
Friday, April 8, 2016

Day 8 Self-Love Detox Challenge, Full menu w/ Recipes Avocado & Caper Scallion Salad

Good Morning Health Warriors!

We have gone through an entire week of our detoxing and self-love  challenge already, pat yourself on the shoulder and be proud.
As promised, a new menu with some additional juices and smoothies, as well as delicious recipes. You will notice that there is no poultry in this weeks menu, (with the exception of eggs at breakfast) and we are going pescatarian (fish based) along with vegetarian/vegan choices. Meals are delicious with some serious flavours and new ingredient's to try out. I am excited about the Jack fruit recipe, I have been doing quite a bit of research on this vegan meat/soy alternative and am psyched to test it out. We will be exploring this new wonder meat replacement together. Purchase Jack fruit at your local Asian market, ours has them fresh but I believe you can use frozen as well. 

I added these 4 juices and I would like you to incorporate any from Day 1 that you enjoyed or may have found on another site that you want to try. Breakfast & snacks repeat for week 2, it's not complicated, they are balanced and makes life easier. I included all from week 1 for breakfast foods except the smoothie recipes, I did add the link back to day 1 for those. 
You will have to do some leg work by going back so you can get to the juice & smoothie recipes once more. I prefer to cut & paste them on a word document, print it, and keep them in a special smoothies/juice binder. I refer to it often and add anything fun I come across for other recipes on Pinterest or other blogs. Do what works for you.



Breakfast is usually between 6am & 8am depending on my schedule and days for working out. Workout mornings are always earlier. 

Always take a probiotic 15 minutes before eating. You want a very high dose of probiotics, you can take them in capsule form or as I prefer in liquid form. I use a probiotic called Bio-k, it's wonderful!

All breakfast items do not have the addition of any fats, that means no butter or margarine or oils, of ANY kind. Nut and seed butters are acceptable as long as they are unsweetened and all natural, organic is best, and roasted is fine.

BREAKFAST CHOICES: (Choose what you feel to eat on a given day or follow the list in chronological order if you prefer, just DO NOT skip breakfast!)  

Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 1) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

-2 Whole grain, gluten-free toast with 2 Tbsp(max) of nut or seed butter of choice

-1 Red or Pink Grapefruit       

-Freshly made juice of choice 

-Decaff, green tea or herbal tea     

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 2) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

(Day 2 requires more calories as you are training and walking this day) 

-Smoothie with no banana in recipe    

-Freshly made juice of choice    

-1 Hard or soft boiled egg 

-1 Whole grain, gluten-free toast

-1/2 Banana with 1/2 Cup lactose-free, probiotic, unsweetened plain yogurt 

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 3) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

-Freshly made juice of choice

-1/2-1 Cup sugar-free, plain, gluten-free oats cooked and served with berries (recipe link below), 1/2 tsp ground flax, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, & 1/2 Cup unsweetened almond milk 

-1 Apple

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast! 


Day 4) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.  

(Day 4 requires more calories as you are training and walking this day)  

-Green Smoothie 

-3 Coconut flour paleo pancakes w/sliced banana & a light drizzle of maple syrup (recipe link below)

-Decaff. green tea

-Freshly made juice of choice       

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating   & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day. 

Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!      

Day 5) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.      

-Freshly made juice of choice  

-11/2 Cup fruit salad made up of 4 of your favourite fruits-do not add sweetener of any kind

-Serve with 2 Tbsp of cashew Kream (recipe link below)

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 6) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

-Freshly made juice of choice    

 -Decaff. green tea 

-Millet with oranges (Wholefoods Market recipe follows below)

-Handful almonds

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating   & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day.


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!

Day 7) 15 Minutes before eating, 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lemon & a thin slice of fresh ginger.

(Day 7 requires more calories as you are training and walking this day) 


-Freshly made juice of choice


-2 Poached eggs  


-2 Whole grain, gluten-free toast.

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day

If you do not know how to poach an egg, Youtube has videos galore. Here is a link to a Jamie Oliver one that shows you how to poach an egg 3 ways: 


Probiotic 15 minutes before every breakfast!    

Day 8) 15 Minutes before eating 1 cup boiled water with a slice of fresh lime & a thin slice of fresh ginger.         

