-Water & Detox waters throughout the morning & day. If you are absolutely HANGRY, then grab some rawfood crackers, an avocado, or a bowl of chia pudding. Recipe for the crackers and pudding are on the blog under rawfood labels; look below.

Remember:You still need probiotics and digestive enzymes for lunch and dinner meals. Breakfast does not need enzymes this week, as you are breaking down the fruits & veg in your blender. Nuts & fruits are not hard for the body to break down.

Same as last week, lunch & dinner's piggy back on each other. This week you are to make portions that last for 2-3 meals as the menu specifies. Don't make too much and don't make too little. Base your amounts on how many you are feeding, how active you are, and remember that you don't want a lot of leftovers as you will be juice fasting.

Avocado salad recipe:
Vegan Tempeh & Nori Roll recipes:
(that link has both recipes in one post)
Lime lentil & basil salad:
Raw green soup recipe:
Detox soup recipe:

                                   Pesto Zoodles - this is so good, I made with warm zoodles though:

Recipes are included for juices. 
Meals and grocery lists are things you will  need to do some of the leg work on, seriously though, I have done most of the work for you. I have repeated some foods again as I find it easier to stick to this challenge, if you are comfortable with the recipes, have tasted and liked them, and can use the ingredient's you already have on hand. 
So, this week will be a touch different as I am including your juices, loads of recipes and your juicing guidelines. The reason for all this is because I want you to be prepared mentally, grocery list and purchase wise, as well as familiarizing yourself with what you will be making for the juice fast days. It's not stressful, it's empowering and fun. 
Go with it and remember, I am doing this with you and am rooting for success! 

I need you to stick to the juicing rules:

-Sweeter juices first thing in the morning & as a snack in the earlier part of the afternoon. 

-Juices for daily consumption with food should max at 2-3/day.

-Juices for juice fasts are usually 6-10/ juices per day

-You MUST drink green and more savoury juices to help your cells be nourished, detox, and regenerate. You are also making sure not to over feed bad bacteria by sticking to more green based drink's. It is alright to have an apple or a pear in a more vegetable based juice to cut some strong or bitter taste.

 The recipe links for the above juices can be found in the juicing labels posts, just look down below in the labels section.

I found these on Pinterest and also the next pics, these are to give you a variety of recipes to mix and match as you please, while allowing you to try new flavours. 


Remember the importance of green juices, especially in the evening to help regenerate and feed cells while assisting the detoxing process.


I recommend colonic irrigation to help with detox symptom's, if you can.
This blogger (sorry, I cannot find the link or name) has a great way of transporting her juices. I place mine in glass jars and one huge plastic jug with water. Do what works, just remember that you will be running to the bathroom more to urinate & for more bowel movements.
I am including this recipe for an electrolyte energy drink in case you are exercising or going for walks in warmer weather. It also helps with some of the detox symptoms. Strenuous exercise and tasks are not permitted on a liquid fast. No exceptions. This is rest and recoup time. Walks are great and encouraged, so are stretching and gentle forms of yoga.

Coming off your fast is just as important as how you prep for one. Here is a link to a write-up I did in an older post:

I will repost the juice stuff for next Friday cleanse weekend but it is the exact same recipes you see here. I want you to be able to plan ahead and be ready to start Friday so you can take it easy. There will be more detox and detox support info and a gentle 3 day re-introductory to food list.

I hope this is all going well, leave questions or comments down below and don't forget to subscribe.
God bless!

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