
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Saying Good-bye to 2014

This year was a horrible struggle on so many fronts, I honestly would not have made it if God had not held me up, if my wonderful man had not been so kind, patient, & supportive, if I had not been blessed with wonderful friends who brought laughter through the tears and gentle encouragement when I wanted to give up and never stand again. All of the above picked me up, brushed me off, believed in me, and brought light into my life when all I remembered was darkness. I am blessed in so many ways, when I chose to walk with Jesus I think some part of me expected it would all get easier, what I didn't realize was that it has never been easy but my attitude towards it can change, be more positive, committed to the moments, and with God in my heart, life can finally be lived with so much more meaning and joy. It's time to say goodbye to 2014 & all that happened, what worked, what didn't, what failed, what succeeded. Now is when to recall what and who matters most. It's definitely a time of reflection for many of us but I want to say that it has been a big learning curve and I did actually glean some seriously interesting knowledge this year.
I learned to see people and situations as they are, not as I want them to be.
I learned that focusing on the negative only breeds more of it in your life.
I learned that my moods need to stop dictating my interactions with others, especially my loved one's.
I learned that succeeding in any given situation is not always going to happen, that MANY external factors play into this, and that failure is not always my fault. Sometimes giving your best, all that you have, doing it right, sharing your talents, helping others, guiding, and fixing other people's mistakes, it's just not enough.
I believe that God places us to have experiences that we need the most, no where in that statement did it say to achieve all that we perceived we should, or that we would always win & come out on top. As a matter of fact, most people know all too well what it is to give their all and to fall miserably hard, flat on their proverbial faces. This is harsh, so painful, and unforgiving in its stark reality that too many of us don't get up again. Or our hearts become so hardened that we change in ways that are not for the better, we push those around us away, we isolate, replay every failure in the stream of our lives, blame ourselves, others, and despair. I know comfort seems impossible to find in these moments, air is hard to breathe, and living hurts so much that you feel too raw and exposed to be able to stand experiencing any more that life has to offer. And yes, life does have so much to offer. We just stop seeing it, I believe that is the enemy's best game. Turning our anger, disappointments, guilt, shame, failures, all inwards and on ourselves. In these moment's we need to stop, just stop all of it. Thinking and trying to find solutions or ways you could have done something differently is not going to work or be of any use. You are in no frame of mind to make good feeling thoughts or decisions because you are living only two things. Anger & pain. And what is anger? Naught but the child of fear and pain is its physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual representation. Pain is a reminder, not to hurt you more but to remind you that you need to do less. To take time to do the most simple of things, loving yourself once more. This seems an insurmountable task when you live in the world of constant anguish but it's actually the most simple of treasures to gather to yourself. There is a reason why when people have break downs , need time off from work, feel depression bearing down, that doctor's prescribe REST. Rest, Rest, REST!
Did you hear that?
Rest comes in many forms but one of its most important ones is walking away from where you have chosen to lock your thoughts. That place of pain cannot be broken with more thinking. That is why you need to just stop, slow your roll, and rest. Walk outside, don't think, just breathe and walk with no destination. Forget the destination and all the crappy stops along the way, drink a nice cup of cocoa or tea, enjoy toast with your favourite jam or jelly, watch the movie you love, sleep, and sleep some more, listen to positive words, write notes around the house that say silly but right things like, "Hey you, the one reading this note. You are freaking awesome!" It sounds so silly, so infantile, too simple but that's all its ever supposed to have been.
Ever think we make it more complicated than it needs to be? Sometimes to get through the complex you need to wade through the muck back to the shores of simplicity, that's where clarity lives.
I always remember these words when I am at my lowest, feel least loved, and most alone.
"I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:15-16
I know when a new year is about to arrive people feel and place a load of pressure and expectations on the year to come. Let me tell you something I decided a long time ago and it's helped so much.
I don't do new year's resolutions, I am a goal oriented person. Resolutions are distractions and are a great way to get side tracked, mired down, lost, and discouraged. There are far too many being written on some list somewhere with high hopes just waiting to come crashing down into reality. You cannot achieve in life if you set yourself up to fail with long lists of crap you hope to achieve, that's not how successful people get there. They do one thing at a time and they focus all their energy on that one thing and they do it well. Win or lose, they know they did it well because they did not get scattered doing a myriad of impossibilities when they knew to focus on the one goal that was bathed in a high rate of probabilities and the only reason for that, is it stood alone.
My goal for 2015 is to finish writing my book.
Unfortunately, for a long time I had huge lists of goals & was sad, overwhelmed, frustrated, & genuinely confused as to why I didn't succeed. Turns out someone very special to me had to sit me down & explain how goals work.
1) Pick A goal. It's a goal for you, not for others.
2)Figure out all you need to do to reach said goal.
3) Do all the things that need to be done to reach your goal.
4)DO NOT HAVE MULTIPLE GOALS, that's how you spread yourself too thin, waste energy, add stress, and set yourself up to fail.
5) If you get side tracked, sit down re-access, and recommit.
6) When you reach your goal, enjoy the moment.
7) Be grateful for the blessings.
8) Now you may choose to begin a new goal but remember, only 1 at a time.