-Freshly made juice of choice

-Raw vegan cereal with 1 fresh cut mango or 1 banana, serve with unsweetened almond milk (Recipe links follow below)  

-Half of an avocado with herb seasoned salt such as Herbamare or pink sea salt (1/4 tsp max)

-Fat flush water 1 hour after eating & continue drinking Spring or filtered water throughout the day   (cereal)                    (2nd cereal option)

Millet Breakfast Cereal with Mandarin Oranges and Dates


  • 2/3 cup uncooked millet
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cup cups orange juice
  • 4 large dates, pitted and chopped
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 teaspoon green cardamom pods
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 cup canned Mandarin oranges (canned in water), drained



Toast millet in a large skillet over medium heat, stirring constantly, until fragrant and just golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with cold water and rub millet grains with your hands for about 5 seconds. Transfer to a strainer, rinse for 1 minute then drain millet well.

Put drained millet into a small pot. Add water, orange juice, dates, cinnamon, cardamom and salt and bring to boil over medium high heat. Reduce heat to medium low, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until liquid is absorbed and millet is tender, about 40 minutes. Remove and discard cinnamon and cardamom then stir in mandarin oranges, spoon into bowls and serve.

Nutritional Info: 

Per Serving: 210 calories (25 from fat), 2.5g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 5mg cholesterol, 40mg sodium, 43g carbohydrates, (5 g dietary fiber, 18g sugar), 5g protein.

Here's an awesome chart from Buzzfeed for egg cooking times:

                                     Boil half a dozen eggs (or more) for the busy week ahead.:

 This snack list is perfect, it's exactly what I go for and am passing it along to you. It is brought to us from the lovely Dana McDonald. The only thing I change is the Ezekiel bread which contains gluten, I swap it for raw crackers or gluten-free whole grain bread. As always no starchy carbs after 2:30pm. 

              Please note, I recently revised this poster as one of my followers kindly informed me of the fact that I had duplicated 2 snacks by mistake (thank you!). If you click the image and/or link below, you can view and download the new version. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued support.:   *Just make sure your nut or seed butters are ALWAYS natural and sugar-free! Honey needs to be organic, raw, and unpasteurized as well.

I am including links to some amazing protein and fat bomb recipes, I make 2 types per week & keep them in my freezer. These are my quick energy boosting craving squashers. You should add them to your prepared snacks. As for the gluten-free, sweet & savoury crackers, I will link those too but they were in the prep posts. They are Rawfood vegan and require dehydrating, that's why I have them already made in the advance cleanse prep but you can do them any time; just know they take about 24 hours to dehydrate in an Excalibur.






You may have fruits as dessert.

This is the link to the creamy avocado pasta recipe:

                                      Zucchini pasta

This is the link to the  gremolata recipe: (Steam string beans until just fork tender)
                           Green Beans with Lemon and Garlic Recipe - only I would use lemon pepper seasoning and oven roast them:
This is the link to the recipe for the black bean soup:

The link to the shrimp & asparagus stir-fry recipe: (Use gluten-free soy sauce & replace the sugar with maple syrup or honey)
                                               Made this for dinner! Healthy and yummy!:    
The link to the Chana & spinach  aloo curry:(do not add the Parmesan cheese to it!) I like to steam or boil some plain sugar-snap pea's until they are fork tender and serve them as a side in place of rice. I do not eat rice with potatoes, one starch is more than enough. Above is the picture of my dish and below is the link to the site I found for an authentic recipe, with the pic of how that one looks.
                               2014-06-02 19.36.35   

The link to the tuna salad with dressing: Put 1 head romaine chopped in a bowl, with 1 grated carrot, 1 chopped cucumber, 1 chopped tomato and a can of flaked white tuna in water(drained). Add the dressing and mix, if you are taking it to work for lunch the next day, make the salad doubled, and only add tuna and dressing the next day, to your second portion; just before eating.
Recipe link for spicy chipotle jack fruit tacos: (Use gluten-free small tortillas)
                              A vegetable that makes a vegan pulled "pork"? Sign me up! | Spicy Chipotle Garlic Jackfruit Tacos | Vegan Richa #vegan #tacos:   

For the spice slathered salmon or trout, I use the same spice slather as for my chicken, it's just as good. I score the fish and rub the slather on the fish, then I refrigerate it for 15-30 minutes before cooking the fish at 375 degrees F for 15-20 minutes (depending on the thickness of the fish filet. I am putting the slather link here, just ignore the chicken and use the recommended fish instead:

This is an idea for the sweet potatoes: 
                                      Sweet Potato Fries

I am posting this new recipe for an amaze bombs avo salad that we were crackers about! I believe it will be one you will be happy to add to your roster of healthy recipes, the avocado also helps make it filling and gives you healthy fats.