What's your goal?

I want to wish you all a very healthy, happy, and love-filled New Year. Remember that you are loved and never forgotten.
God bless you...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Just wanted to post the cute mini holiday cupcakes I made for the family party. All of us celebrated on the 20th because we are away and busy but we still wanted a special Christmas celebration before we left. It was food, games, laughter, fun, more food, prezzie's, and dessert. Typical of us, we got so wrapped up in everything that no pictures were taken but I snapped a few before when I was decorating and the apple pies were cooling. Cupcakes were gluten free but the pies were for others and used store bought crusts that I wore gloves to assemble. I want to wish you all very happy and safe holidays and all the best for the new year! God bless you and keep you, in Jesus name. Selah.
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Super Busy Holiday Time

It's going to be quiet on the blog and recipe front for a bit, the next week's are so jam packed and I am away to visit family.
The new year will bring fresh posts, a better organized blog, loads of different information & gluten free recipes that you will keep coming back for, so check back in from time to time and you won't be disappointed.
I wish you all a happy, healthy, joy filled, safe, loving, holiday season and all the best for the new year!

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Sum of All Green's Juice Recipe

It's a burst of green goodness today!

Recipe :
-handful parsley
-handful coriander
-handful watercress
-4 romaine lettuce leaves
-1 fennel stalk
-10 Basil leaves
-1 stalk celery
-1 carrot
-1 tomato
-1/2 lime
-1/2 cucumber
-1 love garlic
-1/2 an onion
-pinch of fresh ground pepper and salt to taste.
All in the juicer and down the healthy hatch!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Morning Gold Juice Recipe

Day 2 of my cleanse is going very well & I have a few juice recipes to post but I will begin with this one for now.

This Sunday mornings juice is Morning Gold! Yeah, it tastes as good as it looks. I used a huge knob of ginger because I am really focusing on digestion for this cleanse. I made other juices full of greens & enzymes and will post laterz.
4 Large Oranges
6 Carrots
2 Red Apples
2 Stalk Celery
1 Big knob Ginger
Juice it all and serve over ice. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Gluten-free Caramel Cornflake Drops (no bake)

So, we are drawing the 12 days of Gluten-free Christmas Cookie Recipes to a close today. I am feeling so much better and am happy to be back on my feet, baking away. I chose a drop cookie for 3 reasons.
1- I wanted a cookie you can do with your kids.

2-I loved this recipe when I was younger.

3-I wanted an excuse to us McCormick caramel & finish up my leftover caramel sauce from the salted caramel apple pie gems.

I know it's not a fancy Cookie but it is really enjoyed your those who eat it & it's a nice addition to your cookie gift.


Difficulty: Low
Cost Range: Low to Medium
Time: Prep and decorating time 45 mins
Yields: 36 Cookies depending on size you make them
Freeze: Beautifully, last 1 month


-7 Cups Gluten-free cornflakes
-8 packages of McCormick caramel (the tablet not the small individual caramels)
-1/8 Cup Lactose-free cream 35%
-1/4 Cup Salted butter
-1/2 tsp Kosher salt
-1 tsp Real Vanilla extract
-1 Tbsp Corn syrup (can omit)
- 1/2 Cup Caramel sauce (see previous recipe posts for the recipe)
-1/2 Cup Slivered glace cherries in red & green (I ran out of green so I used only red)


-In a heavy bottom large sauce pan melt butter, then add McCormick caramels and melt. Stir constantly.

-Add cream, salt, vanilla and stir well.

-Stir in corn syrup (you can omit)

-Remove pot from heat and add cornflakes, stir well. Add caramel sauce and finish stirring through.

-Drop by tablespoonful on a parchment lined cookie sheet, add a few slivered cherries to decorate. Chill and serve with a tall glass of your favourite milk.

Remember to share a tester with someone you love & leave a comment below of you try this recipe out. I love hearing from you.

2 Juices! Chou de mon Coeur & The Super Charge!

Happy Saturday! I will post the final recipe for the 12 days of Gluten-free Christmas Cookie Recipes later on but right now we are on the juice kick!

I am big on doing a cleanse just before Christmas arrives, I notice a huge difference in my energy levels, my moods, and my clothes fitting properly. Plus my thyroid, skin, hair & nails really show their appreciation! The recipes are as follows:

(This is the green guy)
1/4 Fennel bulb
1/4 Green Cabbage
1/2 Cucumber
4 Red Apples
10 Mint leaves which I whizzed in 1/4 Cup Spring water

Run them all through the juicer & serve over ice. Enjoy!

(This is the red guy, it's a variation on an earlier juice recipe but more potent)
1 Beet
1 Stalk Celery
8 Red Apples
6 Carrots
1 Large Knob Ginger
1 Orange
(feel free to add 2 chard leaves if you like)
Run all the ingredients through the juicer & serve over ice! Enjoy & leave a comment if you try any of these out.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Struggling with His Timing

Woke up to so much snow and loads of shoveling required which was all the more difficult due to my injury. I got the walk way done so we could at least get out. It's that perfect thick, heavy, wet, snowman snow that all winter kiddies still remember fondly. My boyfriend and I have had major plans to spend the holidays together and it looks like they may need to be delayed. It's difficult to not feel a slight sadness tugging at the heart strings.
Long distance relationships are made easier thanks to technology but couples rely on the short & sweet moments they get to enjoy in one another's company. Receiving and giving affection is so important, touch is a very real necessity for human health. It releases oxytosin which keeps us feeling enamored and positive.
What is oxytocin? According to psychology today:
Oxytocin is a powerful hormone. When we hug or kiss a loved one, oxytocin levels drive up. It also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. In fact, the hormone plays a huge role in pair bonding. Prairie voles, one of nature's most monogamous species, produce oxytocin in spades. This hormone is also greatly stimulated during sex, birth, breast feeding—the list goes on.

As you can see, studies have proved it's existence and important.
It's abrupt withdrawal causes a very real response in our bodies that leads to those heart wrenching pangs of forlorn love loss and can lead to broken hearts & depression.

It's not that rough for us at this stage but to say my beloved & I do not struggle with our separation would not be honest. We rely on God's grace and love more than ever in these moments, & pray through our doubts and fears.
Placing our faith in Him, asking Jesus for His best, and accepting His timing are all part of our beautiful loving journey. We are blessed in so many ways and feel grateful for those blessings we know of and those we don't. God works in our lives as a parent should, seeing things through a wisdom & patience that goes far beyond a child's limited understanding. If any of you are struggling today, then warm and loving thoughts go out to you from the heart & I gently suggest that you pray this prayer with me.