1 1/2 Ripe avocado, sliced
2 Tbsp Scallion (green spring onion) thinly sliced greens
1 Tbsp Capers in brine, chopped
1/2-1 Head romaine lettuce chopped
3 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp Caper brine liquid
1 Tbsp Lemon juice
1/2 tsp Fresh cracked pepper
1 Tbsp Black Gomasio (link is below)

-Place lettuce in bowl, gently add avocado.
-Add all other ingredients to a small bowl, stir then add to salad and gently toss.
-Serve immediately




Gomasio recipe can be found at this link from a previous prep post:
I ate this salad twice and with some yum-scrum hummus on a piece of toast. It was a great combo!
I made these pumpkin spice crackers which I cannot get enough of as a snack. I eat them with really cold almond milk, I know pumpkin season is technically over but we have just had a snow fall and temperature drops last night and we are in April! I say that pumpkin spice still has a place at my table. Here is the link for that, I posted it earlier this past week:

Remember to follow the rules for cheat day!


Yes, you have a day to enjoy food but there are ground rules:

No's from the list still apply especially the No fried food's/junk/gluten, but you have some exceptions- dark chocolate & coffee in small amounts.

You may have dessert, as long as it falls under the category of being made without any refined sugars of any sort. I recommend seeking out Paleo foods and or vegan/raw vegan.There are plenty of treats in both food categories. I like healthy sushi on my cheat day and some salted dark chocolate.This is a cheat day that stays within healthy guidelines, trust me, if you veer off too far and eat stuff that is on the No lists, you will find out the hard way how unpleasant it it. 

I know from experience, when I came off a cleanse once, I ate foods that were too rich and unhealthy, in very small amounts and only at one meal. It was wretched but I quickly came to understand that eating healthy, clean, wholefoods, was something my body appreciated and loved; it quickly grew to respond violently to anything toxic-which is good. You need to listen to your body before, during, and after you eat. If you have a negative reaction, you may be suffering from a sensitivity or allergy to something. Try not to eat too many things that can trigger responses, you want to be completely aware of what you are eating and easily pin point any offenders. It is common during and after an elimination detox phase to finally find the culprit of what ails you, especially when it comes to allergies/sensitivities. Stay vigilant and record any reactions that make you feel even slightly off. From personal experience, stomach swelling/bloat and headaches along with eczema flares and tiredness are strong indicator's, and I am happy that I found out early on; as I was able to avoid more serious health damage thanks to elimination detoxing.

MODERATION IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! Cheat days are great, it's important to let loose and reward yourself for sticking to goals. (Btw, rewards can be a new book or massage, manicure, etc. It does not have to be food centered.) Just remember that it is not a free-for-all & that you are not supposed to be undoing all the hard work you put into this, in one day. You are to enjoy it without guilt and your reward for all your hard work is not supposed to be bad food centered. This is just a loosening of the reigns so you can feel less constrained and appreciate the joys of food. You are LEARNING to have a new relationship with food and yourself, don't blow it by making choices you will regret. Breathe and smile, this is a day for you.

I will post a new menu list in time for you to make yourself more food & get groceries to be prepared for the week to come, so don't forget to come back and to subscribe so you get your notices in your in-box.

You will notice that there is only a grocery list this week for the first four juices, I have done this on purpose. 

                                     Made. Me. Laugh.  Must post this somewhere!:

Part of self-love is self-care, and I believe in guiding others by helping them get through the first steps; but they also need to be able to do for themselves. It is part of spreading your wings. I can teach you something but you need to decide that you want to fly. 

You are now responsible for gathering the recipes & writing up a grocery list. If you are not sure just go back to Day 1 Official launch of the 30 Day Self-Love Detox Challenge to have a guideline. It will obviously be different ingredients as the recipes are different, except for breakfasts. This is not something to be upset or feel overwhelmed about. Self-care means you learn how to do the things that you struggled with, never knew or understood. You can and will begin to see physical changes through switching over to a whole foods healthy diet but I want to encourage you to experience personal growth and the freedom of self-reliance when it comes to meal prep. It will become so routine the more you practice it, that you will be surprised you waited so long to start doing this.

Have a wonderful & blessed day!

                               Trust Him Fully -- Oh, I love this!:

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