Today father, we say a prayer of thanks for blessing us with the opportunity to learn more about patience, trusting in your infinite wisdom, & the power of prayer through times of uncertainty and fear. We know your love is the best guide, we place our lives in your just hands; trusting in your consistent nature of integrity, truth, & merciful loving kindness. In Jesus name, amen.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12th Gluten-free Christmas Cookie Recipe Delay

So, today was supposed to be the final day of the 12 days of Gluten-free Christmas Cookie Recipes but I have a serious injury acting up that has me seriously side lined for the next few days. Walking and standing for more than a few minutes at a time is just not possible. I am quietly sitting and working on some DIY arts and crafts decorations.

I will get back to the final recipe and more, hopefully by Saturday the latest. Keep checking in for some other things that I will post as I go along.
Take care & be well all you lovely people.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Cranberry & Carrot Oat Pillows

These healthy, vegetarian, egg, dairy and gluten-free treats are a favourite of my beloved. I have made a double batch so he could have a dozen just for himself. I got the original gluten laden recipe from the official Splenda site. I do not eat any artificial sweeteners and the gluten and eggs along with vegetables oil were all exchanged for much healthier ingredients. I used organic for this recipe, but I know budgets are tight. Try to use organic carrots, coconut oil & organic honey & flax. I used Mums Gluten-free oats, I really like this product. This cookie is chock full of healthy stuff and those good for you fats, it's a great choice for those who prefer healthier treats. If you want a vegan Cookie, just use all maple syrup. I do not use agave nectar as my research and physical reactions to it, have led me to believe that it is not a healthy product. The choice is always yours. Have fun!

Difficulty: Low
Cost Range: Medium
Time: Prep-30 mins (no chill time) Bake-20-25mins (golden bottoms & edges)
Yields: 4 dozen Cookies depending on size you make them
Freeze: Beautifully, last 1-3 months (everyone eats them way before that)

Preheat Oven to 350° F

Ingredients :

3 Cups Gluten-free oats
1 Cup Gluten-free flour mix 1.5 (recipe follows after this one)
1/2 Cup Brown rice flour
1 tsp Baking soda
1/4 tsp Xanthan gum
1/4 tsp Sea salt
1 Cup Chopped walnuts
1 Cup Dried cranberries
1 Cup unsweetened flaked coconut
1 Cup shredded carrots
1 Can drained crushed pineapple
1 Cup Maple syrup
3/4 Cup Honey
1/2 Cup Coconut oil cold pressed
1 tsp Real vanilla extract
3 Tbsp flax "egg" (recipe follows after this one)

Method :

-In a bowl combine wet ingredients with nuts, carrots, cranberries, flax "eggs", pineapple, coconut flakes and coconut oil.

-Add honey & maple syrup.

-In a separate bowl combine dry ingredients.

-In two parts, add dry mixture to wet.

-Scoop on parchment lined tray 3 down 4 across. You can leave as mini half domes or flatten them, this is your preference. I prefer them as half domes.

-Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, turning the tray half way after 10 minutes to allow for even baking.

-Cool on tray for 5 minutes & transfer to rack to cool completely.


Mix 3 tsp of ground flax with 3 Tbsp of water. Stir and let sit, it will turn gummy and very egg-like in consistency.


(Makes 3 Cups)

1 1/2 Cups White Rice Flour (fine ground but not sweet white rice flour, it's too fine for this recipe)
1/2 Cup Brown Rice Flour (fine ground, not gritty big grainy)
1/3 Cup Tapioca Starch
2/3 Cup Potato Starch (not potato flour)


-In a bowl, very carefully measure and blend all ingredients together.
So, this a base recipe for many cookies. I need to let you know that if you do not take extra care in how you measure these ingredients out it will spell disaster for your recipes. They will taste floury, have a weird silky mouth feel if the wrong flours are used or if too much of a starch is used by accident, and will crumble to crummy sadness. Nothing is worse than doing several batches of cookies with horrible results because you can't figure out that the base flour recipe is to blame before it's too late. Trust me, the extra care you take will show in the wonderful positive results you baked.

Leave a comment below,I would love to know about how this recipe worked out for you.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Gluten-free Salted Caramel Apple Pie Gems


Difficulty: Medium to High
Cost Range: Medium to High
Time: Prep-60 mins (includes chill time) Bake-20-25mins
Yields: 30-36 Cookies depending on size you make them
Freeze: Beautifully, last 1-3 months (everyone eats them way before that)

Preheat Oven to 350° F
(I double this recipe because this is a cookie that gets eaten up)


2/3 Cup Butter, unsalted and softened
1/3 Cup Sugar
1/4 tsp Sea salt
2 Egg yolks
1 tsp Real Vanilla extract
1 1/2 Cups #1.5 G.F Flour mix (mix recipe follows after this recipe)
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/4 Cup Spice and sugar mix. (1 tsp spice cake mix with 11/2 tsp ground cinnamon and 1/2 Cup cane sugar)
1 Cup Apple Pie Filling (you need to get it from the recipe link below & make it before)
1 Cup Caramel Sauce (you will need to get the recipe from the recipe link below & make it before)
Kosher Salt (enough to sprinkle on top of each cookie)


-In a standing mixer with paddle attachment or using a small hand mixer, in the bowl beat butter for about 1 minute.

-Add sugar and salt, beat for about 2 minutes until light and fluffy.

-Add yolks & beat.

-And add the vanilla, beat for 1 minute until well combined.

-Gradually add flour mixture on a low setting so flour does not go flying everywhere, beat until well mixed.

-Cover and chill dough for 1/2 hour until firm but not rock hard. If you over chill it, just let it sit on the counter for a bit until it softens to a firm state. (Don't panic)

-Shape dough into 1 inch balls, I like to use a scooper I bought that is the perfect size and then give them a slight roll into perfectly shaped ballzinies! Place on cookie sheet that has been prepped with parchment paper-not greased! You don't need to grease anything when you use parchment paper and remember you can reuse parchment paper sheets several times. I lay out the cookies 3 down and 4 across because they do spread, on a slightly larger tray I will do 5 across.

-Set up a bowl with half the sugar spice mix (I keep the other half in case I run out.)

-Roll each dough ball in sugar spice mix to coat, one at a time. Place back on baking tray. Same as before 3 down, 4 across.

-Make sure the cookies are 2 inches apart, gently, use your thumb to press down the center of each dough ball-not too deep, you are making a well not digging a hole to the center of the earth! Gentle.
Adjust with your finger if needed.

-Add in about 1/2 tsp of apple pie filling to each cookie well, (take a selfie with your magnificent dough triumph and post wherever you like) and bake in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. I bake for 15 minutes and turn the tray around then add the last 5-10 minutes. This is to ensure even baking and colour, I find this helps a lot with gluten-free baking.

-The cookies should be very pale, a light brown on the bottom. Allow to cool on the tray for 3-4 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.

-Chill in fridge for an hour. Take out and one by one, pour some caramel sauce over each cookie. You can drown them, drizzle a little bit, or put a dollop in the center. That's all personal preference.

-Once caramel is on each Cookie, grab small pinches of Kosher salt & sprinkle a few flakes over each caramel topped cookie. This will give the salty sweet everyone loves. Not too much though, remember, you can add saltiness but you can't take it away. It's an accent to the rest of the cookie.

Bonne Appetit & Share a taste tester with the one you love!

                                       This is the apple filling:

This is the caramel sauce:


(Makes 3 Cups)

1 1/2 Cups White Rice Flour (fine ground but not sweet white rice flour, it's too fine for this recipe)
1/2 Cup Brown Rice Flour (fine ground, not gritty big grainy)
1/3 Cup Tapioca Starch
2/3 Cup Potato Starch (not potato flour)


-In a bowl, very carefully measure and blend all ingredients together.
So, this a base recipe for many cookies. I need to let you know that if you do not take extra care in how you measure these ingredients out it will spell disaster for your recipes. They will taste floury, have a weird silky mouth feel if the wrong flours are used or if too much of a starch is used by accident, and will crumble to crummy sadness. Nothing is worse than doing several batches of cookies with horrible results because you can't figure out that the base flour recipe is to blame before it's too late. Trust me, the extra care you take will show in the wonderful positive results you baked.

Leave a comment below,I would love to know about how this recipe worked out for you.

Tart & Tangy Morning Green Juice

Morning all you gorgeous people! Here is a great recipe to help with digestion and give some pep to your taste buds. She is très jolie and really tasty.

(makes 3 servings)
-4 Granny Smith apples
-1 Red apple
- 1 1/2 Cup Pineapple
- 3 Romaine lettuce leaves
- 1/4 Fennel bulb
- 1 Stalk celery
- 1/2 Lime
- 7 Mint leaves

Pass all through juicer, add 1/4 cup spring water to mellow out a bit if needed. Serve over ice.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Apple Pie Cookie Gem Filling

This is step 2 in a new recipe I developed for the Kinkycoconut 12 days of Gluten-free Christmas Cookie Recipes. I know the last 2 days I have actually been posting preparation recipes and not actual Cookie recipes but I prefer to focus on one part at a time to give people time to get recipes made. Plus I looooooove dragging out the Christmas holidays!

Here is the second part, of what promises to be a beautiful and delightful cookie recipe that will become a regular part of your holiday baking repertoire.


-5-6 Medium Large Granny Smith Apples (no other apple, granny Smith hold up under baking best)

-1/2 Cup Real Apple Juice (the brown kind, not the fake yellow pee one)

-1 Tbsp Unsalted Butter (for sautéing)

-1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (for sautéing)

-Small pinch of Kosher Salt

-1 Tbsp Real Vanilla Extract

-2-3 tsp Cinnamon Ground

-3 Tbsp Maple Syrup

-3 Tbsp Dark Brown Sugar

-1 1/2 Tbsp Arrowroot Powder dissolved in 1 Tbsp water

- 2 Tbsp Unsalted Butter

Method :

-Peel and cut apples in small cubes, place in water with a Tbsp of lemon juice to keep from browning.

-In a saucepan big and deep enough to hold the apples(don't put the apples in yet), heat olive oil and butter on medium heat until butter is sizzling.

-Strain water off apples and shake well then quickly pour in pan, you do not want the butter to burn. Sautée for 4 minutes.

-Add cinnamon

-Add salt, brown sugar and maple syrup, stir and cook for 1 minute.

-Add juice and vanilla, cook for 2 minutes.

-Add arrowroot starch slurry (a slurry is what you made when you mixed the arrowroot powder with the water, it's to thicken) Stir constantly and cook for 2 minutes then add the 2 Tbsp of butter.

-Stir and remove from heat, allow to cool completely, stirring occasionally. Transfer cooled mixture to container with air see tight lid.

-Chill until ready to use. Lasts 1 week in fridge, can freeze but not recommended.

-Use in Salted caramel apple pie gems cookie recipe.

Leave a comment below, I love to hear how recipes turned out for you.

Holiday Cold Zap Juice Recipe

Morning all you gorgeous people! I am so reved up & rearing to grab the day. Juicing is an important part of my life & during the holidays I like to support my immune system by giving it extra vitamin C & ginger love. This recipe is easy peasy & actually tastes great!
Enjoy & love yourself today and everyday xo.

(makes 2 servings)
5 Cortland apples
2 Oranges
3 Medium carrots
1 Small beet
1 Knob of ginger

Pass all through juicer, pour over ice and drink with a smile on your face.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Caramel Sauce

Morning one and all, today I am giving a recipe for caramel sauce that you will need to make a very special cookie recipe I will be posting on Sunday. So today it's not a cookie recipe but step 1 in a three step preparation process for a wonderful cookie.

11/2 cup Cane sugar
1/4 Cup Water
1/4 Cup Cold unsalted Butter
*1/2 cup (120ml) Coconut creamer
1/2 tsp Real Vanilla Extract
1 Small pinch of Sea Salt


-In a heavy bottom medium saucepan,
heat sugar and water over medium heat, do not stir.

-The sugar will come together and eventually melt into an amber liquid. You must now begin to continually stir. Be careful not to burn it and DO NOT put your fingers or hands in as it is exceedingly hot! Dangerously so.

-Once all the sugar has melted, begin to carefully whisk in the butter. Be careful, the caramel bubbles up rapidly when the butter is in.

-After 2-3 minutes, add the vanilla to the cream and then slowly, drizzle in the cream while whisking. The cream is colder than the caramel, because of this the mixture will rapidly bubble and splatter when added, so take extra precautions.

-Allow the mixture to boil for 1 minute. It will rise in the pan as it boils.

-Remove from heat and stir in pinch of sea salt.

- Completely cool before using.

- Cover the caramel tightly and store for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Warm the caramel on the counter before using in a recipe.

*Heavy cream (approximately 35% milk fat) can be substituted. I tolerate butter but not creams or milk so I use an organic coconut coffee creamer that works very well.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gluten-free Death by Chocolate Cookies


Helloodles everyone. So even though the Kinkycoconut is having the Death by Chocolate photo challenge giveaway, I realize that some of you might just want to bake your own to give as gifts or to nibble on yourself. Shhhh, I tell no one.
This recipe is a Baker's Chocolate recipe, I took out the gluten and played a bit. The recipe makes a rich, deep, not overly sweet cookie that is perfect for the chocoholic in your life. Enjoy baking them!

Gluten-free Death by Chocolate Cookie:
Difficulty : Medium
Cost Range: High
Time : 50 mins (there is no chill time )
Yields: 32 cookies
Freezes: Beautifully 1-3 months
Preheat Oven to 350° F

8 squares Semi-sweet Baker's Chocolate Squares (1 package)
1/2 Cup GF Flour Mix #1 (recipe follows after this one)
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
3/4 Cup Firm pack Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Unsalted Butter
2 LG Eggs
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1 Tsp Real Vanilla Extract
1 Cup White Chocolate Chunks
1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate Chunks
2 Cups Chopped Pecans


-Preheat your oven.

-In a double boiler on low medium heat, melt the squares of chocolate only-do not melt the chocolate chunks! Only the semi-sweet squares are to be melted.

-In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking powder, and salt. Keep aside.

-Allow melted chocolate to cool for 5-8 minutes, stir it once in a while. Once slightly cooled, add butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Blend together.

-Stir in chocolates and nuts

-Drop by scoopful on parchment lined cookie sheet. 3 down and 4 across.

-Bake 13-15 minutes until puffed & set.

-Cool 1 min on tray and transfer to cooling rack, allow to cool completely.

Bonne Appétit & remember to share a taste tester with someone you love.

This dough is not to be chilled! The chocolate will harden too much and will make it too hard to scoop.


(Makes 3 Cups)

2 Cups White Rice Flour (fine ground but not sweet white rice flour, it's too fine for this recipe)
1/3 Cup Tapioca Starch
2/3 Cup Potato Starch (not potato flour)


-In a bowl, very carefully measure and blend all ingredients together.
So, this a base recipe for many cookies. I need to let you know that if you do not take extra care in how you measure these ingredients out it will spell disaster for your recipes. They will taste floury, have a weird silky mouth feel if the wrong flours are used or if too much of a starch is used by accident, and will crumble to crummy sadness. Nothing is worse than doing several batches of cookies with horrible results because you can't figure out that the base flour recipe is to blame before it's too late. Trust me, the extra care you take will show in the wonderful positive results you baked.

Leave a comment below, I love to hear how recipes turn out!